Stunning weapon

Chapter 32 Internal Strength

"Have you found the young commander?" Lu Shang's voice was full of anxiety.


The answer he waited disappointed Lu Shang again.

After the fierce battle that day, those people from the Jianghu were still a bit poor in cooperating with the top players in the army.When Lu Shang and other dozen or so people were left with only six of them, they finally killed most of their casualties and began to retreat.

Infantry versus cavalry, if the surrounding environment is used to cover, it is possible to fight. Once they escape, the fierce battle will turn into a massacre.

In the end, Lu Shang and others ended in a miserable victory.

This is also because the opponent has no experience in fighting cavalry, and this time Mo Xiaochuan is accompanied by soldiers who have been specially selected by Han Cheng for this battle.If it is only about martial arts, Lu Shang and the others have no chance of winning.

After the First World War, Lu Shang was worried about Mo Xiaochuan, leaving three of them to pack up the corpses of their companions, and then led the other two to look for Mo Xiaochuan in the direction where Mo Xiaochuan fled.

After a day and a night, they finally found the old man's body, but Mo Xiaochuan was nowhere to be seen.Lu Shang was so anxious that his throat was almost broken, but there was still no clue.As a last resort, we can only deal with the injured first, and then make plans.

However, seeing the old man's body, Gao Xuan felt relieved, at least it could prove that the young commander should still be alive.It's just that it's not easy to find people in the vast mountains. In the end, the six people discussed and decided to leave the two seriously injured to wait at the battle place, and the other four continued to search.

Lu Shang was anxiously looking for him outside, but now Mo Xiaochuan was attracted by the scene in the house.

In fact, there is nothing special about the hut, it is almost no different from ordinary houses, it looks more like a woman's boudoir, which is why Xiaoyao was surprised.

The furnishings in the room are extremely simple, with one table, one chair, and one bed.The curtains are pink, making the whole room very warm. There is a big wooden box beside the bed. There is a lock on the box, but it is not locked.

Mo Xiaochuan reached out to remove the lid of the box, but was stopped by Xiaoyao. In her impression, these ancient tombs could not be so simple. Although there were many thrills along the way, it turned out to be like this in the end. It is really hard for this person to dig countless Rest assured, the girl from the ancestral grave.

Pushing away Mo Xiaochuan, she took out a dagger, slowly inserted it into the gap of the box, then motioned Mo Xiaochuan to move the table over and put it in front of her, and then opened the box lid little by little.

It turned out that she was just a false alarm. The contents of the box were very simple, only two pieces of cowhide and a scabbard.

Xiao Yao poured out the snake meat, wrapped her hand with a parcel, and took out the scabbard and cowhide.The scabbard looks very ordinary, but it is very heavy in the hand. Xiao Yao set the table, put the things on it, and looked at Mo Xiaochuan, both a little confused.

The scabbard fell into Mo Xiaochuan's eyes, but he had a feeling of deja vu. He took off the long sword in doubt, and compared it, it was exactly as he thought. The scabbard was the same size as the scabbard he carried with him. It just looks more ordinary, far less gorgeous than the one he uses now.Mo Xiaochuan subconsciously picked up the scabbard, but Xiaoyao exclaimed again.

"What's the matter?" Mo Xiaochuan asked, pulling out the long sword and inserting it into the newly acquired scabbard.

"Why are you such an idiot!" Xiao Yao said angrily, "What if there is poison on the scabbard, you don't know how to die."

Mo Xiaochuan looked indifferent, and said: "Actually, I have thought about it carefully. The owner here should have no intention of harming us. If he really wants us to die, as long as the second door is sealed, we will starve to death." In the corridor, I can’t get here.”

Xiao Yao glanced at him and did not refute, but she was still a little dissatisfied with his rashness.

Spread out two pieces of cowhide, their function is clear at a glance, because the name is written on the edge of the cowhide, the word "internal strength" is written on the larger one, and the word "map" is written on the smaller one.

