Time flies, and a week has passed.

A week is enough to change a lot of things.For example, Gu Xiyan is now able to get up on time every day, and the quilts she folds are already sharp and angular.

After a week of physical training, Gu Xiyan's body is now much better than when she first joined the army.She can complete a five-kilometer long-distance raid, or even a ten-kilometer armed raid, within the stipulated time.She can't run to the top one and the top two, but she is already at the middle level, which is absolutely commendable for a paratrooper who entered the army halfway.In addition, she never complained about suffering or tiredness, Deng Qing didn't say anything, but she was quite satisfied with her in her heart.If she is willing to be a soldier... an idea sprouted in Deng Qing's heart.

After the orienteering event this morning, the female soldiers of a company were divided into two groups and sat face to face.The female soldiers are still a little physically weak because they have just completed the cross-country project, but the shallow or deep smiles on their faces constitute a bright and gorgeous scenery.

During the break, two groups of female soldiers began to sing.Deng Qing, who was an instructor, had a serious face, but she didn't stop her.After all, in the army, there are too few entertainment items for the soldiers, and she will not deprive the female soldiers of this fun.

The two groups of female soldiers each sent a representative to be the lead singer, and Gu Xiyan also became a member of the lead singer under Li Leting's strong recommendation.The other party sent the girl named Li Jie.

"Sing the military song duet. Our side will start first. After we finish singing, you will sing another song. Whoever fails to catch up will lose. All the team members of the losing side will each do fifty push-ups. How about it?" Li Jie Speak first, and if you listen carefully, you will find the provocation in her words.

The team members on Li Jie's side naturally strongly agreed, La Ge, who is afraid of whom?

Gu Xiyan hesitated, if she was the only one, it would be fine, but if she agrees now, if she loses...

"Xiyan, promise her, come as soon as you come." Seeing Gu Xiyan's embarrassment, Li Leting was the first to express her opinion.

With Li Leting leading the way, the female soldiers on Gu Xiyan's side also responded one after another.

"Promise, promise..." Before Gu Xiyan could respond, the female soldiers had already made a decision.Seeing this, Gu Xiyan replied to Li Jie: "Come."

"Unity is strength...ready to sing." Li Jie turned to face the group of female soldiers and said loudly.

"Unity is strength, unity is strength, and this strength is iron..." The group of female soldiers sang loudly, even roaring.

After the song was over, Gu Xiyan, reminded by the female soldiers on their side, sang with a lively voice, "Night at the military port, be quiet..." The female soldiers hurriedly followed her beat.

It was Li Jie's turn again: "I am a soldier, from the common people..."

"When the motherland calls, hold your chest up and stand in the lead..."

"The cold wind blows the fallen leaves, the army is a green flower..."

"The smoke is rising, the country is looking north..." Gu Xiyan said.

"Forward, forward, our team to the sun..."

"You once said to me that meeting is a song, eyes are the sea of ​​spring, and youth is a river of green..."


In the end, the two sides did not decide the winner, because the rest time was limited.When Li Jie's party was singing "The East is Red", Deng Qing blew a whistle, and the female soldiers reacted instantly.Get up neatly together, put on the military cap, and consciously adjust the formation, good!

"In the next hour, I will learn the technique of grappling, and after an hour, I will start the training of marksmanship. Do you understand?" Deng Qing's voice was loud and clear.

"Understood." The female soldiers answered in unison.

In the air-conditioned sports field, the female soldiers performed one move after another, so mighty.Practicing grappling in winter is good for warming up the body. After an hour of practice, Gu Xiyan only felt warm all over her body.

Marksmanship training is carried out indoors, and each person counts ten shots as the number of rings.The female soldiers were divided into ten batches for training, with five to seven soldiers in each batch.

It's been a week, and this is Gu Xiyan's first contact with guns.

Gu Xiyan was in the first batch. She loaded the pistol according to the instructions and held it up. With Deng Qing's whistle, Gu Xiyan pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew out with a 'thump'.

Second shot, third shot...

Counting begins after ten shots.

