Zhai Lingyun picked up the little evil who was tending to be calm, and placed it beside Qin Su. The appearance of the star picking bag made the situation of one person and one favor tend to improve.

Two days passed, and Qin Su was immersed in the strange state of fighting energy and spiritual power, without opening his eyes once.And Xiao Evil fell into a deep sleep.

Zhai Lingyun stayed by the side all the time and didn't leave for a moment. It wasn't until the third morning, when he felt Qin Su's calm spirit and the star picking bag turned into silver light back inside, that Zhai Lingyun moved.

"Integrating battle energy and spiritual power, you are the only one in the world who dares to try this." Zhai Lingyun smiled lightly, with a touch of pampering in his words, he removed the barrier, and brought the little golden snake guarding outside. Startled to a person to leave.

"What will she become?" Hei Lang asked suspiciously.

"I don't know." Zhai Lingyun said frankly, as if thinking of something, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he added, "However, when she reaches level eight, Hei Lang, you will definitely not be able to beat her."

Hei Lang's eyes widened when he heard the words, "Are you kidding me? My adult beast will lose to an eighth-level warrior!"

Zhai Lingyun chuckled and said nothing, Qin Su's current situation is no longer an ordinary warrior, but the first person who created the fusion of battle energy and spiritual power.

This is a force that can make people tremble.

Even... comparable to his strength.


Qin Su opened her eyes, and the eyes flashed. The full energy made her look very good. Ding Daoheng appeared not long after Zhai Lingyun left. The moment he found Qin Su woke up, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself. suppress.

"How do you feel?" Ding Daoheng asked nervously, the waiting time seemed as long as a century.

Qin Su pondered for a long time, then murmured with some uncertainty, "It's very strange."

"what happened?"

Qin Su glanced at the state of Ding Daoheng's soul body, then shook his head again.Falling into deep thought, during the period of her deep cultivation, she vaguely felt that there was a force constantly helping her. She couldn't tell what it was, but only vaguely felt that it was related to the dark attribute.

Looking up at Ding Daoheng who was anxiously swaying in the room, she temporarily let go of her doubts, raised her eyebrows and said with a light smile, "Old man Ding, don't you want to know what is the new power that combines battle energy and spiritual power?"

As soon as Qin Su's confident words fell, Ding Daoheng froze in mid-air, and asked stammeringly, "You, did you succeed?"

Qin Su smiled lightly and told Ding Daoheng with actions.

Xiao Evil also opened his sleepy eyes as Qin Su woke up, and watched Qin Su's movements with big eyes blinking.

Qin Su's heart moved, and her two fingers lightly twirled, a wisp of white mixed with a trace of green power entangled between her fingers, and the blue and white colors evenly blended together, walking slowly along Qin Su's fingers.

The completely introverted breath vaguely reveals a vitality of life, which shocked Ding Daoheng!

"The power of life..." Ding Daoheng cried out!Qin Su and Xiao E were taken aback.A Jiling who was frightened by it woke up.

"Old man Ding with a bad temper!" Xiao Evil shouted angrily, "What's your name?!"

Qin Su stared at the power between his fingers, and could indeed feel a kind of weak spiritual power of life. His eyes froze, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Ding Daoheng, "Is this spiritual power of life?"

Ding Daoheng's soul trembled, and he spoke incoherently with excitement, "Yes, and no."

"What the hell is it?" Little Evil blinked his big eyes and looked at the energy between Qin Su's fingers, moved his claws towards Qin Su curiously, and shrank back with a scream, "Aww, it's so hot."

Qin Su withdrew her spiritual power to check Xiao Ei's wound, but found nothing.

Xiao Evil also blinked his eyes strangely, waved his paw, and said blankly, "Hey, I seemed to have been burned just now, and I'm fine now."

One person, one pet, one was at a loss, totally unable to figure out the situation, Qin Su frowned, but couldn't figure it out.

Although Ding Daoheng had a rough guess, he couldn't tell what the nature of Qin Suxin's spiritual power was. He only knew that her newly fused spiritual power contained a special breath of life.

Qin Su calmed down, and asked Ding Daoheng, "Can I practice and refine medicine with this special spiritual power?" She was more worried about this issue than the attributes of the new spiritual power.

Unexpectedly, Ding Daoheng smiled when he heard the words, "Of course it is possible, not only it is possible, the elixir refined by your spiritual power, little girl, is absolutely second to none!"

Ding Daoheng was very excited just thinking about the elixir refined from the spiritual power that contained the breath of life.Suddenly remembered something, Ding Daoheng asked, "What level is your spiritual power, that is, your fighting spirit?"

Hearing this, Qin Su's face was filled with embarrassment, but he still said softly, "Level 2." The next moment, Ding Daoheng almost fell from the air.


It took only two days to abolish the third level of grudge, and Shengsheng went from zero foundation to the second level!And it is still in the case of the fusion of grudge and spiritual power!

Qin Su ignored Ding Daoheng's strange eyes looking at the monster, and took out the dagger that never left his body. A faint blue and white light wrapped around it, making Ding Daoheng almost collapse.

"Are you level three grudge?!" Ding Daoheng looked at her in disbelief.

Qin Su glanced at him, and said calmly, "No, it's level two, it's just changed." Then there was a layer of bluish-white armor on the palm of his hand, and the crystal armor was faintly flickering.

This is an armor skill that can only be used at the fifth level of grudge, but Qin Su used it easily.

Ding Daoheng was hit again...

"I can only do this, maybe it will be different when I reach the third level." Putting away the armor on the palm of his hand, Qin Su murmured softly, completely unaware that her second-level fighting spirit power used up her fifth-level ability Once the skills used are spread out, how many people will be shocked!

Ding Dao stabilized his turbulent mind, "Have you memorized everything I taught you?"

Qin Su nodded.

Ding Daoheng straightened his face, "I'll teach you the fire control technique now, try to see how many grades of refining fire you can produce?" With Qin Su's aptitude, it shouldn't be a problem if he has a second-level spiritual power to produce a first-grade refining fire, Ding Daoheng think.

Qin Su listened to a formula read out by Ding Daoheng, and also followed silently.

Suddenly, a bluish-white refining fire burst out from the palm of the hand, floating gently, but the flame on half of the index finger suffocated the air in the room for a while, and the temperature kept rising.

Ding Daoheng was absent-minded for a while, and a dull and unmoving voice came out for a long time,

"The first time is third-grade fire refining..." He glanced at Qin Su and suggested seriously. "Little girl, don't go out and hit people casually in the future..."

Back then... his third-level spiritual power could only control the first-rank refining fire... But Qin Su, who first came to the third-rank refining fire, crossed the second rank and went straight up...

No alchemist could bear such a blow.Especially Qin Su, who is only 15 years old this year, will become the youngest third-grade alchemist in the history of alchemy...

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