Fairy Desire

Chapter 057

With a soft pop, the long knife easily split into the stone ball, almost reaching the handle.The seemingly strong stone is actually surprisingly fragile.

Meng Xiang's zhenqi in his body was almost exhausted, so he adopted this very barbaric method of obtaining treasures. He did not expect this kind of result.However, he didn't pay too much attention to it, he directly pulled out the long knife, and prepared to cut a few more times to make a gap to see what was inside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took out the long knife, he saw a strange phenomenon, something flowed out from the crack cut by the knife, and it was still a transparent, slightly viscous liquid, just like the egg white of an egg. .

Could this stone ball be some kind of egg?Meng Xiang quickly drove this seemingly absurd thought out of his mind: If it was really an animal's egg, how big would the animal that gave birth to it be?

But just when Meng Xiang raised his knife to strike again, an accident happened.The long knife flew out of his hand automatically, and with a puff, it inserted itself into the ball, leaving only a handle, and the handle was still swinging rhythmically.

Watching the swing of the handle of the knife, Meng Xiang had a very strange idea in his mind: the long knife is eating.As soon as this idea came up, he shook his head, feeling that his idea was too absurd.

The situation that happened to him so far is not over yet. The vines that had been taken into his mind unexpectedly popped out from the top of his head without his control, poked in through the crack made by the long knife, and began to extract That transparent liquid.

After the vine poked out, Hongxue's eyes lit up, and she exclaimed, "Tiantian Vine? Master, you actually have such a treasure?"

"Tiantianvine?" Meng Xiang's eyes lit up, "Hongxue, do you know it?"

"Of course I know. It existed in ancient times, but it's a good thing."

"Good thing? What's so good about it?"

"It..." Just as Hongxue was about to speak, her eyes swept over Changdao Zhan and Tongtianvine, "Master, I'll tell you later."

Before finishing speaking, she pointed her finger forward, a red light flashed, and a hole the size of a bowl appeared on the ball in front of Hongxue, and transparent liquid flowed out all at once.

She turned her wrist, took out a sapphire gourd the size of a palm, and pointed the mouth of the gourd at the hole.A blue light flashed, and a blue light covered the hole, and the transparent liquid inside was continuously drawn out and flowed into the gourd.

What are these transparent liquids?How do they all want it?Meng Xiang took two steps forward, stuck his fingers out of the crack, and rubbed them between his fingers. It was sticky and slippery. The thought that he thought was absurd before resurfaced: Is this really true? An egg from a certain animal?

Meng Xiang raised his finger under his nose and sniffed it. He was finally sure that it was not an animal's egg, because the liquid that flowed out of it had no smell at all, unlike the egg white of eggs that had a faint fishy smell.

He thought about it, and seeing that the transparent liquid didn't look poisonous, he stuck some of it with his fingers and put it on his tongue, just like water, without any taste.

He looked around and felt that there would be no danger, so he sent his thoughts to the Babel Vine in his mind, intending to use it to see what was in that strange ball.

Soon, he entered the ball along the Babel Vine.On his first impression, he seemed to have entered the water.Although it looks very dark because of the shell, but the way he looks at things through the Babel Vine is very special. See the situation clearly.

Through the Babel Vine, Meng Xiang saw that the transparent liquid in the ball was rapidly decreasing, and the source was really the Babel Vine, Hongxue's Gourd and Long Dao Zhan, and they were all rapidly extracting it.

Meng Xiang looked at the bottom of the sphere, and he saw a layer of yellow-brown thing, which seemed to be soil, about several feet deep, and in the middle of the suspected soil, there was a strange plant-like thing.

It is about three feet tall, with twisted branches and iron trunks, and looks very vigorous, but it doesn't have a single leaf, as if it has never grown leaves.But what attracted his attention the most was the middlemost branch of that strange plant, standing tall and straight.

At the top of the straight branch, there is a yellow halo the size of a fist.Through the halo, it can be seen that the luminous body is a fruit, about the size of an egg, yellow and clear, as if made of pure gold.

Seeing that fruit, for some reason, Meng Xiang suddenly felt very hungry, and it was very strong, as if if he put a stone in front of him, he would eat it.

Before he could figure out why he had such a strong sense of hunger, his mind was occupied by an extremely strong thought: I want to eat it, I want to eat it, I...

When Meng Xiang regained consciousness, the surrounding situation was quite different: firstly, the yellow smoke had all dissipated, and the sunlight coming in from the mouth of the pit directly shone warmly on his face; Let the curious ball disappear, leaving nothing, as if it never existed.