Xiaoyao first picked up the map and looked at it carefully for a while, feeling a little disappointed, and said: "This is a fragmentary map, there should be other parts, and you can't see anything at all just by looking at this one." Picking up one, he only scanned it once, then threw it on the table angrily, saying: "What kind of internal strength is this, it's just a piece of waste paper!" As he said, he fell on the table.

"Is there anything strange?" Mo Xiaochuan didn't understand internal skills, so he couldn't tell the difference, but his curiosity still made him ask.

"It doesn't explain the muscles and veins of Xinggong, and there is no..." Xiaoyao was a little impatient when she said this, "How can there be such internal strength, anyway, it is useless."

Mo Xiaochuan picked up the cowhide of the so-called internal strength and looked carefully in his hand. He saw that there were only a few short lines on it, and he couldn't understand it after a few glances. And what does it mean to be angry?"

"That is to say, from the Laogong acupoint on the right hand, the true energy flows upstream, transports to the Zhongchu acupoint on the left hand, and then returns." Xiaoyao answered casually, but her attention was more focused on the writing. on the leather of the map.

"Isn't there a kung fu muscle?" Mo Xiaochuan muttered, he really didn't understand these acupoints, but he still knew about the Zhongchu and Laogong acupoints, because when Xiaoyao taught him swordsmanship. Time to mention a few words.

"What kind of kung fu muscles are these?" Xiao Yao said angrily, "How can someone practice like this, move the true energy from the right hand to the left hand and back again, and back and forth several times, if they don't die, they will be disabled." As he was talking, he saw Mo Xiaochuan blushing and trembling slightly, for some reason.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, her eyes widened, and her hand was like lightning, and she pointed at Mo Xiaochuan, but was bounced back by a huge force, and Mo Xiaochuan fell to the ground.

"How are you?" Xiao Yao hurriedly ran over to support him.

At this moment, Mo Xiaochuan's complexion has improved a lot, he waved his hand lightly, and said: "It's okay, I just heard you say it, for some reason, suddenly my body feels like an electric shock, and I feel uncomfortable all over, and I'm much better now."

"Electric shock?" Xiao Yao was puzzled.

"Oh, it's just that the body is numb, like being pricked by needles." Knowing that he slipped his tongue, Mo Xiaochuan hurriedly explained.

"It's because of the wrong tendons and veins in the practice. You can't do the exercises according to the above?" Xiaoyao was shocked.

"I don't know either." Mo Xiaochuan shook his head.

"Move your hand to see." Mo Xiaochuan waved his hand in front of Xiaoyao again, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"That's not right. If you follow the method above, you will definitely not be able to lift your hands now..." Xiaoyao frowned, thinking for a while, without a clue, and seeing that Mo Xiaochuan was fine, she stopped Being entangled in this matter, he looked up and looked around, and said: "This is not a place to stay for a long time, let's go out first and then talk about it."

The two were talking, and no one noticed that the long sword in Mo Xiaochuan's right hand flickered for a while, and then slowly drew it back.

"Okay!" Mo Xiaochuan stood up. The tingling feeling just now had completely disappeared, and his body almost became more energetic. He put the cowhide with internal strength written on it in his arms, carried the long sword on his back, and said: "Going out is of course necessary. The question is, how do we get out?"

"You lift the box." Xiao Yao stared at the "map" and said: "According to the route above, the exit is under the box."

After Mo Xiaochuan moved the box away, sure enough, there was a hole underneath, and he looked happy, and said, "Yes!"

Xiao Yao nodded and said, "I'll go and have a look first, and you can come in if there's no problem."

Mo Xiaochuan shook his head, and said: "How can I let you and a girl find the way, I'll do it." After saying that, he got short and entered the cave, and then he let out an exclamation, and the sound faded away, and soon there was no sound up.

