Christopher's fury was expected by Howard, and Howard comforted Christopher:

"General Marshal, don't worry, Miss Chris is smart and will definitely turn danger into good luck."

Christopher went on to growl: "When you turn bad luck into good luck, you are good luck. Now the front line is in full swing, and there is no safe place for a hundred miles around. Chris is likely to be regarded as a spy, and the spies are killed by the orcs." , the army of the undead, and the recent wars have continued, there are bandits and refugees everywhere, if she is captured by the bandits, she is a cute little girl... You two are useless, I have raised you for so many years, such a simple task I couldn’t even play it, which really disappointed me.”

Howard explained: "Marshal, don't worry, I think we will be able to find Miss Chris."

James came to Christopher's map and looked at the map carefully before saying:

"According to my opinion, it is impossible for Miss Chris to take the road like us. I think Miss Chris will go along the route closest to you, which is here!"

After all, James pointed to a large jungle on the map.

Christopher was surprised and said: "Death jungle? How is it possible, anyone who enters this jungle will not want to come out! Oh... It's over, ah no, no, Chris is not that stupid, she will choose to enter this jungle , she has been most afraid of this dense forest since she was a child..."


Christopher glanced at James, knowing that James must have thought of something, so he sighed and said:

"Okay, tell me, I won't tell you, tell me. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I'm just a little anxious..."

James said: "If according to my inference, Miss Chris traveled through this jungle to your barracks, and Howard and I rode to your barracks with the first troops, in terms of time, the time we arrived at your barracks should be Almost. I have a feeling that maybe Miss Chris should have arrived a little earlier than us. I don’t know why Miss Chris didn’t come to see you, maybe she has more important things to do.”

Christopher asked, "What's more important? What could be more important than meeting me?"

James said: "Then...the subordinates don't know."

Christopher said: "After talking for a long time, it means that I didn't say anything! Come on, drag these two people down to beat [-] boards each!"

Howard and James said in unison:

"Thank you Generalissimo, what this subordinate said is the truth, please rest assured Generalissimo, I guarantee with my head that Miss Chris will be fine."

Christopher waved his hand and said:

"Okay, okay, let's write down this board first, why don't you two find Chris for me? If something happens to Chris or she can't get it back, I'll cut you both off!"

Damn it, what happened in the past two days is getting weirder and weirder than the last.

Qian Fengqian dragged her "tired and injured" body back to her camp in the deep mountains. This damned man didn't even know how to feel sorry for her, but he was so intense.

But... recalling that intense feeling, Qian Fengqian felt a surge of sweetness in her heart.Hey, this intense feeling doesn't seem too bad.

Qian Fengqian's two entourages, Bosh and Wade, hurried up to meet them. The two saw that Qian Fengqian was limping when she was walking, her clothes were disheveled, and...err...Qian Fengqian was even wearing a A man's dress!

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