Chapter 59 Fortune is a big fallacy (3)

Zhao Xingde rushed to Tongguan's camp along with the tide of rebellious soldiers. At this moment, there was no safe place in the Hebei camp, and the enmity soldiers began to fight each other. The harsh officers were punished by the soldiers. After the siege, the order was further chaotic, and even some camps were set ablaze.The camp in Hebei was blazing with flames, and the sky was full of noise. Even the cavalry of the Kelei tribe who were running horses and shooting arrows outside stopped without knowing it.

Before Xin Xingzong, the commander of the First Army in Zhenbei, had time to report back, the commotion outside had already started, mixed with shouts of "kill the eunuchs", even Tong Guan, who was in the high position of commander, could hear clearly, and he deployed the adults' orders His face sank all of a sudden.Zhou Dingchen, the secretary in charge, shouted: "Which army is rebelling against it?" Tong Guan looked at Xin Xingzong who had just walked in, and then turned to Tian Shizhen who was kneeling on the ground.

Xin Xingzong felt a shudder down his spine, he didn't dare to be negligent, he bowed and said: "My lord, it was Kelei's rebellion who pretended to accept five thousand bolts of cloth, not only refused to return to the camp, but also killed the soldiers I sent to transport. "Xin Xingzong answered the wrong question, Tong Guan's eyes showed a trace of anger, Zhou Dingchen and Xin Xingzong had always been friends, and immediately winked at him, and shouted: "Could it be that the Kelie department has rushed into the camp?" Xin Xingzong woke up suddenly God came, with a look of doubt on his face, he said: "There are many rebellious soldiers gathered around the camp, clamoring to fight Hu Qi, the last general obeys the commander's order, Strictly order all the battalions to be patient, not to let one person ride out alone, only to wait for the command of the commander-in-chief!"

Xin Xingzong's words were extremely respectful, and he was Tong Guan's confidant and beloved general. After hearing him report the situation outside, Tong Guan's face calmed down, and he said slowly: "It's a good thing that the soldiers are eager to fight, but it's a good thing. Gathering in the military camp like this, you should severely punish the leader." He paused, conscious that there was nothing wrong with his words, and said in a deep voice, "Xingzong, you go out and declare to all the troops, each return to the camp and wait for orders, don't make any noise." He said to Han Shizhong of the Second Army of Zhenbei: "The Kelei tribe actually pretended to surrender to our dynasty in an attempt to rebel and cause 'chaos'. You should go to the team as soon as possible. Once the camp is calmed down, you will go out and destroy these barbarians." After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes. Concentrating on it, he didn't care about Tian Shizhen's expression of bewilderment and uncertainty on his face kneeling on the ground.

Seeing Han Shizhong and Xin Xingzong lead the order to go out, the surrounding generals looked at each other, and they could see the extremely nervous and apprehensive emotions in their eyes.It has been many years since the camp in Hebei has experienced the camp roar, but it does not mean that these generals who have been in the army for almost three generations do not know the horror of the camp scream.Most of the soldiers are rough people, and the generals can't reason with the soldiers. The way to govern the army is just one word, strict.The military stick is the smallest form of punishment. The military law has seven bans and 54 beheadings.Strict military discipline has created the army, and it has also caused extremely high resentment to accumulate in the barracks. Once it breaks out, this kind of resentment may turn even the most cowardly pawn into a desperate bandit.

In the second year of Daguan, Yijin Pass once broke out because the army was too greedy for ink. As a result, the guard escaped by chance, but the state officials died.Tian Shizhen was in Yijin Pass at that time, and he saw a soldier whose wife ran away with others, and was beaten with a military club because he was late. Six people were killed and 11 were injured. Tian Shizhen was also stabbed in the arm, almost to the bone, and still has a dull pain every time it is windy and rainy.He knelt on the ground, ignoring his own business, his eyes had drifted to the flickering flames and tree shadows outside the handsome tent.

Sure enough, not long after, I saw Xin Xingzong rushing in in a state of distress, knelt down and said: "The last general is incompetent, the 'chaotic' soldiers have no military skills, and there are many 'chaotic' thieves in the middle who are instigating and 'shooting' arrows." , fire prevention, the last general was almost hit by an arrow, please deploy your lords to hurry up and calm the 'chaos'!"