Xiaoyao was shocked, gritted her teeth, and got in too.As soon as she stepped into the hole, she felt that the soles of her feet were not able to take advantage of the smoothness at all. The whole person fell instantly, and slid downwards on her back. The speed was extremely fast. She reached out her hand to grab something to slow down the downward trend, but it was in vain , there is no place to borrow strength.

Mo Xiaochuan, who was rushing to the front, had a very familiar feeling at this moment. This passage was like an extended slide. As he was sliding down, the sound of water gradually came to his ears, and listening to this sound was like a rushing river, getting bigger and bigger. big.

"Huh!" Accompanied by Mo Xiaochuan's shout, his body rushed out of the passage and flew into the air. Below him was a pool of water, but above his head was a waterfall. Just now, he rushed to the middle of the waterfall. out.

"Plop!" The water splashed everywhere, and Mo Xiaochuan fell into the pool of water.Immediately afterwards, Xiaoyao also flew out, followed closely, and also fell in.

A few monkeys in the woods on the side poked their heads towards this side, looking at it inexplicably.After a long while, Mo Xiaochuan poked his head out of the water, spit out two mouthfuls of water, then stretched out his hand to grab Xiaoyao as well, and the two swam to the shore, gasping for air.

"I said, you can't say hello when you come down!" Mo Xiaochuan rubbed his neck and said, "If it wasn't for my head hiding so fast, my neck would be folded under your butt."

"You still said. It's not because of you, I'm not even prepared for it." Xiao Yao retorted.

After resting for a while, Mo Xiaochuan stood up and looked at the sky. It is now noon, the sun is fierce, and the clothes on his body should be dry soon.He lowered his head, and was about to pull Xiaoyao up, when suddenly, his eyes stared straight, and he didn't know what to do.

Xiao Yao looked at him suspiciously, followed his line of sight and lowered her head, her face flushed instantly, she covered her chest with her hands and cursed angrily, and said, "Mei Shaochuan, you bastard."

Mo Xiaochuan was stunned and hurriedly turned around, muttering: "It showed itself, I didn't want to see it on purpose."

Xiaoyao was extremely angry, her face was blushing, she covered most of her exposed breasts with clothes, she gritted her teeth and looked at Mo Xiaochuan, but she didn't know what to do.

The two were speechless for a while, after a long time, the clothes on Mo Xiaochuan's body were almost dry, and there was no way to continue this stalemate, he slowly turned his head and said: "I actually didn't see anything, you are so big What are you angry about?"

Xiao Yao turned her head away and ignored him.

"Hey!" Mo Xiaochuan spread his hands and said, "If you want me to be responsible, at worst I'll just marry you."

"Bah!" Xiao Yao spat fiercely, and said, "You think beautiful, who will marry you, a pervert."

"You didn't marry yourself, don't blame me if you don't get married in the future!" Mo Xiaochuan said with a smile.

"You..." Xiaoyao became angry for a while, unable to speak.

After a while, Xiaoyao calmed down, looked at him, and said: "Your people should be looking for you, you go to them."

Mo Xiaochuan was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said, "What about you?"

"Me?" Xiaoyao smiled and said, "I'm a petty thief, how dare I meet an official. If there is fate, I guess we will meet again." After finishing speaking, she stood up and said, "I should go too, so we will leave here respectively."

Mo Xiaochuan nodded. He also knew that the two would eventually be separated. With his current ability, if Butler Wang wanted to catch her, he would be powerless.

"That's right." Xiao Yao, who was about to leave, suddenly turned around and said, "My surname is Luo, and my name is Luo Yao. This time I told the truth, and I didn't lie to you." After finishing speaking, she smiled and ran quickly Open, the figure flickered several times in the woods, then was completely blocked by the trees and disappeared.

Mo Xiaochuan stared blankly at the direction of Xiaoyao's departure, somewhat disappointed in his heart, shook his head slightly, and gave a wry smile.After a while, he raised his head, identified the direction according to the position of the sun, took a step, and headed northwest...

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