we are bad boys

Chapter 0066 3 people walk!

Lao Qiu took the people back to the Wrangler car, the three of them stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, their faces were all fucking ugly, Lao Qiu lit a cigarette, rubbed the phone with his palm for a long time, and then dialed. After connecting, he said in embarrassment: "Dragon, the person ran away!"

Zhu Haolong on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, without getting angry, and asked in a soft tone: "How did you do it?"

"He said he had something in his hand. I don't look like I'm lying. I originally wanted to finish taking the things and deal with him, but this kid is too slippery, so I'm to blame. It's a bit pretentious to do this!" Lao Qiu snorted. Pulled out the blue fake eyeball of the left eye, played with it in his hand, and said slowly.

"Can it be remedied?" Zhu Haolong asked.

"He said you're going to die for playing like this...!" Lao Qiu bared his teeth and said.

"Haha!! Then let him come!" Zhu Haolong said with a smile.

"I'll take care of other things first. You don't have to worry about his affairs. As long as he comes out, he will definitely disappear!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"Hehe, what are you talking about? Is the Accord deck ready?!" Lao Qiu said with a smile.

"Well, at the back door of Di 9 International, I had someone bump into it. It may not be too similar. The number of the brand is one number away! There is also a van. The people from the city bureau have said hello, and the rest You can do it!" Zhu Haolong said in a tired voice.

"Well, go to sleep, wait for my news, hang up!" Lao Qiu hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

"Tap Tat Tat...!"

There was a sound of footsteps in the corridor. Two figures carried a suitcase to the door, glanced around, walked to the back of the car, opened the trunk, threw the suitcase in, and then got into the car.

"Has the room been cleaned?" Lao Qiu asked.

"Wipe the floor with disinfectant, open the window, and the smell quickly dissipated, the bed sheets and quilts were changed, and the blood-stained ones were stuffed into the suitcase!" The third child said with a sullen face.


Lao Qiu stuffed fake eyeballs into his eye sockets in disgust, and said blankly, "Drive, Di 9 International!"

"Brother, is it crooked?"

"What's wrong?"


"Fuck, I was so frightened, I thought I put a lighter in my eye socket!!" Lao Qiu cursed, touched his eyeballs with his hand and asked, "How is it?"

"Brother, your old jb is handsome!"

"That's a must!"


Beads of sweat appeared on the forehead of the big ****, and he walked quickly on the secluded street with his arms covered. The blood had soaked his shirt and was dripping on the street. bigger.

After walking for a few streets, I finally came across a 24-hour Tongtai pharmacy. I rang the doorbell on the window a few times. An old man in a white coat got up from the bed in the hall, turned on the light, walked over, opened the window and called Yawning, he said with sleepy eyes: "The condom is gone, and the "Missing Hand" brand pills are also very good. Do you want a whole box?"

"A bottle of iodine, a bottle of disinfectant, a roll of gauze, two disposable needles, two five-centimeter needle-nose pliers, a roll of gut, alcohol lamp, medical cotton, hurry up!" With his arm blocked by the wall, he frowned and said something.

"Fuck, there should be no commission for buying this game! You wait!"

"Wait!! Do you have Tramadol??" The old man stopped the old man and asked.

"I have Dolantin, do you want it?" The old man rolled his eyes angrily, and continued: "Then I can only sell it if I get a cancer certificate from the hospital!!"


Grandpa clapped his right hand, and after taking out more than 1000 yuan from his pocket, he took out [-] yuan and said slowly: "Your commission is here!"

"Young man, Duo Duo's Tramadol, it's a good deal!" The old man reached out and took the 500 yuan, turned around and left. Five minutes later, a bag of things was handed out from the window, and the old man opened the bag and swept it away. With one glance, he turned and walked straight away.

Carrying her things, the big lady crossed two streets and walked into an old-fashioned residential area without security guards. After entering, she wandered around twice and her eyes stayed on a Jetta.

Walking to the front of the car, put down the bag, found a brick, gritted his teeth, and slammed it at the car glass, two times in a row, directly shattering the glass.


The alarm sounded in an instant, and the big **** simply pulled the door. After getting in, he directly pulled the power cord, and the alarm stopped instantly.

The big lady was carrying the bag, and waited for more than 20 minutes in the shadow of the surroundings, but no one came over. Then she carried the things, got into the car, and sat in the back seat. The big lady took a few deep breaths , opened the box of tramadol, swallowed six or seven tablets in one breath, leaned his head on the back seat, and sat for more than ten minutes, his head began to be confused, and he was a little excited, and the power of the medicine came up...


