They have all been done before, but it was my uncle who ordered the Third Division to conduct a thorough investigation in order to catch Lu Mingdao at fault.

Now that the result is really found out, how can the case be kept silent in the future because the mastermind of the crime is only the prince.

Mrs. Sun and Sun Yu are dead, but they need the peace of mind of those who are alive.

But this matter involves the prince, so it can be regarded as an internal matter of the royal family. As the saying goes, family ugliness should not be publicized. Even if everyone knows this ugliness, it is still something that can only be felt, not stated explicitly.

In the end, the case of the Sun family was known to the outside world as the assailant was dead, and my uncle promoted Sun Mingyang to be a third-rank official and deputy Zuo Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate in order to appease Sun Mingyang's heart.

Uncle promoted Sun Mingyang's official position to comfort him.

As for Yunxi, his uncle didn't say anything clearly in court, but he didn't see Yunxi in court again after that day.

According to the investigation, the uncle sent him back to the prince's mansion and ordered him to close the door and think about his mistakes, and he was not allowed to step out of the mansion without being summoned.

Moreover, at the prince's mansion of Yunyu, his uncle even sent guards to guard it outside, and no one visiting him was allowed to come and go.

It's called thinking about mistakes behind closed doors, but my uncle's move is to imprison Yunxuan in the prince's mansion.

I never expected that the case of the Sun family and the series involved would end like this.

After all, my uncle is a person who cares about his family and love, and he doesn't want to hurt Yunyun's life, but he needs to let Sun Mingyang and other officials know that he is not looking for personal interests, so he is imprisoned in the mansion.

From the beginning to the end of this matter, I have never come forward, never said a word.

I can't remember when I saw Yunxie last time, and from now on, the next time I see you will be indefinitely.

I don't know if my uncle is satisfied with this finding, because the Lu family has never been involved in this matter at all.

But Yun Yu's confinement was like tearing off an arm of the prince's party. After this incident, not only did the queen and the prince keep a low profile, even Lu Mingdao was not as arrogant and domineering as before. up.

In this way, it is impossible to say who wins and who loses in this matter, but it can be regarded as a heavy loss.

My uncle promoted Sun Mingyang to the third rank, and the left deputy censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, this kind of intention could not be more clear.

This official position not only stepped forward to comfort Sun Mingyang about the tragedy of the Sun family, but also allowed Sun Mingyang to assist Hua Wuyan in the future and start the matter of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Not long after Hua Wuyan took office as the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, her uncle told her that Hua Wuyan should be promoted to recommend capable and reliable people in order to secretly investigate Lu Mingdao's crimes.

Sun Mingyang's wife and daughter were murdered and killed by the prince's party member Yun Yu, and Sun Mingyang had always been his uncle's favorite person, so he was the best candidate.

When my uncle, Hua Wuyan, Lu Mingdao, and a group of officials headed by Hua Wuyan were trying their best to picket Lu Mingdao and the crown prince's inaction.

What are Lu Mingdao and the prince doing again?

This kind of intrigue, this kind of intrigue, this kind of deceitful conspiracy, the calculations are endless.

All of these, no matter when, no matter in any day, will never disappear and stop.

All of these are like a huge vortex, involving me and the people around me.

In this vortex, sometimes we lose our way, and sometimes we don't know where we will end up.

But only one thing, the fight, never stops.

Sometimes we don't know what we are fighting for.

because when we reach a goal

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