Yinsi guest

132 The Magical Abilities

"Changchunzi will really cause trouble for us! He brought the Moon Rhinoceros in southern Yunnan, what else is there on the island?" Sheng Lingyun looked at the raging fire with a serious expression.

The uncle shook his head: "Do you still remember the muffled roar on the island before those egrets started attacking? That thing will definitely not be easier to deal with than this giant rhino, let's hurry over and have a look! I don't know what to do How are the disciples on the island now?"

"Then hurry up! But those thousands of disciples always feel uneasy facing Changchunzi!" Senior Zhang Yiru stopped looking at the giant rhinoceros that had been charred, and rushed out of the already dilapidated gate.

Li Gangyi followed and shouted: "The injured disciples bandaged and rested in place, and the uninjured sects immediately followed us to support the brothers on the island!"

Immediately, nearly 300 people cheered and followed them out. After all, this majestic Southern Yunnan Moon-watching Rhinoceros has been wiped out by several elders, and everyone's confidence is even stronger!

With Dong Lingbo in my heart, I played tricks with my elder brother and second elder brother, mixed in the crowd and rushed to the island!When I got to the bridge, I heard screams from the other side. The thousands of disciples who crossed the bridge suffered heavy losses. According to visual inspection, hundreds of people were lost, and most of them were injured. on the clearing.

The number of those monsters has not yet bottomed out, and they have been pouring out continuously. Originally, under the leadership of the elite disciples of various schools, ordinary monsters basically came to die, but after a batch of cannon fodder was consumed, the real elite monsters also began to dispatch Now, among the densely packed ordinary monsters, there are more than a dozen huge half-human half-demons who know how to spell. This is the real reason for the heavy losses of our disciples.

It usually takes several Tsing Yi disciples to contain those big monsters, but the number of Tsing Yi disciples is only a hundred, and now it is no longer possible to take care of them, which is why a large number of casualties of ordinary disciples have been caused!

"Brothers, how about we show off to the juniors?"

Senior Sheng Lingyun of Qiyun Mountain was mainly in charge of ambush when dealing with the Moon-Watching Rhinoceros in Southern Yunnan.

Uncle Taibai looked at the battle situation on the island and nodded: "We have to take action, otherwise this little family fortune will be exhausted!"

Senior Zhang Yiru is the most jealous of evil. Hearing what his uncle said, he stepped on the pontoon bridge and rushed over with a long groan. As soon as he got ashore, he stared at a three-person tall and powerful bear monster. Taiyi gave him a whisk Then with a flick, the giant stick-wielding monster was bound tightly!Then she dragged it lightly and skillfully on the spot, and the gigantic monster that weighed hundreds of kilograms was dragged to the ground by the seemingly thin woman. Seeing that the monster was restrained, dozens of disciples immediately rushed forward waving all kinds of magic weapons. , that furbolg was instantly chopped into meat sauce!

Senior Sheng Lingyun was naturally not to be outdone, Qi Yun's Qiankun bag rose at the first sight of the wind, and instantly became as tall as one person.Senior Sheng rushed into the pile of monsters with the Qiankun bag in his left hand, grabbed a monster with his right hand and threw it into the pocket. The monster struggled in the bag for a while and then disappeared. The most vicious, he appeared in any direction, grabbed the monster into his pocket, and dealt with several difficult monsters in just a few minutes, causing all the disciples to applaud!

Senior Li Gangyi from Wudang didn't make a move before. At this time, he took out a simple mirror from his waist, rushed in front of the disciples, and protected their backs behind him.The mirror spun around against the sunlight, and immediately dozens of white lights shot from the mirror into the dense crowd of monsters.The white light was everywhere, and the weaker monsters were burned out of a hole, and the stronger ones were also fixed in place. The disciples shouted when they saw this, and immediately started to counterattack under the cover of the elders!

As for the uncle and Maoshan's head teacher Shen, they strolled among the monsters, falling down wherever they went.Uncle's Qingming sword is like a dragon swimming in the crowd of monsters, it is really beautiful; the steel needle in Master Shen's hand is suitable for both distances and near, and the monsters around him are directly killed by a needle directly between the eyebrows , a little farther away is the continuous application of flying needles, and the needles will kill more!Under the leadership of the seniors, the situation gradually stabilized. The monsters that sprang out of the forest could not break through the blockade of the masters at all, and died in front of them in batches, and the number was getting smaller and smaller!

My elder brother and second elder brother and I mixed in the crowd, and we were not greedy for merit. We hunted for Dong Lingbo while killing monsters. Naturally, we should not be too ruthless. The second brother is a master, he is just two ordinary Longhushan disciples!After finally finding Dong Lingbo, luckily this kid was only injured on his arm, he pulled a piece of cloth to bind the wound, and then followed his uncle to make up the knife, and the kill was very joyous!