I lit the alcohol lamp with a lighter, bit off the needle with the syringe with my teeth, picked up the needle with needle-nose pliers, and started to bake. So calm, as if without a trace of emotion, I always think that people like this are the scariest thing, much scarier than hysteria.

After 2 minutes, the needles started to turn red. Big ** took the tweezers, put the needles on the jeans, flicked his wrist slightly, and the base of the needles was curled up, forming a small hook shape, and he bit it with his teeth. Put the catgut with medical sutures into the hooked loop, and then put the tweezers on the plastic bag.

He poured the disinfectant water on his right hand and cleaned it. Then, he took a pair of sharp-nosed tweezers, picked up a piece of cotton, and put it into the bottle of disinfectant water. It's just soaking wet, but it won't fall off.

Then he gritted his teeth and slowly lifted off the clothes on his little left arm. The tip of the Nepalese knife gleamed coldly and passed across the underside of his forearm. Blood was still flowing along the blade.


Da** was sweating, holding the handle of the knife with his right hand, breathing rapidly, biting his lip for the air flowing in from the window, and paused for two seconds.


A stream of blood sword sprayed out from both ends of the left arm, splashing on the seat, and the car door was bright red, the big **** quickly threw the Nepalese army knife under his feet, then picked up the disinfectant water and tweezers with cotton, and stretched it into the The innermost part of the wound began to be carefully cleaned.

tick tock...

Sweat slid down the temples, tramadol is fucking strong, but it is obviously not enough to look at such a vigorous cleaning, the big **** gritted his teeth tightly, let out a heavy panting sound, and didn't make a sound, Guan Yu scraped Bone healing poison is purely pretending to be a b, but Da ** is definitely not pretending to be a b, it is a livestock.


The big **** threw away a piece of bloody cotton, pinched it again, continued to hold the tweezers, inserted it into the wound to clean it, and after doing this several times, the big **** picked up the tweezers with the gut thread and began to bite The wound was sutured, he injured the muscle tissue, the knife was passed under the arm, no bone was injured, it was a minor operation to go to the hospital, but it was the first time I heard of it.

Since the needles were made by myself, they were a bit irregular, so the sutured hole was a bit big, but it took more than half an hour, and the suture was completed. I cleaned the wound again with cotton dipped in disinfectant and iodine, and then used After wrapping it in gauze, I cleaned up the car, put the garbage in a bag, and threw it out.

Back in the car, Grandma saw that the co-pilot had a pack of cigarettes, took it casually, lit one, lay down on the back seat, looked at the shed and said mockingly: "I went to medical university for three years, and I didn't give anyone a cigarette. After undergoing surgery, she sewed more than 20 stitches on herself, old Sakyamuni, what have you been up to lately? Why don’t you do any personnel work?”

The big sister even shed tears while talking. He suddenly recalled his past. He used to be envied by countless people and had a bright future. If he opened it, he couldn't figure it out. In school, those who raped, gambled, stabbed people, and pushed classmates to jump off the building were ignored. He was stupid for a while, why couldn't he give himself a chance to reform after taking drugs once? ?

After three years of muddling around, the only daughter-in-law who was determined to be with him died. He didn't know why this happened, and he couldn't understand why Chi Liang, who was called a brother, turned around and wanted to die without hesitation at all. Own.

"Liangzi, don't blame me...Meng Fei has a good relationship with the police and is your enemy. I can only give this to him...!" the big lady said, lying in the car with tears Fell asleep.


On the other end, Guan Yu, who had just finished asking the person in charge of the two deceased, felt extremely tired. He hadn't slept well for a whole week, and he had just returned from arresting a few fugitives from other places. Before he could rest, he followed us After eating a meal, there was a shooting case. This b job is really less fighting than a beggar, and sleeping less than a bitch...

Came downstairs, got into the car, prepared to sleep here for a while, and waited for the banknote comparison results tomorrow morning...

He suddenly thought that in the six or seven years since he was a police officer, he never seemed to stay in peace for a while. He was always running around, always wandering on the edge of life and death. Where did he go, because his father, who had been a police officer all his life, said to him: "You are the only son in the city who has been awarded as a model police officer in the province three times... You are destined to be a police officer in this life!! And Not some unkempt, stinky painter...!"


The same old Qiu was also wearing a freshly put on police uniform at this time, lying on the back seat of the container truck, looking at the ceiling, he felt deeply helpless and fearful.

The helpless thing is that I don't know what happened. I was a good drug dealer and became a killer raised by others...

What I fear is that this kind of life doesn't know when it will end. There will be more and more things about wiping my ass in the future, but I can't resist it.

Three people, similar but different fates, plus our brothers who have no intention of being involved in a political storm, what kind of sparks will they create? ? ?

Everything is about to be revealed.

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