Fairy Desire

Chapter 009

Meng Xiang sold the animal furs that had been simply processed to a fur shop, and he got a total of about [-] Wen. Although the price was a little lower, he didn't care about it. He didn't come to Guyang City this time just to sell the fur. A few pieces of animal fur, he has bigger intentions.

He walked back and forth in the city, and then stayed in the tea house for a long time. It was not until the sun was setting that he found an inn to stay.

The accommodation conditions in the inn were average, but the price was not cheap, but he didn't care because he liked its location.There is only one street between it and the Huang's house, and in the room he chose on the second floor near the street, he can clearly see most of the activities of the Huang's house without going out.

In the next few days, unless necessary, Meng Xiang didn't go out at all, let the staff deliver the food to the room, and monitored the situation of Huang's family all the time.

To be on the safe side, and to avoid arousing suspicion afterwards, he intentionally injured his leg and asked a doctor to bandage it, but his injury was far less serious than it appeared on the surface.In his previous life, in order to survive, it was common for him to be injured, and it was not a problem to pretend to be wounded.

Even if the injury on his leg is simply bandaged, it will basically not affect his actions too much. Although the affected area looks scary on the surface, it is actually just a skin trauma.Especially after using the myogenic bone paste that the mysterious middle-aged man left him, in less than an hour, he was basically back to normal.

After waiting for three days, Meng Xiang still didn't find anything abnormal in the Huang family, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart: Could it be that there was a mistake in the memory of the previous life?But then he denied it.

Through all the previous things, although the things that happened in the previous life will be affected by some factors, they will not change in general. There should be no accidents in such a big event as the Huang family being wiped out.He decided to keep watching.

Heaven pays off!On the morning of the fifth day, he finally discovered the clue: first, there was an old woman selling sugar-fried chestnuts; after about an hour, an old man selling wontons appeared; in the afternoon, a middle-aged grocery seller appeared again. The shopkeeper; when the sun was westward, two monkey performers, grandparents and grandchildren, came; when it was dark, another singing troupe came, with more than 20 people.

It stands to reason that the arrival of these people should be very common. The street near Huang's house was originally the busiest one in Guyang City, so it's not surprising that people of all colors come and go.But if those people, without exception, cast their eyes on the Huang family's mansion from time to time, and all of them faintly revealed a capable and murderous aura, then it would be abnormal.

In his previous life, although Meng Xiang had a miserable life, he had experience in the world after all, and was especially sensitive to murderous aura. Although he didn't get close, he could clearly feel it just by taking a look at it from a distance. The status of those people is not commensurate.

After seeing the singing troupe being welcomed in by the Huang family's butler, Meng Xiang left from the window, called the waiter, and asked him to prepare twice as much food as usual.After eating, he turned off the lights and lay down on the bed, closing his eyes and taking a nap.

The time soon reached midnight, and although people slept late in Guyang City, most of the urban area was still plunged into darkness.After all, people are ordinary people, and they need to get up early tomorrow to survive.

However, there are exceptions, and that is the Huang's house, which is still brightly lit, and there are laughter and noisy voices from time to time.Naturally, the voice of singing is indispensable, babbling, and not many people can understand it.

At this time, Meng Xiang, who had fallen asleep early, turned over and sat up from the bed, moved a chair, gently placed it by the window, sat down slowly, pushed the window open a small gap, and opened the window to the bustling crowd. Looking at the Huang family, there was a strange light in his eyes.

Under his deliberate inquiries, he already knew the reason why the Huang family was so lively.Today is a good day for Huang Yue, the second son of Huang Tianba, the patriarch of the Huang family, to marry the youngest daughter of the city lord. Naturally, it is a day worth celebrating.But they don't know that a happy event is about to turn into a funeral.

About an hour later, the Huang's family members who participated in the celebration seemed to be tired, and left in twos and threes. Finally, the lights in the Huang's house were also extinguished one by one.However, less than half an hour later, the Huang family ignited a fire that soared to the sky.

Looking down from above, Meng Xiang could see clearly that the fire started from all directions of the Huang's mansion at the same time, and there were as many as a dozen fire heads, and the burning speed was very fast. It spread quickly almost as soon as it was ignited. Naturally escaped.

A smile appeared on the corner of Meng Xiang's mouth: The end of the Huang family has arrived.Sure enough, things were abnormal everywhere. Even if the Huang family slept late and were relatively tired, and there was such a serious fire, it was absolutely impossible that only so few people came out to fight the fire.

What happened next confirmed Meng Xiang's conjecture that even those who came out to fight the fire did not end well.When they were walking around, from time to time, people dressed in black and masked by black scarves jumped out of the shadows and inserted knives into their backs. Few people could escape the sneak attack.

The fire continued to spread, and since there was no one to put out the fire, the scattered fires quickly became one, and the whole Huang's house seemed to be a sea of ​​flames.