Tong Guan opened his slightly closed eyes suddenly, and stared at Xin Xingzong angrily. He was about to scold this useless bastard, but he saw that Xin Xingzong's helmet was missing and his military robe was torn. Only then did I feel that things were a little out of hand.The land here is really quite different from the capital.At this time, he turned his eyes to the left and right, and saw that all the generals looked at each other in dismay, and the marching Sima Wang Yan said: "The camp in the army is no small matter, the matter has come to an end, and the adults should be deployed to guard the camp with their own soldiers. Let these 'chaotic' soldiers rush in, and order the commanders of each army to go back immediately to rectify their subordinates. When the soldiers of Yingxiao have made enough noise, they will disperse on their own."

Following Wang Yan's words, all the generals in the Hebei camp looked up, but Tong Guan was a little hesitant. Will these people simply rebel when they go back?He killed his own life, pushed it on the rebellious army, and it was over.The so-called guarding against others is indispensable, since it is difficult to deal with the chaos in the camp, it is not very useful to let these generals go out, it is better to detain them in the camp until dawn, if it is as Wang Yan said Well, the soldiers had had enough trouble, and they dispersed on their own, and it would be good to let these generals go out to clean up the mess.Fortunately, the Hebei camp was stationed outside Hejianfu City, so the incident of the battalion noise could still be covered up.

After calculating the pros and cons, Tong Guan regained his composure, with a bit of general demeanor, pointing at Xin Xingzong and saying, "Everyone has also seen that there are rioting soldiers roaring outside, beating the superior everywhere, and the commanders of all the armies are envoys at this time. I'm afraid it's impossible to go out, so it's better to stay in the commander's camp and wait until the camp's chaotic soldiers gradually subside, and then go out to rectify the subordinates."

The generals at the bottom didn't know what to do at the moment. Hearing what Tong Guan said, they went with the flow. No one took the initiative to ask Ying to go out to clean up the situation.Han Shizhong of the Second Army of Zhenbei came back and Bingdao had already finished his team, but the "rebel" soldiers blocked the road in the camp and could not go out. Tong Guan moved the second army around the commander's tent. Some soldiers of the First Army and the Third Army next to them set up antler bows and crossbows, etc., as long as the "chaotic" soldiers approached, they would shoot out random arrows.

In this way, the Hebei camp deployed more than a dozen generals to listen to the outside voices almost until dawn amidst the noise of the "rebellious" soldiers.Because Han Shizhong is a general who is good at fighting, Tong Guan ordered him to be responsible for guarding the commander's tent, and sent someone to report the situation outside every incense stick.The "chaotic" soldiers in Yingxiao were not well organized. Apart from looting and fighting, wave after wave rushed to the front of the commander's tent, and scattered away when they were shot by "chaotic" arrows, and some continued to swim in the middle of the camp. Some simply opened the gate of the big camp and left the camp to plunder the nearby villages. There were so many rebel soldiers, both on foot and on horseback, even the Krets who had been wandering outside More than 3000 Hu cavalry could not stop them. After a few short battles, the cavalry of Kelei's troops retreated two miles north when they saw that although the Song army was in a scattered formation, they continued to pour out of the camp.

Like other Chaotic soldiers, Zhao Xingde couldn't enter the commander's camp, he would shoot random arrows if he got close, shouting loudly, the voice couldn't be heard at all, and the flames went out in the dark, no one could see clearly. Who the hell is ten steps away? He didn't dare to risk his life, so he found a set of ordinary imperial guards' military robes to cover it up, and carefully avoided those soldiers who were fighting each other for various reasons, because there were constantly soldiers As the pawns left the camp, the number of chaotic soldiers in the camp was indeed slowly decreasing, as was the sound of loud brawls. fire.Zhao Xingde listened intently, and suddenly turned pale with shock, the "rebellious" soldiers shouted: "Liao people are coming!" "Liao people cavalry!"

At this time, a large number of Liao cavalry appeared on all sides of the Hebei camp. They were numerous and sharp. Absolute Liao cavalry poured out from the back of the mountain not far away, and they were everywhere. The sky was slightly dawning, and the first thing that appeared in the distance was not the morning glow, but thick smoke rising from all directions. Burning post stations and farmhouses along the way.

"God is helping Daliao!" Yelu Dashi was surrounded by hundreds of cavalrymen from the Iron Forest, pointed his horsewhip at the Hebei camp with four doors open, and shouted loudly: "Set fire to the camp and capture Tongguan alive!"

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