Hearing this, Emperor Taizong smiled and said, "Nephew, you are really a prince of peace and happiness. Don't sit all the time and move around more, otherwise you will easily get sick."

"Yes, I will bear in mind His Majesty's instruction."

"Hey, don't always be His Majesty's. Now there are only you and me in the Chongzheng Palace, so there is no need to be too polite."

"Yes, Uncle Emperor" Defang bowed

"Defang, the fighting in the west has slowed down recently. Although Li Shun's remnants are still resisting, they are at the end of their strength. Recently, I received a secret report saying that Yangzhou and Jinzhou have joined the rebellious army, and I heard that officials harbored important criminals to participate in the war. Among them, I want to send someone to check."

"Yangzhou and Jinzhou are close to Sichuan and Sichuan. His Majesty ordered to kill eight members of Li Shun's rebellious party in Fengxiang County a few days ago. The remnants of them are hidden in Yangjin and Yangzhou. Maybe they intend to use the resentment to gather and start another incident."

Taizong nodded, "But I'm not worried about those remaining rebels, it's just..."

"Uncle Huang is worried that local officials will be involved, which will not be conducive to the stability of Sichuan and Sichuan and the peace of the people."

"Exactly, the local state officials are in charge of one side's military administration, and Yangjin and Jinzhou are close to Sichuan and Sichuan. If there are officials involved in the rebellion, I'm afraid it will be even more troublesome."

"What the emperor is worried about is that sooner or later the remnants of the rebellion will be wiped out, but if the court and state officials have dissent, it will be a serious disaster for the country."

"Hmm." Taizong got up and walked to Defang, Defang also stood up, Taizong approached and said, "Defang, I want you to go to Jinzhou and check the secret report on my behalf."

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