"No. 92, Li Jie, ring 92, No. 86, Li Leting, 89, No. [-], Zheng Yingshi, [-]... No. [-], Gu Xiyan, [-]. The next batch." Deng Qing waved her hand to let The first group left, and the second group followed.

After all the rounds, the female soldiers assembled again.

"There are a total of three training tasks this morning, orienteering, grappling, and marksmanship. You should know how your results are. As for marksmanship, I require a score of 95 or higher. Of course, you have practiced marksmanship less frequently. There is a lot of room for improvement. Now those who are below 80 ring go out and stand in a military posture for half an hour, and the rest are disbanded."

"Scatter." After the female soldiers roared, they went their separate ways.There were a total of 9 people who needed to stand in a military posture. When Gu Xiyan and Li Leting passed by them, one of the female soldiers made a sad face at Gu Xiyan.

Gu Xiyan paused in her footsteps, then she smiled and walked away.The female soldier who made faces at her was Jiang Hanxiao. When Gu Xiyan reported for duty on the first day, Jiang Hanxiao was the one who was absent in the first row where Gu Xiyan was standing.After getting along for a few days, Gu Xiyan felt that Jiang Hanxiao was a very cute girl, although she was a bit delicate, she was not a bad person.

After lunch, except for He Zhuan, all the other female soldiers in c202 went back to the dormitory.

The seven of them were all lying on the bed, and they chatted one after another.Suddenly, a question from Zheng Yingshi with short hair made the dormitory lively.

She asked: "Sisters, what do you think the other half is like?" After asking, she added: "Let's listen to everything, and you are not allowed to keep it. Those who dare to keep it are not true sisters."

"Yingshi, tell me first." Liu Hui, who also had short hair, said with a smile.

"Just say it." Zheng Yingshi lowered her voice after looking at the ceiling for a while: "The him in my mind doesn't have to be handsome, but he has to treat me sincerely. He can only like me. Don't get involved with other women, except my mother and her mother, or I will be angry and angry. He may not have money, but he must be self-motivated, filial and respectful to the elderly. Last but not least, he cannot compare I'm short."

At c202 in the afternoon, a normally active and playful girl spoke piously about the beauty in her heart.The others listened quietly and no one interrupted her.When she said, "It's your turn to speak", everyone laughed.

The second one is about Li Leting. Although she is usually careless, she is also shy when it comes to this: "I don't think I am very demanding. As long as I can find someone who is pleasing to me, he will also be pleasing to me." Of course I have to consider the feelings of my parents, if I like it but my parents don’t, I might give up.”

The few people behind also put forward some ideas more or less, some people said 'I like a mature man, preferably five to seven years older than me', some people said 'I want a handsome man, look Eye-catching and good mood', and some people said, 'Emotions have thousands of forms, I have to wait until I meet them to know'... There is also a sister in the dormitory who already has a boyfriend. Only then did she honestly confess her boyfriend's name so that his interests and hobbies are superficial and connotative.

Gu Xiyan originally wanted to pretend to be asleep and get away with it, but it was obvious that the group of sisters in the dormitory had all grown up.Several girls swarmed up and scratched Gu Xiyan's itchy flesh vigorously. At first Gu Xiyan could bear it, but then she burst out laughing, laughing, even choking tears.

"I don't... dare... don't... I was wrong...." Gu Xiyan rolled on the bed several times, feebly raising the white flag.

"Okay, don't go too far." Li Leting finally said something fair.

"Okay, little Xiyan, then you know what to do!" Zheng Yingshi smiled harmlessly as she stared at the itchy flesh on Gu Xiyan's lower abdomen.

"Yes, Xiyan, don't think that you will let you go if you look at the younger sisters. You are in a hurry, and you must be careful." Half-long hair Zhao Chun waved a hand in front of his eyes, looking It's like that.

"Xiyan, I won't force you, but I won't object to the general policy of our dormitory, you...you can figure it out!" Li Leting stepped aside, obviously wanting to stand by and watch.

The rest of the people all looked to be watching the show.

Gu Xiyan turned back and rested her chin on the pillow, looking innocently and flatteringly at everyone in the dormitory.

"Say it quickly." The other six impatiently said in unison.

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