On Lige's side, Priest Guangming and the doctor who had been busy all night shook their heads, "Sorry, my lord, the second young master's hand can't be recovered."

Qin Wei's face was extremely tired, as if he had aged a few years overnight.

Qian Yunniang's eyes were red and swollen from crying, her expression was in a trance, she stood up abruptly, and said in a hateful voice: "I'm going to settle accounts with that girl!" Then she ran out in a hurry.

Seeing this, Qin Qian also chased after her. Now Qian Yunniang's mental state is very wrong and she is on the verge of collapse.

"Master Sacrifice, where is my third daughter's frozen..."

Before Qin Wei finished speaking, the priest shook his head feebly and sighed, "I can't do anything."

Qin Wei's eyes froze, and a palm mixed with fighting spirit fell on the table forcefully, turning the marble table into powder in an instant.The people around him didn't dare to make a sound, only to see the hostility welling up in his eyes, and he said two words in a low voice, "Qin Su!"


Not long after Mingyu returned to Jade Garden, she found that the young lady had woken up early, "Miss, it's not yet dawn, why did you wake up?"

Qin Su sat in the yard looking at the sky that was not yet bright, thoughtful.

The early morning wind mixed with a little uneasiness sent to Qin Su's side, and Qin Su, who had become very inspired, raised the corners of his lips and sneered, "It's finally here."

Ma Lei, who was used to getting up early for training, came out of the room at this time, saw Qin Su in the yard early in the morning, and said hello awkwardly, but found that she didn't seem to hear, but was sitting on the wicker chair, looking at the direction of the door as if Who are you waiting for.

Ma Lei frowned in vain, and stared in the direction of the door.

Qian Yunniang, who hadn't slept all night, rushed here with a messy bun and was in a panic. When she saw Qin Su who was sitting safely in the yard, she rushed towards Qin Su like crazy, her red and swollen eyes were full of hatred:

"Qin Su! You little bitch! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" The sharp and piercing shout startled Mingyu in the kitchen. I didn't have time to look at it, so I ran out in a hurry.

She saw Qian Yunniang opening her sharp nails to pull Qin Su's hair!

"Ma'am!" Mingyu sprinted, protecting Qin Su like a hen, and boldly said, "You can't hurt Miss Six!"

"Go away!" The irrational Qian Yunniang stretched out her hand and slapped Mingyu, and pushed her to the ground to catch Qin Su, "Why don't you die, why doesn't that bitch Su Xiaomin bring you along?" Die!"

Hearing this, Mingyu was stunned for a moment, thinking of some terrible possibility, staring at Qian Yunniang in disbelief, her lips parted and closed, she quickly got up, and the force that came out of nowhere caught her. Qian Yunniang.

"Ma'am, what did you say? What did you say about the third lady?"

A cold look flashed across Qin Su's eyes, and a thought popped up, and the little hands beside her were clenched tightly, Su Xiaomin, that was Qin Su's mother!

"That bitch Su Xiaomin and you little bitch are not good things! You all deserve to die! You all deserve to die! Haha, I'm going to kill you! I'll kill Su Xiaomin and then Qin Su!"

"Ma'am!" Mingyu raised her voice, her eyes were red, "Did you kill the third lady?"

But Qian Yunniang seemed to be crazy, her eyes were red and frightening, and she murmured, "Go to hell." After seeing Qin Su with a frosty face behind Mingyu, she became mad in vain and pushed her away vigorously. Mingyu stretched out her hand randomly to grab Hua Qinsu's face.

Qin Su sideways avoided, staring at Qian Yunniang's distracted eyes.Thinking of Qin Su's life in the past ten years, she mercilessly kicked away Qian Yunniang who was about to pounce on her again!

She fell to the ground moaning in pain.

Just as Qin Qian came over, she saw Qian Yunniang lying on the ground, her light body quickly walked between Qin Su and Qian Yunniang, she moved forward with her slender hands, and struck Qin Su without saying a word.

The two men's fists and feet met, contrary to the gorgeous magic feast on the street yesterday, the two beautiful and light bodies fought in the courtyard, they did not back down from each other, and their strikes went straight to the vital point!

Apart from Qin Su's original weird skills, Ma Lei did not expect that even Qin Qian, a magician, would have such impressive speed.

It's just that compared to close combat, she is obviously at a disadvantage to Qin Su.

"Qin Su, if you dare to touch a hair of my mother again, I, Qin Qian, will try my best to destroy you!"

Qin Qian was beaten to the point of receding straight back, she managed to stabilize her body with her toes, but Qin Su stood still on the spot.

Qin Su chuckled, revealing endless sarcasm, "You all ruined it once, are you afraid of the second time?"

Qin Qian's eyes darkened, and a voice in her heart kept shouting, "Kill her!"

Just when she was about to charge up and kill Qin Su with her strongest blow, Qin Wei rushed over, saw the messy yard and Qian Yunniang lying on the ground moaning and sobbing, and shouted, "Is that enough?"

Mingyu stared blankly at the adult who had stepped into the Jade Garden for the first time in more than ten years. Thinking of what Qian Yunniang had inadvertently revealed just now, tears rolled down her cheeks. , wouldn't be where she is today, but the man in front of me ruined the life of the third wife, and the woman sitting on the ground killed her.

Mingyu suddenly developed a hatred for the Qin family.

Qin Qian put away her petty tricks, played the role of a well-behaved daughter in front of Qin Wei, helped Qian Yunniang on the ground, helped her tidy up her messy hair and clothes, and said softly,

"Father, mother has worked hard for the Qin family for half her life. Maybe she has done some wrong things, but all of them are for the good of us all. I hope you will not let her down."

Qin Wei snorted coldly, seeing Qian Yunniang's distraught appearance, sighed secretly, and waved impatiently for the maid to send her back.Qin Wei did not fail to hear the noise in the yard just now.

It's just that now, he doesn't have the heart to care about some old things.

"Qin Su, kneel down!"

"Master Qin, why do you make me kneel?" Qin Su replied calmly, but the first sentence he spoke sounded outrageous to everyone's ears.

Even Qin An raised his eyebrows, and surprise flashed across his eyes.

None of the following maids dared to say anything, and they all felt that Miss Six had changed... she was no longer timid, no longer cowardly, and even did something that no Qin family dared to do, to contradict the Lord!

As for the adults, instead of addressing him as father, they address him in the same way as other maids. What does this mean...

No one thought about it.

But it was all clear that today would not be a peaceful day.

Even Qin Qian, who was sending Qian Yunniang back home, couldn't help but stop when she heard this, and turned her head to look at her. The indifferent figure standing outside the crowd showed endless alienation in the coldness, as if she was from two worlds with them. people.

What does she want to do?

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