Fengwu Jiangshan: The hot wolf princess is too evil

22. Break the seal, genius! 【4】

"This is Qixing's fire attribute technique, named 'Broken Flame Moon'. It has a strong attack power, and it can be advanced as one's own spiritual power grows. Before the twelfth level of spiritual power, it is considered a very powerful technique. "

Before condensing the past, as soon as the hand touched the scroll, one could feel a burst of fire energy lingering on the surface of the scroll.

As far as she knows, after the phantom masters on the Jialan Continent break through to the first level, they will choose a kind of exercise corresponding to their own attributes to practice. The level of the exercise varies from one star to nine stars, and there are also wind, thunder , water, wood, and fire five attributes.

The most common exercises on the mainland are below three stars, and only some large families can have four stars or more, and those above seven stars belong to the level of great powers!Even for a superpower like the Qinglong Empire, the skills above seven stars will not exceed ten fingers!

Each type of skill can only be opened by the illusionist of the corresponding attribute. For example, if she can open the fire-attributed 'Broken Flame Moon', it means that the spiritual power in her body is fire-attributed.

"Hey," Wei Ning looked at the words on the scroll, and suddenly asked casually, "Is it true that every illusionist can only have one type of spiritual power in his body?"

"The law on the mainland is indeed like this. The five attributes restrain each other. If they exist in a person's body at the same time, not only is it not a good thing, but they will die because of the mutual restraint of the attributes."

"Are there no exceptions?"

"Of course there is. There have been geniuses with dual attributes who cultivated at the same time on the Jialan Continent. They are very powerful, but if one attribute is strong, the other attribute will be relatively weak. For example, most alchemists have wood attribute spiritual power , and within the body, there is a part of fire spirit power mixed in, this is a talent."

"Then what if there are three attributes in the body?"

"That should be a monster." Mo Wuji said, his eyes sparkled, and then he smiled faintly.

Wei Ning nodded, no longer asked any more questions, and lowered her head to concentrate on studying the volume of 'Broken Flame Moon'.

When the spiritual power emerged from her body just now, she found that there was not only the fire spiritual power, but also vaguely other spiritual powers, not only two types, but more.

Could it be that she is a legendary monster?

In the middle of the night, outside the capital of the Azure Dragon Empire, the Black Banner Army camp

The flame in the brazier jumped up, and there were two figures talking outside the main tent.

"He really said that?" A clear man's voice sounded, with a somewhat sarcastic smile.

"That's right, I was taken aback when I heard it." The woman who spoke raised her head, her face was illuminated by the torch, and it turned out to be the court lady Chanjuan.

If it wasn't for what happened to Young Master Duanmu, she wouldn't have taken what that trash said to heart at all, and wouldn't have conveyed it to him.

But today, seeing the prince ordering Duanmulei to be dealt with, Chanjuan suddenly felt uneasy with that grace and demeanor, so she decided to come to the Black Banner Army in the middle of the night to ask to see the regent.

"Even if the sharp claws are broken, the scales are turned upside down, and it swims into shallow water, the dragon is still a dragon! Hahaha, isn't that trash out of his mind?" As the most powerful confidant guard around the regent, Qin Feng has always been a dragon. He didn't hide his disdain for that useless prince.

"Brother Qin Feng, do you want to report this matter to the Prince Regent?" Chanjuan asked uncertainly.

"Why bother the lord with such a trivial matter?" Qin Feng smiled and shook his head, just as if he had heard a funny joke.

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