Since the guest room Meng Xiang chose was at a disadvantage of the Huang family, besides the crackling sound of burning objects, he could also hear the shrill screams, one after another, obviously the Huang family He was not killed all at once, but was deprived of the ability to act by the murderer, and was dying slowly and painfully under the burning of the fire.

Meng Xiang stared at Huang's house without blinking through the small gap in the window. He concluded that something else would happen soon.

It didn't take long, under the light of the fire, Meng Xiang finally saw what he wanted to see: some black shadows jumped directly over the courtyard wall, or rushed out of the gate, but they all had one obvious characteristic ——They all carry large or small packages on their backs.

However, those people were very unlucky. They had just left Huang's house, and before they had run far, a lot of soldiers came from the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.They were obviously here to arrest the murderer. Seeing those men in black, they drew their swords and slashed at them fiercely.

Meng Xiang still didn't move, just watched quietly, watching for any development of the matter.However, it was obvious that his attention was not on the battles happening everywhere. Most of the time, his eyes were on the Huang family mansion that was almost completely turned into a sea of ​​flames.

After about a cup of tea, when everyone's eyes were almost attracted by the battle between the murderer and the soldiers, several sneaky figures came out from the back corner door of Huang's house, stuck to the wall, Under the cover of the shadow, he quietly receded into the distance.

After seeing those people appearing, Meng Xiang's eyes lit up, but they still didn't move, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that those people were about to break away from the encirclement encircled by the soldiers around Huang's house, when the fish entered the sea and the birds climbed into the blue sky, there was a clear and crisp sound of horseshoes.A group of cavalry in bright armor rushed out from the shadow of the street corner and rushed towards those people, the sabers raised high in their hands gleamed coldly.

The team of cavalry quickly fought against those people, and the battle was unexpectedly fierce.Those few people are all first-class players. Although the cavalry has the advantage of numbers and horses, they still can't gain the upper hand. If they are not careful, their horse's legs will be cut off and they will fall off the horse.

Gradually, Meng Xiang frowned, and muttered to himself: "Is my guess wrong?"

Just when Meng Xiang was deep in thought, a loud shout came to his ears: "Brothers, we have been fooled. The things are not in the City Lord's Mansion, but in Huang's House."

Meng Xiang followed the prestige, and saw a tall man who was almost half taller than ordinary galloping from a distance, even faster than a galloping horse, holding a nearly ten feet long mace in his hand, which was even more terrifying. No matter who is blocking his way, with a slight wave, he will be thrown away immediately with a swish.

After the giant man swept across a road, he rushed to the front of Huang's mansion together with five or six people behind him, and then with a wave of his mace, he smashed a huge gap with a width of two feet in the courtyard wall, rushing into the already formed The Huang family was in a sea of ​​flames.

As soon as the giant man and his party entered Huang's house, another group of people chased after them and rushed in through the gap in the courtyard wall.

At this time, some things that Meng Xiang thought were abnormal before got answers.It turned out that the group's target was not the Huang's House, but the City Lord's Mansion. They made such a big commotion on the Huang's side, just to attract the people from the City Lord's Mansion, so that it would be convenient for their accomplices to attack.

It's a pity that God doesn't follow people's wishes. They thought that what they wanted had already arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, but in fact it was still in Huang's house.But they turned the Huang family into a sea of ​​flames. Even if the things were still there, they would have to spend more effort to get them. They really shot themselves in the foot.

Meng Xiang sighed, he had originally watched the process of the destruction of the Huang family himself.Of course, if there is any advantage to take advantage of, he will not let it go.But judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that he will benefit.

Naturally, there should be some good things in the bags carried by the men in black below. If they can get them, they can also make a fortune.But it was far from enough to make him risk it.

Just when Meng Xiang decided to watch all this as a good show, a situation suddenly caught his attention: a black shadow came out from an inconspicuous corner of the Huang's mansion .

At first, Meng Xiang didn't pay too much attention to it. He remembered clearly that it should be a dog hole specially set aside by the Huang family. He naturally regarded that black shadow as a dog.But soon, he realized something was wrong. Although the black figure had a low profile, it was definitely not a dog, but a person.

Meng Xiang's heart moved, he grabbed the long knife on the table, jumped lightly, grabbed the beam, turned up and went up, and then opened the opening he had made on the roof. , quietly climbed up to the roof, stuck to the shadow of the ridge, quickly ran to the distance, and jumped off the roof in a hidden place, falling far behind the shadow.

When the black shadow came to a remote alley, he immediately quickened his pace and rushed towards the black shadow, but what greeted him was a cloud of flying needles like raindrops.Almost instinctively, the long knife came out of its sheath, drew a icy cold light, split the flying needle, unabated, and slashed straight at the man's head.

Meng Xiang sideways avoided the splashing blood, and quickly walked to the black shadow with half of his head missing, put his hand into his arms, and quickly took out a small bag the size of a palm.

After finding that there was nothing suspicious, he hurriedly left without checking what was in the bag.

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