But he knows best that Xiao Huanhuan and their little ones are Jiang Yifan's heart. He is in his twenties now, and he hasn't seen whether his wife is round or flat. In short, he is not tired of living and has no guts to challenge Ni Lin, the boss of his family, so he lowered his voice knowingly, "Boss, who came to discuss business with you just now?"

"Chengnan Huajia." Seeing that Ling Zhixuan had stopped making noise, Jiang Yifan continued to correct a document with his head bowed.

"Chengnan florist?" Ling Zhixuan blinked, "A florist who grows flowers?"

"En." Jiang Yifan responded casually.

"Boss, do you want a flower shop? Why are you dealing with the flower family?" Ling Zhixuan was very strange.

It stands to reason that the boss of his family is doing big business, so he shouldn't be interested in these flowers and plants, and even if he is interested, the company has so many managers and deputy managers, so there is no need for his big boss to do it himself .

"Huanhuan is bored at home. I think she likes the flowers in Huajia Garden very much, so I want to open a flower shop for her to pass the time." When Xiao Huanhuan was mentioned, even though he was still reviewing documents in his hand, his voice was unconscious The tone is much softer, "I will find someone to manage the flower shop when the time comes, and it's fine to go shopping when Huan Huan is bored."

"Oh..." So that's the case.

Ling Zhixuan suddenly realized.

No wonder the boss of his family wants to do it himself, his boss is like this, as long as it is about his wife and children, even if he is busy, he has to do it himself.

Ming Shaoyu, who was also married to Lianqiao and had two babies, said with a happy face, saying that this is called family happiness.

Hmph, shit, isn't it bullying that he doesn't have a wife yet? Tomorrow he will also marry a beautiful woman and give birth to ten or eight of his children. Let's see if they still show off.

It's far away, let's figure out who the big beauty is first!

"Boss, who is that girl who just came?" Thinking of that girl, Ling Zhixuan looked intoxicated.

So gentle, so beautiful, so ethereal, so sweet!

"Which girl?" Jiang Yifan said without raising his head, "The ones who came just now were all men, no girls."

Oh too!

The girl didn't come in at all just now, so Jiang Yifan didn't see her.

Ling Zhixuan looked up at the sky, expressing his melancholy.

It was not easy for him to fall in love with a girl, it can't be just a one-time relationship, right?

"Ah Xuan, which girl are you looking at again?" Xiao Huanhuan brought over three glasses of juice on a tray, divided them between Jiang Yifan and Ling Zhixuan, and took a small sip himself.

She just made the juice, thinking that Ling Zhixuan might still be sitting outside, and was about to deliver it to him, but unexpectedly he had already come in.

"Sister Huanhuan, please don't slander me, okay?" Ling Zhixuan opened his eyes wide, expressing his aggrievedness, "This is the first time I fell in love with a girl at first sight, what do you mean 'again' which girl I fell in love with?"

"Really?" Thinking of Ling Zhixuan's past embarrassment, Xiao Huanhuan giggled, "You forgot, the last time we went to a bar together, you fell in love with a girl, and you were fascinated by her, but you ran away We used to strike up conversations with people, but when they opened their mouths, it was a man's voice, which almost scared us to death..."

The corner of Ling Zhixuan's mouth twitched fiercely.

Scared to death?

It's laughing!

It was so easy for him to be tempted for a while, the beautiful woman who looked so beautiful was actually a man disguised as a woman, damn it!

As soon as the man opened his mouth, the laughing group of people who were afraid of the chaos of the world couldn't straighten their waists, and Luo Siyao just laughed and slipped to roll on the floor.

Damn him!

What century is his character!

"And that time..." Xiao Huanhuan drank the juice and fell into fond memories, "That time we went to Hainan to play together, and you saw a girl who was lying on a beach chair and taking a beach bath, you just Tell us, this girl's hair is so straight, bright, and black, her waist is so thin, white, and soft, and her figure is so good, so beautiful, and on point, she must be a peerless beauty, so you go to strike up a conversation with her again , but when she turned around, she turned out to be a wrinkled old woman, and there was a six or seven-year-old boy next to her calling her grandma, hahaha..."

Thinking of that extremely joyous scene, Xiao Huanhuan couldn't straighten up laughing again.

Ling Zhixuan looked at Xiao Huanhuan, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely again.

Do you want to remember it so clearly?

"And that time..."

Xiao Huanhuan snapped his fingers like a treasure, Ling Zhixuan hopped with a black face, "Oh! Don't talk about it! This time she is really a peerless beauty! I can see clearly that she is not a ladyboy or an old lady, it is true. A real beauty, such a gentle, beautiful, ethereal, sweet beauty!"

Xiao Huanhuan blinked and smiled, "You always say that..."

"It's real this time, if you don't believe me, I'll let you watch it..." Ling Zhixuan jumped to the monitor behind Jiang Yifan, and the monitor behind Jiang Yifan could call out the surveillance video outside the corridor.

He quickly called up the part where the girl gave him the medicine, pointed at the girl and said, "Hey! I'm not wrong, isn't she so beautiful?"

Xiao Huanhuan looked at it for a while, then blinked, "Eh? Isn't this the shower? Did she come here just now? Why didn't she come in?"

