Yan Jue only felt a tightness in his chest. When he closed his eyes, he could feel any kind of suffering from heat and cold. At this time, when a person was most helpless, a place 0.5 mm away from the left atrium suddenly felt a burning pain .

Yan Jue's face suddenly returned to calm. He looked ironically at the scar that was very close to his heart, held Su Jinse's wrist, peeled her off his own little by little, and turned to leave.

The more beautiful a woman is, she will sneak in when a man is undefended, and will give you a fatal blow at the right time.

A beautiful face flashed in Yan Jue's mind, "Jeez, you have too many weaknesses!"

That look is ridicule, or sarcasm.

When Su Jinse woke up, it was already noon the next day. When she looked up, she saw the drip hanging on the bedside. She had a needle on the back of her hand and was infusion. A man stood in front of the bed, holding the needle and putting it into the needle tube inject medicine.

With a light body and a little dizzy head, Su Jinse looked at the man's probing eyes blankly, and asked intently, "Who are you?"

"Doctor." Afraid she might not understand, "The doctor invited by Jue, Song Mo."

"Am I sick?"

Song Mo curled his lips and looked at her feet wrapped into rice dumplings, "It's so uneasy to be sick, and you are probably the only one among Jue's women who is troublesome."

Su Jinse did not speak, but looked behind Song Mo, and after not seeing that figure, closed her eyes again and prepared to fall asleep.

"Mr. Song, is Jinse better?" Sister Ling came in from the door and asked worriedly.

"The fever is gone, don't worry."

"That's good."

Sister Ling breathed a sigh of relief, if Su Jinse had something wrong, she would be guilty.

Song Mo gave Sister Ling a comforting look, "Don't worry, she's much better now, Jue won't take your anger out on you, he's not an unreasonable person."

Sister Ling happily sent Song Mo downstairs, just in time to meet a woman with a hot figure in an OL outfit, short hair and exquisite facial features, who was obviously a little surprised when she saw Song Mo, and then smiled He said, "Song Mo, why are you here?"

Song Mo said indifferently, "I'm a doctor, of course I'm here to see a doctor."

"To see a doctor, who is sick? Sister Ling?"

Sister Ling replied cautiously, "Miss Mu, Jinse is sick. Mr. Yan asked Dr. Song to come and see."

Mu Ziqing smiled and said, "Sister Ling, just call me Ziqing, don't be so polite."

Song Mo didn't listen to these women's chattering voices in boredom, and left gracefully with the medicine box in one hand and pocket in the other.

Sister Ling stood aside silently.

Mu Ziqing's face froze, and then she returned to her elegant smile, "Sister Ling, the Jinse you mentioned is not another woman raised by Jue in Chunhua Garden."

She passed Sister Ling and went upstairs on her own. Her fingers, which had just had beautiful manicures, passed over the handrail and placed them on the doorknob. With a slight push, the bedroom door opened.

Su Jinse looked warily at the capable and beautiful woman standing at the door, "Who are you?"

Sister Ling would not let a stranger go upstairs for no reason, and she found that the other party seemed to be familiar with the entire layout of the room. She had already looked around the room when she came in first, and then she looked at Su Jinse.

Su Jinse felt that she was being watched like a zoo pet, and the disdain on the other person's face pretended to be an elegant smile, as if she was trampling on her dignity.

"I'm Mu Ziqing, Jue's secretary. He has documents here. I'll get them for him." Then he went to the second drawer at the head of the bed, took out the documents, and showed off to Su Jinse, "No, found it."

"In the past, Jue often asked me to bring things for him. You probably don't know, last night..." Mu Ziqing pretended to pause, looked Su Jinse up and down, and suddenly smiled, "Jeez was with me last night. Then rest."

Su Jinse's expression was indifferent, "Just say what you have to say, I don't like to beat around the bush."

One of Yan Jue's women?She came here to show her prestige.

Mu Ziqing smiled slightly, "I think you are mistaken, I am not here to prove anything to you, you are not qualified yet."

Holding the document, Mu Ziqing walked towards the door with graceful steps, then turned around suddenly and smiled slightly, "By the way, I hope I can see you here next time, Jue is a woman. The interest usually does not exceed three months, so everything goes well!"

With an elegant turn and charming smile, she is as decent and noble as a victorious queen.

A cold voice came from behind, "At least I am his woman now, you don't even have a title, you are just a spice in his life."

The smile on Mu Ziqing's face froze instantly, these words pierced into her heart, and the thick disguise was removed.

Turning around and giving Su Jinse a hard look, "I can assure you that within three months, you will be abandoned by Jue, just wait and see."

"Thank you for your kind words."

Su Jinse closed her eyes and lay quietly on the bed, ignoring Mu Ziqing's murderous eyes, as if she was asleep.

Mu Ziqing gritted her teeth angrily, closed the door heavily and left.

After sending Mu Ziqing away, Sister Ling went upstairs to take a look a little worried, and came upstairs with the freshly cooked porridge, "Jinse, I made porridge, try it, drinking porridge when you are sick is not good for your body." good."

Su Jinse opened his eyes, glanced at it, and said lightly, "Let it go."

Sister Ling put the porridge on the bedside, stepped forward to help Su Jinse up, and leaned against the bedside. Jinse took the porridge, took a spoonful of it, and drank it slowly.

After the bowl of porridge bottomed out, Su Jinse handed the bowl to Sister Ling, and when Sister Ling was about to leave, she stopped her, "Sister Ling, who found out that I was sick."

Sister Ling replied truthfully, "I came back very late last night, and it was snowing outside again. Seeing that my husband didn't come back, I remembered that the door on the balcony of the bedroom was open, so when I ran up, I saw you lying on the bed with a fever. I called Sir, sir, let Dr. Song come over to show you, Jinse is really sorry this time... My daughter-in-law is just pregnant, her first child, she doesn't understand anything, I really couldn't leave yesterday. "

"It's okay, you go down."

Su Jinse waded down quietly again, closed her eyes, and rested again.

For last night, she formatted what happened from her mind, and she didn't want to think about it.

Mu Ziqing's provocation did not arouse her jealousy, but instead made her calm again and again, and she looked forward to the three months she said.

Maybe it would be really nice for her to be free by then.

Mu Ziqing entered Yan Jue's office with the document, and she handed the document to the man, who read the document seriously without raising his head. Standing in front of the man, she asked casually, "Jeez , did you change your girlfriend again?"


The man replied.

Mu Ziqing smiled, made a cup of coffee for the man understandingly, and left quietly.

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