Daughter not a concubine: black-bellied arrogant killer concubine

Chapter 880 Even if the reality is cruel, life must continue

Holding Yun Sheng in his arms, he lowered his head and kissed her black hair lightly: "He said that when my mother concubine was pregnant with me, he only learned about it several months later."

Yun Sheng looked at Wuyou in a little surprise, only to see his expression was indifferent.But the emperor's words may have reminded him of some past events.

Although Yun Sheng has a little understanding of the matter of the fourth prince Wuyou's biological mother, it is only one-sided.

Yunsheng only knows that some unknown things happened between Wuyou's mother and concubine and the current emperor, which made the couple who were originally very close to each other gradually seem to be separated, and finally Wuyou's mother and concubine died in depression, and even died There are private rumors that the emperor secretly poisoned Wuyou's biological mother to death.

Regardless of whether Wuyou's mother and concubine were killed by the emperor or not, there must be a great relationship with the emperor, and the emperor wanted Wuyou and Yun to live and die many times, which is also an unreal fact.

Yun Sheng took Wuyou's hand and gently placed it on his slightly raised abdomen: "Touch and see, he was moving just now."

Sure enough, Wuyou was attracted by the baby in Yunsheng's womb, and instead smiled, hugged Yunsheng and touched the baby in his belly, the two of them talked with each other with smiles.

If time can be as quiet as it is now, what a yearning thing it would be.

But dreams are often colorful and beautiful, but reality is more bloody and gloomy.

Even if we yearn for the colorful dreams, as long as we are still alive, we have to return to the bloody and gloomy reality.

The third prince Wuyin had already woken up, and Yun Sheng hadn't even looked at it from the beginning to the end.

The two people who were almost in love with each other once became farther and farther apart at some point.

When looking back, in his own eyes, the other party just became a vague black spot.

The mighty team returned to Chang'an.

Different from the high spirits when they came here, on the way back to the city, the team was as silent as death, only the sound of the wheels rolling over the official road and the sound of the horseshoes still ringing in my ears.

Accidents happened one after another, and the emperor ordered a thorough investigation, but the reason was not found out.

The furious bear appeared out of nowhere, and the third prince Wuyin frightened his horse for no reason and even fell into a coma.

These accidents, which seem to be accidents but are not accidents, are like an invisible black hand manipulating everything in the dark.

On the way back to the city, the emperor did not sit on the horse with great interest as when he came, but sat in the carriage with the concubine Yu.

In the carriage of the Fourth Prince's Mansion, Yun Sheng leaned comfortably in Wuyou's arms, using his thick chest to relieve the discomfort caused by the bumping of the carriage.

Nothing happened along the way, and it was already dusk when they arrived outside Chang'an City.

And Yun Sheng unexpectedly fell asleep in Wuyou's arms at some point.

Yuan Shui stood in front of the Fourth Prince's Mansion to greet him, and seeing Wuyou carefully carried Yun Sheng off the carriage, he asked with concern, "Is everything okay?"

Wuyou and Yuanshui walked towards the mansion together, and said: "Fortunately, nothing happened, but I am always worried, Master will show Yun'er later, it would be better if nothing happened."

Yuan Shui nodded but said: "This girl has such a temper since she was a child. She went to the team alone with a bear." I won’t come alive from anger.”

The Fourth Prince Wuyou also shook his head helplessly: "If I had been by my side at that time, I would never have let her take such a risk."

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