Stunning weapon

Chapter 30 hug me

The empty corridor was tightly sealed by two doors. Under the oil lamp, the boy and the girl were sitting next to the door. Not far in front of them was a big snake with half of its mouth missing. Noise, this scene is extremely strange.

Mo Xiaochuan's face was still a little pale, and he was only thinking about running for his life all the way, but he didn't notice it. Now that he calmed down, he was terrified, and he was not used to being in this sealed environment.

Xiaoyao is obviously much better than him, and now she has stabilized her emotions. Hearing what Mo Xiaochuan said, her expression did not change, and she said: "I didn't tell you the truth before, just because I was afraid that you wouldn't come in with me. Naturally, there is no need to lie to you, in fact, it is very tiring to lie to others."

"You are still in the mood to make fun." Mo Xiaochuan looked at the big snake, feeling uncomfortable in his stomach, got up and looked for the square hole on the front door, and asked, "Is this door still open like that?"

"Yeah!" Xiaoyao replied, stood up, glanced away, suddenly, her complexion changed slightly, and said: "I'm afraid not, why is there no hole in this door?" After finishing speaking, she also leaned over to join Mo Xiaochuan After looking for it, it was a pity that the two of them went back and forth and wiped the entire door several times, the dust on it was gone, and there was still no square hole.

Xiaoyao's face became very ugly, Mo Xiaochuan looked at her in a daze, and said, "What's going on?"

"I don't know." Xiaoyao really didn't know. The deepest place she explored before was just outside the first door. It was also the first time she entered the corridor where she was now, so she was at a loss.After thinking for a while, he said, "You have great strength, push and see."

Mo Xiaochuan looked at her suspiciously, and didn't hold any hope in his heart. He had slashed with his sword with all his strength before, but he couldn't shake her at all. Pushing it with his hands now is probably futile. However, treating all dead horses as living horse doctors, It is also good to try.Mo Xiaochuan let Xiaoyao dodge a little, then put his hands on the crack of the door, and pushed inside with all his strength.Until he blushed and panted due to excessive force, but in the end, as expected, the door did not move at all.

Xiaoyao helped Mo Xiaochuan to sit down with an ugly face, and said: "There must be another way, let's calm down and think about it."

"What time is it now?" Mo Xiaochuan looked at the big snake that had changed from rolling to slightly wriggling, took a deep breath, and asked.

"I don't know either." Xiao Yao shook her head and said, "However, I guess it's already dawn outside."

Mo Xiaochuan didn't speak, but his stomach growled.Xiao Yao looked at him, reached out to touch the package, but found that at some point, the package had broken, and most of the contents inside had leaked out, leaving only a shortbread.Xiaoyao took the cake in her hand, looked at it, and handed the whole cake to Mo Xiaochuan.

Mo Xiaochuan reached out to take it, seeing her sweaty and dusty face, knowing that he was not much better, then looked at the empty package, sighed, and handed it back, saying: "You Eat. I'm not hungry..."

Xiaoyao shook her head: "It's up to you to eat. You are the eldest young master who is well-clothed and well-fed. I dragged you here to suffer. I am a Jianghu girl, and I am used to wandering outside. It doesn't matter if I am hungry for a meal or two."

Mo Xiaochuan didn't say anything more, handed the cake into her arms, closed his eyes, and leaned there silently.

Xiao Yao looked at his disheveled appearance with some guilt, slowly lowered her head, took a small bite of the cake in her hand, and put it back into the package.

Time flowed quietly, as if passing very slowly, the big snake finally stopped moving, its several feet long body was soaked in the blood, the blood flowed along and spread to the soles of the two people's feet, Xiao Yao gritted her teeth, She seemed to be making up her mind when suddenly she stood up and said, "Since we can't get in from here, let's go back."

Mo Xiaochuan looked up and saw that the big snake was not moving, nodded, and said, "Go." After finishing speaking, he got up and walked outside, and when he passed the snake, he chopped off the snake's head.

Seeing him like this, Xiaoyao knew that what happened earlier had already had an effect on this young man, making him mature a lot, but she was not happy about it, and she didn't know whether the result was good or bad.