Meng Xiang put his hands on the ground, ready to stand up, but his body flew several feet high.After falling to the ground, he couldn't help saying to himself: "The gravity in the big pit also disappeared?" However, he quickly shook his head.

If gravity simply disappeared, he would not have lost control of his force at all. He has a deep understanding of the body, and he is still very clear about when and how much force he should use.The only possibility for this to happen is that his strength has greatly improved again.

Meng Xiang began to fuse his thoughts with the Skystrike Vine to understand what happened in his body.But as soon as he merged with the Tongtianvine, what he "saw" made him a little dazed.

Originally, the Sky Reaching Vine planted its roots in the chaos and connected the roots with his meridians, but now it has grown on a piece of golden-yellow land without any impurities, and its scope is not small. About ten feet square.

In addition to the Babel Vine, there are two circular pools on both sides of that piece of land. One is about two feet in diameter, and the other is slightly larger.

Inside the small pool is a transparent liquid, but it has a different texture from water, with an oily sheen, and he knows it.It is the liquid that Babel Vine extracted from that ball.

In the larger pool was a pale green liquid, which he also recognized.It is the aura extracted from the outside world by the Babel Vine, but it is now much purer than before.

After calming down from the strange situation he saw, Meng Xiang found that the Celestial Vine seemed to be a little different. Apart from the more obvious golden luster on the surface, it also gave him a stronger feeling.

Following the roots of the Babel Vine, he successfully entered the meridians, and something happened to him very quickly, no matter the meridians, every part of the body, and even the zhenqi had a faint yellow color.After incorporating a hint of yellow, he felt a kind of thick and solid.

After carefully checking some physical conditions, Meng Xiang found that his physical fitness has indeed improved a lot, including the meridians seem to have become more resilient.As for why this change occurred, he himself is not very clear, but he can be sure that it must be related to what happened during the period of time when he lost consciousness.

After checking his body, Meng Xiang separated his mind from the Skystrike Vine, and began to observe the surrounding situation.The God of War Terrace had become the size of a palm at some point, and it was lying beside him.He contacted it, but it didn't respond to him, as if it had fallen into a deep sleep.

Similarly, the Long Dao Zhan was also placed beside him, and it was still inserted into the scabbard. He didn't know if it inserted itself or something else.

Meng Xiang put the God of War platform in his arms, and hung the long knife on his waist again.He searched at the bottom of the pit to see if he could find something of value.It's a pity that the result disappointed him. Except for a few egg-sized round pebbles with a faint yellow light, he found nothing at the place where the ball disappeared without a trace.

Looking around, without the yellow smoke covering his eyes, he quickly found the place where he came down from the big pit before, and walked over quickly.

In the process of walking, he found that the stone sculptures eroded by the yellow smoke had all lost their luster, showing a gray-white color after being baptized by the years. When he touched it lightly with his feet, they collapsed and turned into a pile of sand-like debris. stone.

Going up is faster than going down. After a while, Meng Xiang turned over the mouth of the big pit.During this process, he also noticed the changes in the stone wall, which became very soft, like rotten wood. Once he grabbed it, and the closer to the mouth of the big pit, the more serious the corrosion of the stone was.

Meng Xiang soon found Yan Shi. He was leaning on a big rock about two or three distances away from the mouth of the pit, staring closely at the mouth of the pit, but his eyes were red and he seemed a little dull, as if his thoughts had already gone to the pit. On to something else.

Meng Xiang patted him on the shoulder, and he jumped up all of a sudden, and was about to punch him, until he saw that it was Meng Xiang, he retracted his fist, grabbed his shoulder, and shouted excitedly: "Brother Meng, you're back? Are you okay?" She kept looking him up and down, as if she was afraid that a piece of flesh would fall off his body.

"Okay. What can I do." Meng Xiang patted Yan Shi heavily on the shoulder, "Oh, by the way, how long have I been down here?"

"How long? Let me do the math." Yan Shi seemed a little dazed, and began to count with his fingers.

After about ten breaths, he suddenly raised his head and yelled: "Brother Meng, it's not good. The big thing is not good."

"What's wrong? Stone, please explain clearly."

"Brother Meng, today is the last day of the hunting competition. If we can't return to the assembly point before dark, our results will be invalidated. It's past noon now, and we are about the same distance from the assembly point Two hundred miles. The winter is short, and I'm afraid we won't be able to get back in time."

"Haha..." Meng Xiang laughed loudly, "What was my business at the time? Didn't I just go back before dark? You believe me, there is absolutely no problem."

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