we are bad boys

Chapter 00128 Brothers!

Zhang Wei's ax swayed too many emotions! !It's not the head off... the time!

For more than half a year, he has been taking every step of the way, being cautious, and being by the side of Hong Tao, a cunning wolf, is terrified! !

There were countless nights where I couldn't sleep, thinking about how to gain Hong Tao's trust! !

There is humiliation, forbearance with a smile on your face!

There are brothers who live and die, and I don't understand him! !Misunderstanding of him!

But he couldn't explain it...and pretended to be indifferent.


One day several years later, Zhang Wei and I drank at the wine table. It was the first time we drank openly after Zhang Wei pretended to betray. I remember very clearly that day. Wei, wept hard.

I was drunk, my eyes were dim, and I stared at my brother. I felt that the biggest change in him was that the fluff around his lips...had turned into blue stubble...

Someone once said that when the fluff on a man's lips turns into stubble, he is no longer young...that is to say...his youth is gone.

When Zhang Wei pretended to rebel, he was an immature boy who had just walked out of school...for our brothers...he changed from a boy to a man...

Zhang Wei, who is not good at expressing emotions... use his golden years! !Youth is only once in a lifetime!It was wasted by Hong Tao who was terrified and sleepless all night.

He did this only because of Brother Xu's words at the time: "Weiwei...I need to have an eye by Hong Tao's side...!"

After hearing this sentence, I hugged Zhang Wei's neck and said with tears, "Brother!! You mean enough to Brother Xu! You mean more to us!"

"Xiaofei...do you really think...that I'm doing it for Brother Xu?" Weiwei lay on the table, her eyes were red from crying, she looked at me like a frog, and continued: "I did this... .I want to buy an insurance policy for you and Mumu, Chenchen, and Leilei...and the insurance money...is my life! If the five of us... One dies first...then I must be the first!!"

I looked at Zhang Wei and didn't know what to say... guilty... nothing else but this! !

"Fly... do you know how long I practiced for that shot I shot at you?? Half a year!! A whole half a year! From the day I was with Hong Tao, I knew there would be such a day!! I'm not preparing, but my hands were still shaking...I still shook when I hit you...I'm really afraid that if I miss, I'll kill you! I can't face Mumu...Leilei...and Chen Morning!" Zhang Wei said intermittently with his arms around my shoulders.

"...Vivi...I owe you...!"

"Brother, are you still talking about debts? When my mother had a breast removal operation... when there was no money... the moment you and Mumu... gave me the tuition for the start of school!...you are my brother Brother! If you need it! Any time! Any place! My life! It’s yours!!” Zhang Wei stared, raised his glass, and finished.

Can Hong Tao buy this kind of brotherhood with money? ? ?

Just like a tiger lying on a barren hill, lurking its minions to endure... If he had to avenge his revenge in his youth, the Xunyang River Estuary would be blood-stained! !

That's right! !Zhang Wei is the lurking minion, the ferocious tiger lying on the barren hills, the moment Li Meng calls out, mistress, to take you home! !

Countless negative emotions such as resentment and forbearance that had been suppressed in Zhang Wei's heart for more than half a year broke out completely! !

The head of the gum-chewing young man was chopped off with an axe. He wants to use blood to commemorate the youth that has passed away for half a year! !

Blood stained Zhang Wei's pants. Holding a fire ax, he stared blankly at the headless corpse, and the huge head a meter away.

"Peng!!" At this moment, Wang Mumu kicked Zhang Wei's ass, and then he was a little excited, a little moved, a little guilty, and looked at Zhang Wei with complicated eyes.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, turned around, took two deep breaths, then squinted at Mumu, opened his mouth, and smiled brightly and happily.

"You guy, the way you express your emotions is so fucking different! Why are you stabbing yourself in the leg!!" Weiwei punched Mumu on the shoulder.


"I don't want to know you anymore after I stabbed the knife!!" Wang Mumu pulled Zhang Wei roughly, and put his arms around his shoulders.

"Hehe... I'm fucking revenge... Who told me that when I first started school... you and that idiot Leilei... beat me up!" Zhang Wei also put his arms around Mumu .

"You're still so stingy...!"

When these two guys were embracing each other so tenderly and affectionately, Liu Li picked up the shotgun and pointed it at the head of the young man who had been shot by Zhang Wei with a brick.

"Don't kill him!!" Zhang Wei shouted abruptly.

"Why don't you kill him? Hurry up and clean it up, the police should be here soon, and there's Qin Wantian who's eyeing him!!" Liu Li asked puzzled.

"I can't kill him, I want to take him back!" Zhang Wei let go of Mumu and said slowly.

Li Meng was obviously taken aback when he heard Zhang Wei's words, and then asked: "You still have to go back to Hong Tao! Xu Zi asked me to take you back, Hong Tao will be suspicious if you go back like this!!"

"I can't waste this half a year, I have to go back!" Zhang Wei said with firm eyes.

"No, you'll die if you go back. I'll call Xuzi and you tell him!!" Li Meng was obviously right, and Zhang Wei, who was very righteous, had a headache.

"You don't need to call Brother Xu, I've already made up my mind, I have a way to make Hong Tao trust me!" Zhang Wei said confidently, raising the corners of his mouth.

"What can I do?" Li Meng was confused.

Zhang Wei glanced at me, did not answer Li Meng's words, and then slowly said: "Bitch Fei, don't pretend to be dead, the shot I shot at you was 800 meters away from the heart!! It won't hurt Internal organs! You make a look like you are going to die, what are you doing!"

"...the internal organs are not injured...but I'm fucking...going to be a mummified corpse!! The blood I bleed out is added to the gas tank of the car!! It can be done from the Northeast. ..Go to Guangzhou!" I lay on the ground and said very weakly.

"Okay! Brother, I'll shoot you once, and I'll pay you back twice!!" Zhang Wei looked at me, and suddenly his face turned dark.

Then he picked up the gun on the ground, put the muzzle directly on his chest, in the same position as the one that hit me, and then pulled the trigger! !


The blood mist appeared on Zhang Wei's back again, and this was not over yet, Zhang Wei gritted his teeth, staggered, not letting himself fall, and then pointed the gun at his thigh! !


Tongues of flame spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and the thigh was instantly bright red.

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