Zhao Defang's road to the virtuous king

Chapter 632 Worshiping Yi Brother Wei Jingtian 2

Defang nodded, and the four of them entered the Escort. Defang thought that there must be goods or weapons everywhere in the Escort, but Defang was very surprised here. Entering the Escort was an empty martial field, but there was no weapon. It turned out to be a secluded garden with lush vegetation, a pavilion and a small pond. It didn't look like an escort agency at all, but rather like a home for literati and refined scholars. These things made Defang feel very comfortable. Defang said, "Madam, You can see that it's very quiet here, it's really not like an escort agency."

"That's right. Although the garden here is not big, it is very unique. I didn't expect these escorts to like the garden."

This is a person passing by clasping his fists and saying, "The two are Baye Zhao and Mrs. Baye?"

"Exactly." Defang cupped his hands in return, "May I ask your Excellency?"

"I'm Ma Tangwei, head of the Jinzhou Branch of the Eastern Escort Bureau."

"It turned out to be the head of the escort, so be polite."

"I heard that Mr. Zhao Baye rescued our head of Wei's bodyguard, and also kept the court's official bank. Ma Tangwei hereby expresses his gratitude."

"Ma Biaotou is serious. The court officials are helping the people. We are all citizens of the Song Dynasty. How can we allow bandits to run rampant? When we encounter this, we must do our best to help."

"Baye is really a righteous man! Please sit inside!"

"Please" the four of Defang entered the main hall, sat aside, and the servants offered refreshments. Ma Tangwei was about to ask Defang about something, when someone ran over, "Report to the head of the escort, there are guests outside, and ask the escort to release the goods."

"Okay." Ma Tangwei nodded, "Baye, Mrs. Baye, I'm going to deal with some things first, and I'll be back soon. Please forgive me for my negligence."

"No problem, please, head of the escort."

Ma Tangwei walked out of the main hall after saluting, and Defang said, "Madam, are you tired?"

"I'm not tired, it's just that I've been sitting in the car for a long time and I really want to move around."

Defang smiled, "When you settle in the inn, let Cheng'er accompany you to the market."

"Is the prince not together?"

"My lord, I still want to hunt for treasures," Defang said, "Maybe there will be some really good items that I can bring back to Beijing."

"Then the prince should be more careful."

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