"Shower?" Ling Zhixuan's mouth twitched again, pointing at the girl and asking, "You said she was called a shower?"

"Yes," Xiao Huanhuan said with a smile: "This is the little princess shower of the Hua family. The owner of Hua has four children, three sons, and one daughter. This daughter is the treasure of the Hua family. They are not spoiled by the family. Yes, just like our little boy."

"Shower?" Ling Zhixuan was speechless, "How can such a beautiful girl have such a strange name?"

"I like Huajia's flowers very much, so I am very familiar with Huasha. I heard from her that her parents were looking forward to her daughter until the fourth child. The baby is so precious, so I went to find the fortune-telling master To give her a name, the master said that she was short of water in the five elements, so she named her shower." Xiao Huanhuan explained: "Although the name is a bit unsatisfactory, but because it was given by the master, his parents dare not change it, so they always Call her that."

Well, thanks to the shower, not Huajiu.

"Are you familiar with her?" Ling Zhixuan stared at Xiao Huanhuan, his eyes sparkling.

"Yes," Xiao Huanhuan nodded, "very familiar!"

Ling Zhixuan grabbed Xiao Huanhuan's hand excitedly, "Sister Huanhuan, my happiness for the rest of my life depends entirely on you!"

Jiang Yifan, who had been working without raising his head, stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Huanhuan into his arms, and killed him with an eye blade, "Speak well, don't move!"

Ling Zhixuan shrank his neck and took three steps back.

Oh my, the boss of his family sees all directions and listens to all directions, he really is not a mortal!

"Do you like showers?" Xiao Huanhuan simply sat on Jiang Yifan's lap, looked at Ling Zhixuan with a smile, Jiang Yifan held her with one hand, stabilized her body, and held a pen in one hand, so he could write and draw.

"I want to marry her!" Ling Zhixuan uttered four words boldly.

Xiao Huanhuan opened his eyes wide, "Seriously?"

Ling Zhixuan nodded seriously, "Seriously!"

Xiao Huan fantasized for a while, then smiled, "Okay! The shower is really gentle and beautiful, and the character is also very good, you two are a good match!"

"Is that right? I also think that she and I are a perfect match!" Ling Zhixuan looked up to the sky and laughed, his eyes glaring.

Jiang Yifan raised his head to look at him very speechlessly, Xiao Huanhuan turned his head and looked at him in blank dismay—they found that Ling Zhixuan's degree of second-handedness is increasing in proportion to his age, so they must solve the major issues in his life as soon as possible, otherwise he will really die. I've been a bachelor all my life!

"The shower is very good, but the three brothers of the shower are not easy to deal with. They look at the shower like a treasure. They never allow her to go out alone. If a boy pursues the shower, he must pass their test That's fine, but in their eyes, no one in this world is worthy of their precious sister, so Huasha has never been in love with her." Xiao Huanhuan said, thinking of her little girl, when the time comes Her sons will look at Xiaoguai like Huasha's brother, right?Boys who like Xiaoguai will definitely be treated miserably by their brothers. Let alone Jiang Yunuan, who is powerful and black-bellied, is even worse than Jiang Yifan. I will like Xiaoguai in the future Some of the boys received it!

"Isn't that great?" Ling Zhixuan was very excited, "That means I'm Shower's first love, first love!! A girl's first love is very precious, I'm so lucky!"

Ling Zhixuan covered his heart, and his face was intoxicated again.

Xiao Huanhuan is speechless... Mr. Ling, the shower girl hasn't agreed to fall in love with you yet, okay?

She held her chin and thought for a while, "That's good, I will contact you in a few days, and I will hold a small dance party in the other courtyard on the west mountain side. I will invite the shower to participate, and then let Jiang Yifan and Luo Siyao take care of it. Shower's brother is entangled, you take the shower to dance, and then take the opportunity to take the shower out, go to see the stars and the moon with her, send her home and so on, you can play freely by yourself, if the shower can also like it You, you two will be inseparable, Jiang Yifan and I will take care of her brother's side."

"Ah! Sister Huanhuan, you are so kind!"

Ling Zhixuan jumped excitedly, and rushed forward to hug him, but was kicked by Jiang Yifan, "Hurry up and play with your face, be careful that people will treat you like a ghost!"

"What are you doing? The shower sprinkler personally wiped the medicine on my face. I decided not to wash my face for three days...no, five days..." Ling Zhixuan fell into a state of intoxication again, and floated away.

Xiao Huanhuan held his forehead speechlessly.

This kind of bastard is actually an idol superstar who is popular all over Asia. Hey, he really can't be judged by his appearance!

After Ling Zhixuan left, Xiao Huanhuan stayed with Jiang Yifan for a while, went to the lounge to see Xiaoguai, Xiaoguai was very timid, and would be afraid if he woke up and saw no one.

A few days later, the wound on Ling Zhixuan's face healed up, and he looked like the handsome young master again. As she said, Xiao Huanhuan invited some young masters and young ladies who had business dealings with the Jiang family to Jiangjia Xishan The other courtyard participated in the dance, and specially invited the shower.

In the evening, Huasa was wearing a light green long dress, fresh and refined, sweet and delicate, and Ling Zhixuan's gaze was glued to her as soon as she entered the door.

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