In the Cang Yue Empire, there are only two places where the ghosts can hide, one is the dense forest of ancient tombs, and the other is the forbidden area behind the general's mansion, so everyone set their targets on these two places.

The dense forest of ancient tombs is one of the hiding places with the best chance of becoming a ghost, but the dense forest of ancient tombs has been burned to ashes under the order of Lanshan Yucha, and now there are traces of burning everywhere in that place, the possibility of hiding Sex is greatly reduced.

Everyone unanimously set their target on the Forbidden Back Mountain of the General's Mansion. This place was the place where the Demon Sealing Tower used to seal evil spirits, and the Forbidden Back Mountain is like the ancient tomb forest, a place full of evil spirits.

The evil spirit is a demon, if he wants to refine Gu Liuxi, he needs to find a place with a lot of yin, which will be more beneficial to him.

After some analysis, everyone decided to go to the dense forest of ancient tombs. When going to the dense forest of ancient tombs, the owners of the seven divine beads must cooperate perfectly with each other. Only in this way can they have a great chance of defeating the charm and rescue Gu Liuxi.

It was only after a few practice sessions that I found that some people cannot cooperate with others. They can only plan another battle plan and use the method of attacking each other. This method is much better than before. Everyone has different attributes. In some places, they can't cooperate at all, and it is more beneficial for them to cooperate with each other.

It was already the last day, and everyone had already made preparations early in the morning. This time, they must eliminate the evil spirits and rescue Gu Liuxi.

This is the common goal of all.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Lingxi took a deep breath and cheered up: "Come on... we must rescue Xiaoxi..."

"Well, Xiaoxi must be rescued."

Everyone agrees together.

Chi Heng Shuixie looked up at the hazy back mountain, it was already time (this time is equivalent to the time from nine o'clock to eleven o'clock in modern times), but the clouds and mists on the back mountain have not dissipated, and there is a vast expanse of whiteness. .

"During the day, the magic power of the demon will be greatly weakened, which will be of great help to us, let's go!"

When they entered the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, they first entered the bamboo forest. The depth of the bamboo forest was covered with white mist, making it difficult to see the way ahead.

"The fog here is a bit strange, everyone be careful, hold hands together, don't get lost." The seven people held hands tightly and moved forward together.

The seven people were in trouble at the same time, and it was only in the blink of an eye that they were holding hands tightly just now, but suddenly only they were left.

Lingxi looked at her dangling hand, she clearly grabbed the hand of the prince's brother just now, where is the prince's brother?She obviously never let go of her hand from the beginning to the end, how could this be?

What about brother?

What is this place?

The cave, this is the cave, the cave where she was captured here.

Lingxi finally realized something was wrong.

She swallowed, and slowly walked in. The surrounding scene suddenly changed, her pupils dilated wirelessly, and her whole body froze.

She saw, saw that Mei Mei was strangling Xiao Xi's neck tightly, and Xiao Xi seemed to have a very painful expression on her face.

She seemed to have seen this picture somewhere before, and it seemed familiar.

The pupils gradually faded, and the eyes became bloodthirsty red.

As if aware of her existence, Gu Liuxi suddenly turned her head and said to her with difficulty: "Princess, let's go..."

"Why, why did you let me go, why do you always sacrifice yourself to protect me, idiot, you idiot..." Lingxi was already sobbing.

Lingxi suddenly wiped away tears, "I won't leave, this time, I will protect you."

However, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and she returned to the bamboo forest. Outside the bamboo forest, the situation of the remaining people was not much better than her, and they seemed to be out of control.

Illusion, this should be an illusion created by Qi Mei, to make them get lost in things that they don't want to face.

It turned out that what she had been unable to face was Gu Liuxi's injury back then.

She has been guilty all the time, no wonder she had that kind of deja vu picture just now.

But how could she help them!

Lingxi became a little anxious.

What should we do now?

"Lingxi, are you okay!" Chi Heng Shuixie suddenly came to Lingxi's side.

"I'm fine, but what are they going to do? By the way, why didn't you fall under the illusion?"

"My body has a special physique. These illusions are useless to us. They are the most important thing now."

Lingxi suddenly thought of a way, "Use your light to guide them out of the illusion."

"That's right! Why didn't I think of this method!" Chi Heng Shuixie slapped his forehead. His light not only has the energy of recovery, but also can give people positive energy. As long as it is shrouded in light, the evil obsession in that person will disappear will be resolved.

Chi Heng Waterside Pavilion did not hesitate to use the energy to emit a strong light, instantly illuminating the bamboo forest shrouded in clouds and mist.

The other people who had been reacting strangely finally stopped, looking confused.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Why did I seem to get lost with you just now?"

Chi Heng Shuixie explained to everyone: "Everyone, don't panic, it's just a trick of the enemy to trap us here. I think the road ahead will be even more difficult. I hope everyone's willpower can be stronger. Don't be controlled by magic, you must maintain a good attitude and keep in mind our goal of coming here this time."

Everyone nodded silently.

Sure enough, on the next road, they experienced many difficulties, and everyone bravely overcame it, because their hearts were concerned about Gu Liuxi, and their only goal was to rescue Gu Liuxi.

Therefore, the seven of them finally found a cave, no, it should be a bottomless cave, after many hardships and twists and turns. The cave is very long, like a gap in time and space.

The seven people held hands in a tacit understanding, and the seven hands were tightly clasped together. They didn't hesitate to ask for any language, and they only needed a look to understand what the other party wanted to express.

Seven people jumped into the bottomless hole at the same time, the surrounding wind was blowing by their ears, but their eyes were never appraised.

I don't know how long it took, and finally reached the bottom of the cave.

However, there were already people waiting for them here.

The few people standing under the cave entrance were beyond their expectations.

The person guarding the first checkpoint was Gu Xianyu, the third miss of the Gu family. Since the station where the little milk bag was brought back, this woman has never appeared again, but I didn't expect that she was still acting as a substitute for the devil. work.

And the person who hates Gu Xianyu the most is naturally Gu Xiyan.

"You go in, leave this place to me, don't meddle in the private affairs between me and her, I will go find you soon." This is Gu Liuxi's promise to everyone.

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