The number of monsters became less and less, and the uncle stood still and shouted loudly: "Changchunzi, you haven't seen me for a day, have you turned into a turtle? We killed all the monsters you let us, and you didn't dare to come out to save them. Are you afraid of us? If you are caught without a fight, I am the master, and I will never destroy your foundation. You have lost hundreds of years of Taoism and practice!"

Senior Sheng Lingyun also laughed loudly: "Senior brother Taibai, this Changchunzi is just a coward, I think it's useless to shout what you said, and he didn't have the guts to come out to die, so he simply set fire to him. Isn't the original shape clean?"

"Senior brothers, don't say that. It's not easy to burn the verdant branches of this banyan tree. Anyway, Changchunzi has no guts. We still have more than 1000 people here. When we kill all these monsters that get in the way, everyone will be treated like that." Go back to the lumberjack, cut off all his branches, and go back to dry them as firewood, which is the right way! Haha!"

Zhang Yiru also joined the teasing team, causing all the disciples to burst into laughter!These few people sang together, and those half-human, half-demon monsters were being slaughtered constantly, I believe Chang Chunzi will soon be unable to bear it!

Sure enough, the dense branches of the banyan tree shook violently, and hundreds of wrist-thick aerial roots immediately shook like living things, snapping towards the disciples from various schools who were chasing monsters among the trees.Those aerial roots were whipped or entangled like leather whips, and dozens of people were injured at once, and a few disciples were dragged into the dense forest without whereabouts.

"Everyone, step back, leave the bushes, and gather in the clearing on the shore!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the master immediately ordered the remaining disciples to retreat. After all, the whole island was occupied by the periwinkle tree, and every trunk and every aerial root was a part of its body. Raging results!

Everyone retreated quickly, and the master threw out a fire talisman, which stopped the air-growing root from continuing to extend and pursue, and allowed the surviving disciples to retreat to the open space safely!

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a huge breath approached from the forest, and several seniors immediately changed their colors and shouted loudly: "Except for the disciples who are at the peak of Qi training, the rest of the disciples obey the order and quickly retreat to the other side. Do not stay!"

Everyone also realized that something was wrong, and knew that the master was coming. With a shout, everyone hurried across the river, because there were several elders behind them, but they didn't panic. Hundreds of people immediately boarded the 300-meter-long pontoon bridge, Run to the other side.

Before the people arrived, the voice came first, and Chang Chunzi's familiar voice came from the forest: "I said some old bastards, didn't you scold me very happily just now? Why did you freak out when you saw me come out? What the hell? Who is afraid of whom?"

The five seniors stood behind the ring of fire, leaving behind dozens of elites in Tsing Yi to guard the pontoon bridge, while my eldest brother and my second brother mingled in the crowd to try our best to hide ourselves. Changchunzi, the three of us can act as surprise soldiers and go straight to his lair.I believe that apart from periwinkle, there is nothing on the island that can pose a threat to the three of us.

Uncle Taibai took a step forward, and the majestic aura on his body spread out in all directions, confronting Changchunzi's astonishing aura, not giving an inch. The other four elders also lined up on both sides, forming a triangle to firmly protect the disciple behind him.Otherwise, the elite disciples behind me might have retreated without a fight. The disciples in the physical training stage can't bear that kind of coercion anyway. Even if you have a hundred people, the gap in strength is too big. It's cumbersome!

The uncle's tone was as calm as water: "Changchunzi, you can watch your subordinates die, but we can't let our disciples suffer unnecessary losses. After all, you are not my race, how can you understand the value of human life?"

Changchunzi retorted: "If you really cherish human life, you shouldn't have come today. After I take care of you old bastards, can those disciples still escape my grasp?"

Although Senior Li Gangyi didn't have any opinions at ordinary times, he was the first to hold back: "Changchunzi, don't think that we will be afraid of you if you have 500 years of Taoism. Today I want to see how much you weigh!"

After finishing speaking, the leader of Wudang Mountain waved the simple mirror, a dazzling white light shot out from the mirror, and flew straight to Changchunzi more than ten meters away!

Changchunzi sneered, the figure standing in the air fluctuated, and disappeared into the distance in an instant. The white light flashed by, and did not hit him, but landed in the bushes behind him. There was a loud bang, and a large tree trunk It was blown into powder!

The figure of Changchunzi appeared above the crowd, staring at Li Gangyi with a sneer on his face: "This is Wudang's first magic weapon, the Three Emperors Mirror, right? It really is extraordinary, but it's a pity that it can't be fully utilized in the hands of ordinary people like you. The effect of one is really overwhelming!"

Li Gangyi said lightly: "You are not ashamed, do you think that we have nothing to do with you after you have cultivated the body outside the body? I will come to meet you right away! Out of the body!"

After a low drink, his body froze!A gorgeous halo rushed out of his body, and condensed into a human form in mid-air. It looked exactly like Li Gangyi. He also held a mirror of the Three Emperors in his hand. As soon as he took shape, he rushed straight to Changchun Zi in the air. The momentum was astonishing!

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