In the mansion, the family members of these officials came to visit today.

I smiled softly, and said to the servant, "Please invite everyone to sit in the mansion."

Originally, although what the queen did greatly hurt people's hearts, no matter how dissatisfied the people were with the queen and the prince, they did not dare to show it too much.

Because at any time, survival and maintaining official positions are the primary considerations of those people.

But now that my uncle woke up, he was fine, and the queen said that she was sick and could not escape.

The uncle in the court did not welcome the prince.After waking up for only a few days, she came to my mansion to visit me, Princess Ruyi, who is worried about all the officials and has a benevolent heart for the country and the people.

With such a clear-sighted behavior, everyone can naturally see who wins and who loses in this matter.

Seeing the wind makes the rudder, and those who seek to rely on are constantly coming and going like a tide.

I looked at these high-ranking officials' wives in front of me, surrounded by gold hairpins and emerald jade, they looked rich and noble, and they were many times more prosperous than my simple-dressed princess.

The flattery in the words made me listen to false and false.

I used to have a reputation of being extravagant, licentious, and arrogant, but these people often talked about it for me, but now it is like a weed on the wall that falls with the wind, and the wind changes in an instant, and it is no longer like the past. The appearance of that arrogant statement.

If people who don't know the past saw it, they would only feel how close these noble relatives are to me and how close they are to me.

Like a close friend for many years, smiling and talking.

But what kind of thoughts are behind these smiling faces, I know, and they themselves are also clear.

It's just in this capital, in this imperial city, in this prince's mansion, among the nobles of the royal family.

No matter how disgusted you are in your heart, no matter how much you hate each other, when you meet, the look on your face is like a "best friend."

Everything that happened during the past few days when my uncle was in a coma.

Lu Youzhen reported the truth to his uncle, but what other people couldn't figure out was that his uncle didn't show too much emotion when he learned that the empress had detained the ministers in the upper study for a few days.

He never reprimanded the queen and the prince for this matter.

When Fusheng told me about this matter, although I hadn't expected it, but if I think about it carefully, it should be like this.

The emperor fainted in the court. As the queen mother of the country and the prince who succeeded the heir, the two wanted to keep the capital from causing trouble, and detained everyone present and those who knew the situation together until the cause of the incident was found out.

It is understandable to do so.

But under such a surface, what kind of thoughts do the empress, the crown prince and several veteran ministers including Yun Xun and the empress' father Zaifu Lu Mingdao have.

Those who act on their own know clearly, and the uncle who is in a superior position will also understand it.

But even so, as a superior person, there will be many things that need to be tolerated and compromised. In order to ensure the peace of this country, reduce civil strife, and avoid national wars, even a superior person with more than [-] people needs to do some things for the time being. Enduring sacrifice.

Uncle that day after I returned to the palace this time.I asked Hua Wuyan how I told my uncle about my injury.

Hua Wuyan said, because my uncle noticed that he had recovered from his illness for a long time but I hadn't visited the palace. I felt something strange about it, so I asked Lu Youzhen. What the ministers said has been said again.

Then there was the matter that my uncle suddenly came to my house to visit.


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