Christopher smiled playfully and said:

"Hehe, it looks like something interesting is going on. I'd like to see what kind of tricks Grandmaster will play with me this time."

Lisa snuggled into Christopher's arms, she thought that Christopher loved him, and in order to marry her, she even had to fight against the human priest and the prime minister of the empire.

Putting this kind of thing on any woman will definitely make that woman intoxicated. The beloved would rather offend the third largest power group in the empire for himself!

If such a thing is said, won't her female companions be envious?

It's just that Lisa didn't expect that the purpose of Christopher's doing this was not because of her at all, and it could even be said that it had nothing to do with her.

Just as Christopher was thinking, an angry young man suddenly broke into the door. Needless to say, this man was of course Bet, the son of the human master and the prime minister of the empire.

After Bate broke into the bar and saw the intimate appearance of Christopher and Lisa, she was suddenly jealous, but there was nothing she could do.

In Bate's mind, Christopher was, after all, on an equal footing with his father. Of course, the fact is that Christopher's status in the empire was more than one level higher than his father's.

Even if Christopher's status is equal to that of Bate's father, it is obvious that Bate is one level lower than Christopher.

Therefore, Bate dared not act wildly in front of Christopher no matter how upset he was.

What happened to the prime minister's son? What happened to the teacher's son?

In Christopher's eyes, killing a Bette was no different than killing a dog.

When Bate saw that his rival in love was actually Christopher, although he was a little apprehensive, when his temper came up, his IQ immediately dropped to the mentally handicapped level.

Bate exclaimed:

"Christopher, you bastard, rob me of the position of Marshal, rob me of my house, rob me of women, you are such a robber, you will rob everything! Lisa, don't trust him, the woman he played with Isn't it so much? He just treats you as a plaything, Lisa, only I, only Bet really loves you!"

Christopher laughed and said:

"Haha... Not all women are so lucky to be my playthings."

After all, he ignored Bet and walked out the door holding Lisa's hand.

Bate said angrily: "Christopher, are you too arrogant?"

Christopher smiled playfully and said:

"Go back and call your old man, you are not qualified to talk to me."

Bate stood there in a daze when he heard the words, pointing at Christopher, but he just said "You..." between his teeth, and couldn't utter a word.

Christopher whispered in Lisa's ear:

"Honey, do you want to see the power of human knights?"

Lisa heard that she was paralyzed in Christopher's arms, and Christopher took Lisa to a box in the bar. Immediately, when the two entered this box, the whole box began to heat up rapidly. ...

Christopher pressed Lisa tightly against the wall. At this time, Lisa was tightly wrapped around Christopher's body like an octopus. Christopher held Lisa with a wicked smile. Lisa was pressed tightly against the wall, and a pair of thick and powerful hands pressed on Lisa's chest. Suddenly, Lisa's throat let out bursts of guttural sounds...

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