Pampering the sea

Chapter 078 Pregnant

Seeing Chu Zhiling's displeasure, Hoshino Mingyi smiled slightly and curled his lips: "Let's make a bet that your wife has ulterior motives for you. Will Captain Chu take this bet?"

Xin Yue has been a little drowsy for the past few days. She feels that she has slept enough, but she is still sleepy.

Really can't sleep anymore, she sat on the chair, took out the paper and drew there.

She is drawing a boat. For some reason, when she sees the boat, she feels a strong sense of security.

Autumn rains are continuous, and the gloomy weather of the past few days makes the air very humid. When the wind blows, there is a faint smell of dead rats.

A strong discomfort suddenly surged in Xin Yue's stomach, and she retched while holding on to the window sill.

After vomiting, she suddenly patted her forehead, thinking a little speechlessly, could she really be pregnant?

Judging from the situation in the past few days, it seems to be a sign of pregnancy.

Her freedom and life...

She was very depressed when she thought that her youth would be ruined in the hands of a baby boy.

The little baby I saw when I went to the street a few days ago suddenly flashed in my mind, such a small one, being hugged by someone, with a pink face.There is also a two-year-old, who is walking on the road, making an indistinct call, as if he is calling his mother.

In fact, it feels good to have a younger son or daughter...

This evening Chu Zhiling came back late again, Xin Yue was tired and couldn't wait any longer, woke up thirsty in the middle of the night, and found a person standing in front of her tatami.

Fortunately, Xin Yue's mental quality was strong enough, and his eyes were sharp enough to see who was standing clearly through the hazy moonlight.She lazily said: "Why don't you take off your clothes and go to bed when you come back, are you standing there to scare me to death?"

Xin Yue went to the table and took a glass of water, drank it and sat down on the tatami mat. Seeing Chu Zhiling standing there expressionless, she raised her eyes and said, "What's wrong? What happened? Why are you posing again?" A stinky face, which bastard offended you?"

He didn't answer, she shrugged, and got into bed calmly.

It was a long time before she felt a rustling sound behind her.The man behind him habitually stretched out his hand, and Xin Yue obviously felt his hand touch her waist, thinking that he was going to wrap her around her like before, but his hand retracted like an electric shock, and his body also turned around. The posture changed from facing her back to facing away from her.

What an awkward guy, I don't know how to offend him... It's like she owes him millions.

Xin Yue couldn't fall asleep, she thought wildly for a while, then turned around, faced Chu Zhiling's back, and said, "Chu Zhiling."

"Yeah." He responded very quickly.

"Call me a doctor tomorrow."

She thought he would ask her what happened as usual, and then she could tell him proudly that she seemed to have a kid to raise.

Unexpectedly, after a long time, he still didn't answer.But she could feel his breathing, which was long and heavy.

"Did you hear that?"

After a while, he said, "Okay."

Xin Yue didn't know whether he was angry with her or because he was tired, so he didn't bother him anymore. She was a little cold, her head was pressed against his back, and she fell into a deep sleep.

Chu Zhiling felt that her breathing became even, knew that she had fallen asleep, turned over, and hugged her somewhat cold body into his arms. Xin Yue who fell asleep was very like a child, quiet and pure, She is indifferent to the world, and has a bit of girlish coquettishness.

"Don't you ask where I've been all day?" He touched her soft hair with his lips, warming her with his body, making her slightly pale face rosy.

His voice was like a breeze, a bit helpless and a bit disappointed.

When Xin Yue came up the next day, he found that Chu Zhiling was not by his side. At night, he came back very late again, and this time he still smelled heavily of alcohol.

Xin Yue knew when he came back, but he just didn't get up. His behavior made her a little annoyed, and she also had a certain degree of aversion to alcohol.She originally wanted to ask him why he always left so early and returned late, but then she thought about it and let it go, isn't he doing business, can he not have a few entertainments?

When he came back on the fourth night, he smelled like a woman's powder.

He got into the bed, Xin Yue choked on his smell and coughed a few times.

Forget it... There are not many people in business who play tricks, let alone he is a pirate.

Wait... Xin Yue feels more and more that her thinking is a little old-fashioned. When did she become such a docile and docile little woman?

But if she wanted to grab Chu Zhiling by the ear like a shrew and ask him what he was doing, she felt that she lacked skills.


After thinking about it, she still didn't ask Chu Zhiling.He is not a sentimental person, he treats her very well, and he will not go out to find a woman.

Choose to trust him.Just like he once trusted her without reservation.Doubt and suspicion are the beginning of emotional gaps.

In fact, she didn't know that some gaps had already been formed, and those blind uncertainties in emotions were like the tiny cracks on the sapphire porcelain bowl, which became deeper and heavier with the passage of time and the weight of the years. .

Loving someone too deeply is not like love at all, but like a kind of pain.

Who can tell clearly, who is whose fault?

The next morning, Xin Yue didn't draw the boat. She walked around the courtyard a few times, moved around a few times, and slipped back to sit at the table. She picked up a needle and thread and embroidered some children's things.

She didn't go to see a doctor because Chu Zhiling didn't call for her, but she was 100% sure that she was pregnant. She had studied some medicine and knew the symptoms of pregnancy.

But she didn't tell Chu Zhiling.

He had been leaving early and returning late for half a month. When he came back, she had already gone to bed, and even when she woke up, she was dizzy and extremely sleepy.

No chance to tell is one, and second, although she said she would trust him, she also felt a little annoyed at his indifference to her for the past few days. He seemed to be angry with her. Once, she took pains to make porridge for him, and when she was waiting for him to come back, she handed the porridge to him. He glanced at her, and there was no emotion in his eyes, but a little anger flashed.

Xin Yue is a little hard to understand his attitude towards her, but she has such a personality. She feels that if someone takes you seriously, he will say it if you don't ask him. If that person doesn't take you seriously, no matter how much It is useless to ask.

She didn't ask anything, kept an expectation for him, and continued to live her life as calmly as before.She didn't take his change to heart, she felt that the person she identified would not deviate.

until that day.

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