But why does the military adviser want this egg?Whatever it is, since he said he wanted it, there must be a reason for it. His Excellency, Military Adviser James, is wise and mighty. This egg will definitely have an extraordinary effect in his hands!

Wahaha, thinking of this, as soon as Wade raised his hand, the egg in his hand flew towards James...

James cursed in his heart, idiot, who told you to throw this egg to me?I%……%%&

James actually didn't know what this egg was, but since the black bone dragon valued this egg so much, then this egg must be of some use.

So James stretched out his hand to catch the egg, and it didn't matter if he didn't catch it. As soon as he caught the egg, James immediately regretted it...

The egg shone with a light green light in James' eyes. After a while, the black bone dragon seemed to have received the signal from the egg. It turned around. This time, the object of its glaring became James... …

Sure enough, this beast wanted this egg!

James ran away with the egg in his arms. Seeing that the black bone dragon was about to catch up, James raised his hand and shouted:

"Howard, catch it!"

Howard didn't know what it was, and when he stretched out his hand, the egg fell firmly into his arms.Hmph, why don't you just catch a ball?I'm a member of the national team, this thing is simple!

Howard was about to ask James if his catching skills had improved, but before he could speak, he saw the sparkling eyes of the black bone dragon.

Howard suddenly realized at this time, cross your circle, James, your sister is fucking me!

This is not a ball, this is simply a bomb.

Howard raised his hand, and the egg flew towards Wade accurately.

Wade, return it to you, you should keep this egg for yourself!

Wade also understood now that it turned out that the reason why the black-bone dragon wanted his life so desperately was the egg he had been holding in his hand. Originally, he wanted to take this egg back, maybe he could sell it. A good price, and now, this egg is simply a scourge in his eyes.

As soon as Wade caught it, he threw the egg to Bosh who was not far away, and he himself slipped away with oil on the soles of his feet.

Ever since, a strange ball game happened in another world that happened abnormally.

The rules of the game are like this, the black-bone dragon belongs to the attacking side, and if it grabs the ball, the black-bone dragon wins.And Howard, James, Wade, and Bosh are the defensive side. What they have to do is to try not to let the ball be snatched by the black bone dragon.There is no referee in the game, just play casually, no one cares about fouls anyway, beating, biting, kicking, using knives, guns, sticks doesn't matter...

Christopher, who was lying in Qian Fengqian's arms, slowly recovered and opened his eyes.

Seeing that Christopher was not dead, Qian Fengqian was so excited that she burst into tears again, and happily kissed Christopher on the face.

"Ah...you didn't die. Fortunately, you didn't die. It scared me to death."

Christopher's breath was still a little unstable, and he said softly:

"I can't die so easily. If a paladin dies so easily, then he won't be called a paladin. Although the incident happened suddenly just now, I didn't have time to activate the blessing of the paladin, but I can still bear it this time. Oops ...It's just that my current condition is not very good, the wound on my back, hey, if the bleeding is not stopped in time..."

Qian Fengqian cried and said: "I'll help you bandage, I'll bandage you now."

Christopher said: "It's useless, the wound is too big, the bandage can't stop the bleeding..."

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