Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 6 Late Night White Jade Palace

Chapter 6 Late Night White Jade Palace (this chapter is free)

In the middle of the night, thousands of concubines and maids in the White Jade Palace had washed their faces and makeup before going to bed. The stream coiled and slowly flowed around the Taixue Zhai, and there was a faint fragrance of powder in the air, which was quite bloody. Fang Gang's scholars were in endless reveries.Although it was a bit hard at this time, once an imperial student was appointed as an official, he would have a generous salary, be suave outside, and it would be common for him to have three wives and four concubines in the house.

Lying on the hard wooden bed, the cold spring made Zhao Xingde subconsciously wrap the quilt tightly, this is a habit he developed when he first came to this world.It has been more than ten years, and it is still a familiar and strange feeling. From the inexplicable fear at the beginning, to gradually accepting and even integrating into it, Zhao Xingde's spirit under the taciturn appearance has undergone tremendous changes, but in the eyes of his parents and teachers, he is It's just a process of growing up as a child.The impassioned discussions of Chen Dong and several other Tai students in the courtyard of the Zhai House not far away could be faintly heard, as if returning to the university days before time travel.The voices outside the window faded away, Zhao Xingde took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes.

In the courtyard, Chen Dong's face was serious, and he lowered his voice, "The 'treacherous' minister's followers are all over the government and the public. I'm afraid it won't be possible to take the opportunity to attack the 'treacherous' minister just by belittling Mr. Zhoushan for leaving the capital."

Zhang Bing nodded, and said: "Brother Chen's words are very true, and my mentor has also considered this point, but the 'treacherous' prime minister has won the trust of the Holy Majesty. If you want to bring him down, you must seize every opportunity to weaken him. His prestige is just that Mr. Zhoushan is deeply popular among the people. As long as we raise our arms and call out, there will be a crowd of responders. The position in the middle is weakened little by little, so we can seize the opportunity in the future and bring it down in one fell swoop."

Before the dawn of the next day, the rooster crowed at five o'clock, and the imperial students in Huazhangzhai got up. The poem "Encouraging Learning" by Yan Zhenqing of the former Tang Dynasty said: "The lights at three o'clock and the rooster at five o'clock are when men are studying. Black hair I don’t know how to study hard early, but Bai Shoufang regrets studying late.” It is a portrayal of the life of Taixue. Some scholars who study here can be candidates for the wind pool within ten years and take charge of the world. Look at each man-made.

After breakfast at the sixth watch, after Zhao Xingde finished washing, he came to the school grounds of the Taixue. Yesterday's snow had been cleaned up by the servants of the Taixue, and there was a faint morning mist among the pines, cypresses and bamboos. In addition to chirping and melodiousness, there is only the humming sound from time to time from the morning exercise students, which makes the crystal clear and pure dew on the orchid flower tree tremble slightly.

In the bamboo grove next to the school grounds, there are already shadowy figures practicing Daoyin technique. Since Emperor Taizu Emperor Zhao Kuangyin entrusted Mount Hua to Chen Chuan's ancestors, Taoism flourished, and Tai students devoted themselves to studying hard all day long. Over time, they inevitably became weak , Joint stiffness, in order to dredge the meridians and regulate Qi and blood, many people practice Daoyin technique, and under the willow tree at the other end of the school field is a place for dancing swords and drawing bows.These are the homework for Tai students' morning exercises.

Li Rui was concentrating on practicing Wuqinxi. At this time, people believed that the older the better, as the ancestor of various schools of Daoyin, Li Rui spent a lot of money and silk on this authentic Wuqinxi together with the method of breathing. After a lot of thought, I learned it from a Taoist.Beside him, most of the students next to him practiced "Baduanjin" and other newcomers, and some of them sneaked a few glances in Li Rui's direction while practicing. , but practicing Daoyin requires the cooperation of breathing, and Li Rui is not afraid of them stealing it.

Zhao Xingde took a deep breath. He suffered from insomnia in his previous life. He heard that Tai Chi has the effect of calming the mind, so he specially asked a famous teacher to practice Tai Chi, although he may not be very brave. Dou Ruan, but after practicing Tai Chi, he really slept deeply at night, but for some reason, when he woke up one day, he suddenly passed through to a child in ancient times.

