Zhao Defang's road to the virtuous king

Chapter 676 Receiving the Secret Order and Transferring to Meizhou 8

The two were talking, Tian Cheng hurried over, "Master, madam."

"Cheng'er, it's just in time, go get ready, we'll leave for Beijing tomorrow."

"Master, we can't go back to the capital"

"What? Can't go back?" Defang was very surprised, "Could something happen in the capital?"

"The capital is fine, master, please go back to the house and talk."

Defang nodded, and brought Concubine Di into the room together, Tian Cheng said, "My lord, empress, Bozhong has returned to Jinzhou."

"What? Bozhong is back here again? What happened?"

"My lord, nothing happened. After Bozhong returned to Beijing, he presented your booklet to the emperor. The emperor issued a new decree on the same day. Bozhong himself took the imperial decree and drove all night, and returned to Jinzhou with eight hundred miles of post horses."

"Eight hundred miles in a hurry? What happened? Where is the imperial decree?"

Cheng took out two letters and an imperial decree and handed them to Defang. Defang opened the imperial decree, and saw that it read: Feng Baxian Wang was an envoy to seek peace in Meizhou, led the garrison of Simianfu County to conquer the remnants of the rebellion, and ordered the magistrate of Jinzhou to escort the army rations Let's go to Meizhou together to quickly solve the siege of Meizhou.

Defang read the imperial decree and handed it to Concubine Di and said, "Madam, it seems that I really can't go back."

Concubine Di also looked at the imperial decree, "Meizhou is besieged, the matter is of great importance, the prince must get up as soon as possible, but... your body may not be able to bear it."

"It doesn't matter," Defang said, "The key is to relieve Meizhou's turmoil. It's not too late. The lonely king will go to Master Peng right now."

"My lord," Tian Cheng pointed to the letter, "You haven't read the letter yet."

"Letter?" Defang looked at the two letters in his hand, "I almost forgot."

"Who gave you the letter?" Concubine Di asked

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