we are bad boys

Chapter 00053 There is a kind of love called letting go

I was walking aimlessly on the cold street, not knowing what choice to make, my brain was in a mess, I love Yaoyao very much, really love, I am not a fucking hypocritical person, nor did I finish sleeping with her, The pervert who just pulled up his pants and left, when I listened to Wang Lihai's words, I thought more about responsibility, a responsibility that I can't bear now.

I asked myself over and over again, I am a gangster with a confused future, who can give me love?Maybe there won't be even the most basic security, so why the hell do I love her.

In fact, I know in my mind that if I don't listen to Wang Lihai's dissuasion and continue to be with Yaoyao, he has absolutely no choice but to elope with me and hide in any corner of the city, rather than go abroad.

But I really can't do this, I can't be so selfish, since I'm a man with a handle, I have to live like a man, able to afford it and let it go.

I was like a lonely ghost, wandering in the street, drinking, gulping, the spicy Erguotou, across my throat, made my internal organs hot, I didn't drink to put on a decadent posture.

It's for me to muster up the courage to dial Yaoyao's phone number, so that I can tell him to break up...

"Hey...what are you doing?" I dialed the phone tremblingly.

"Strolling with Qiao Mimi outside!" Yaoyao seemed to be in a good mood.

"I have something to tell you...!"

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

"Let's break up!" After I said this, I lost all strength and sat down on the curb.

"What did you say?? Say it again??" Yaoyao understands my character very well, and I won't make fun of it, so her voice immediately changed, whether she was flustered or at a loss, I simply listened not come out.

"Break up, I don't love you anymore!" I gritted my teeth, endured dry eyes, and said slowly.

"Where are you?" Yaoyao calmed down after the panic, and said without a trace of color in her voice.

"The way forward, a new concept restaurant!" I didn't want to meet her again, but when she asked, I still answered it out of nowhere.

"wait for me!!"

After hanging up the phone, half of a bottle of Erguotou was left. I leaned my head dizzily on the electric pole, facing the bitter north wind, singing loudly over and over again.

"If Heaven for Two"

“like a cozy wall”


"If romance becomes bondage"

"I would like to choose to go back to loneliness for you"

"If the lingering becomes a chain"

"Abandon the Promise"

"There is a kind of love called letting go"

"Give up forever for love"

"We stay together if you give everything"

"Let true love take me away..."

"Say goodbye..."

I have always naively thought that there are too few things that can make me shed tears in the whole world, but I didn't realize until today that I am so fragile, like a beggar, lying under a telephone pole, crying like a child .

I don't know how long it took before a beautiful figure appeared in my line of sight. This figure walked towards me quickly, raised its arms and patted my face.


A loud slap was slapped on my face, and I woke up a lot. Yaoyao pointed at my face expressionlessly and said, "I'm a draft mother! Meng Fei, you're not a man!!"

"Yes! I'm not a man! I don't fucking love you anymore, come on!!" I yelled at her.

"You don't love me anymore? When you fucking slept with me! What were you thinking?? Have you played enough? Just pat your ass and leave??" Yaoyao was already crazy, like a savage little girl for the first time Same, yelling in the street.

I looked at her speechless, what she said was right, when I was with her, I thought everything was too simple, I really thought that it was enough for two people to be together, just to love each other, What the hell are you doing so much! !

But life is not like this! !The reality is not like this! !They are like a sex monster who wants too much! !Constantly strengthen! !Ordinary people without resistance!The three-month sex life has made me mature a lot without knowing it. Looking back at it now, I feel fucking ridiculous that I used to be very ridiculous. It’s not that if women love each other, there will be results, and it’s not because they are willing to give There will be rewards. In most cases, your efforts can only turn into bubbles, floating around...

"Let's go!! Can you please! I don't want to see you anymore!! Can you let everyone die a little bit more quickly, holding a knife and scratching hard at the body! You don't feel the pain, I still feel the pain!! "I'm completely incoherent.

"Did my dad look for you? Did you choose your brothers?" Yaoyao ignored my words and sat down on the ground.

"Do I have a choice? Haha? If I can leave a lot of things behind, turn around and run away with you, you won't fall in love with me, right??" I glanced at him and said helplessly.

"That's true! There's nothing wrong with your choice, and it's in line with my imagination. In fact, I already knew that this day would happen to us, and I don't want to ask any more questions. It's boring. Let go!!" Yaoyao finished speaking calmly, picked up the wine bottle in my hand, and drank it down her throat.

The two of us, neither of us was in ink, you drank Erguotou one by one, looked at the brightly lit street, and remained silent.

"Xiaofei!! If you finish these things, will you go abroad to find me?" Yaoyao staggered on the curb with an empty wine bottle, and I also tremblingly supported her by the side.

"If I'm lucky enough to survive, or if I don't have any missing arms or legs, I might go back and find you!!" I said very sincerely.

"I'll just wait for you for five years. If I still can't see you after five years, I will marry myself off as quickly as possible!!" Yaoyao pouted like an angry child, pointing her fingers Looking forward, he said firmly.

"Thank you...!" I didn't know what to say, and I didn't have anything to say, but thank you still seemed too pale. I owed her too much, and I owed emotions that I couldn't clear up in my whole life.

"Okay, I slapped you on the mouth, I'm much more comfortable, let's go!!" Yaoyao bit her lip, pretending to be calm and said.

My heart was twisted like a knife, but I still gritted my teeth and turned around, walked forward, about four or five meters away, my arm was grabbed by Yaoyao, and then Yaoyao's hot red lips kissed deeply On my lips, the tears in her eyes could not be controlled anymore, and slipped down.

The back of the two of us was dragged by the street lamp for a long time. After this kiss, we buried each other's emotions in our hearts, and this burial lasted for three years.

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