He thought about it, he was not an extraordinary person, the only difference was that in order to treat insomnia, he insisted on practicing Tai Chi every morning and evening, maybe it was because of the aura problem caused by the practice that he was transported to this other world.When he first arrived in the noble realm, he missed his family and was uncomfortable with the environment, so he really wanted to travel back.Without any other rules, he thought that the person who tied the bell might be needed to untie the bell.Just for this chance, Zhao Xingde has practiced Taijiquan every day since he was seven years old, at first he had to hide it from his father Zhao Tixin and his mother, and later he simply made up an excuse to meet an expert in the mountains, and often practiced with great fanfare. cease.

Over the years, although the desire to travel back has gradually faded, and he no longer suffers from insomnia, doing Tai Chi several times every morning has become an unshakable habit of Zhao Xingdelei, and he has persisted in it for more than 20 years.

At that time, there were quite a lot of Daoyin techniques popular everywhere, and there were not many such as Zhao Xingde. All the students practiced their own skills. After the practice, it was still early, and many people went to the other side of the school field, like Zhao Xingde. Those who don't know swordsmanship can only pull their bows hard and use their strength, and a few people take out their sabers and act like chickens dancing.It is said that in order to become a scribe, the scholars of the Xia Kingdom really shoot arrows at the target every day. They practice hard like soldiers with tattoos on their faces. , is to use the righteousness in the chest as an arrow to set the society and the world in peace.There was a lot of folk martial arts practice in the Song Dynasty. Before Zhao Xingde went to Bianliang to study, he practiced archery for self-defense every day. He didn't have a master, but he figured out a set of archery skills by himself. , Only then changed to only draw the bow and not shoot the arrow every morning.

The three-stone bow is the limit of a hard bow, and there are not many people in the forbidden army who can open the three-stone bow. The three-stone bow in this Taixue was originally unknowable, and it has been lying there in the dust until Zhao Xingde first came to study. I don’t know how deep it is. It was taken away by others, and he went up to pick it up and pulled it. Although the other imperial students didn't think that opening the three-stone bow was a skill, it was a strange talk. Even the prince Jijiu knew that there was such a fierce general among the imperial students.However, at this time, the ethos is to be gentle and elegant, and it is not beautiful to be vulgar and brave, and no one praises him for his strength in person.

In fact, Zhao Xingde was quite reluctant to pull the three-stone strong bow at the beginning, but the other good bows were often taken first by others, but this bow was ignored, and he used it every day to build up his strength, and gradually learned the experience of boxing. Into it, every time you draw the bow, you must be calm and relaxed, with a straight body, chest and waist, looking forward, holding the bow with your left hand like a stone, accompanied by a long breath, and opening the bow with your right hand is as slow as practicing Daoyin until the bow Like the full moon, hold your breath for a moment, and when you feel that you are drawing the bow to the limit, you will slowly retract the bow with energy, let your breath sink to the dantian, and then open the bow again.The time between his exhalation and inhalation became longer and longer, and in the eyes of others, he felt more and more like a bow, full of tension and elasticity. With the opening and closing of his arms, the bow, which was as hard as cast iron, opened softly. The wishful feeling made me even more amazed.Zhao Xing drew more than [-] hard bows, his breathing was getting thicker, his body was sweating, he just put the bow away, ready to take a bath and change clothes before going out for breakfast.

A red sun rises in the east, and the sun shines on the overlapping palaces and palaces one after another. The smooth white stone surfaces reflect a soft and holy light, and the morning bell of Daxiangguo Temple rings melodiously. Soon after, the Shangqing Zhengyi Palace also struck the bell plate, and the sound of tens of thousands of monks and priests chanting Buddhist and Taoist lessons came along the breeze. From a distance, amidst the voiceless Sanskrit singing, the White Jade Palace is really like a legend It's like a fairyland in the world, and I often eat "Lu" and take pills today, I'm afraid I really have the hope of becoming an immortal and attaining the Tao.

Li Rui, who was on the same road with Zhao Xingde, looked at the White Jade Palace not far away, could not help but frown, and whispered as he walked, "Bai Yujing in the sky, twelfth floor and five cities." Zhao Xingde felt helpless when he saw his ecstasy. Shaking his head, he smiled wryly and said, "I really fell into a demon."

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