The two of them came to the first door, which was closed tightly, and the snake's tail was clamped tightly, leaving only a very narrow gap, but the square hole was not visible on the inner door.

After searching for a while, he still couldn't find it, so Mo Xiaochuan had to stretch out his hand to push again, but the result was the same as the result of the second door.

Mo Xiaochuan sat down with hands down a little weakly, smiled wryly, and said, "I never thought that I would starve to death."

At this moment, Xiaoyao has lost the liveliness of the past, her complexion is heavy, and she said: "I will definitely think of a way."

The two were speechless for a while, and sat quietly. After a while, Xiaoyao got up and groped the corridor inch by inch, looking for suspicious things.Mo Xiaochuan had no choice but to sit for a while, and followed her to look for it on the other side.Finally, the two met in front of the second door, both saw the helplessness on the other's face, couldn't help being very disappointed, and sat down again.

Soon, both of them were already hungry, a piece of shortbread was pushed back and forth, fell to the ground, and shattered into several pieces, Mo Xiaochuan couldn't help being startled, picked up a small piece and put it in his mouth, muttering Said: "It seems that I am indeed going to die here, what a pity, I haven't had that with a woman yet..."

Xiaoyao's face was reddish, she glanced at him and didn't speak.

Mo Xiaochuan originally wanted to adjust the quiet atmosphere, but he didn't expect that a word would make it even quieter. The oil lamp above his head didn't know how long it would last. He looked up and saw the pattern on the oil lamp. However, he frowned and thought for a while, suddenly, he opened his eyes wide, stretched out his right hand to look, and hurriedly pulled Xiao Yao over, saying: "Look!"

Xiao Yao glanced at it and sighed lightly, "I've seen it before, isn't it just a tattoo, what's so strange about it."

"Then look there again." Mo Xiaochuan pointed.

Xiaoyao looked in the direction he pointed, and saw that the pattern on the oil lamp was very similar to the pattern on Mo Xiaochuan's right hand. There were more and more oil lamps along the way. There is this secrecy.She hastily spit on her hand, wiped Mo Xiaochuan's dirty palm vigorously, and then compared them carefully.

Mo Xiaochuan only noticed one oil lamp here, but Xiaoyao was much more careful, and looked at the other lamp carefully, and found that only the pattern on this lamp was the same as the one on the palm of Mo Xiaochuan's palm, although the other lamp had the same pattern. Similar, yet there is a difference.

Putting down Mo Xiaochuan's hand, Xiaoyao suddenly said, "Hold me."

"Ah?" Mo Xiaochuan's eyes widened. Although he had hugged him once before, it was to escape for his life, and he didn't think too much about it. Now that he was asked for it, he didn't know what to do.

"Hurry up." Xiao Yao urged.

Mo Xiaochuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and with a look of giving up, he opened his arms and hugged Xiaoyao into his arms.

"What are you doing?" Xiaoyao blushed and knew that Mo Xiaochuan was wrong, she reached out and pushed him away, and said coquettishly, "Hold your legs."

Mo Xiaochuan suddenly realized, he bent down in embarrassment, and hugged Xiaoyao.

After touching the lamp, Xiaoyao signaled Mo Xiaochuan to stop.The lamp was made of unknown material, after burning for so long, it was cold to the touch and without any warmth, she held the lamp with both hands and twisted it for a long time, but the lamp was completely unmoved, not even the oil in it shook.

Xiaoyao asked Mo Xiaochuan to put her down with some disappointment. She lowered her eyebrows and thought for a while, her eyes lit up, and she said, "I understand, you may be the only one who can twist that thing. Come, I'll hug you!" Before Mo Xiaochuan could speak, she reached out and hugged his leg, but no matter how hard she tried, Mo Xiaochuan was as heavy as iron and remained unmoved at all.Xiao Yao couldn't help feeling a little discouraged, and said, "Why are you heavier than a pig?"

Mo Xiaochuan suddenly thought of something, and smiled embarrassingly, took out the long sword inserted into the scabbard on his back, put it aside, and said: "Okay, hug this time."

Xiaoyao hugged Mo Xiaochuan's leg again suspiciously. Although it was still a bit difficult this time, she was able to lift him up. She couldn't help wondering, "What's going on?"

Mo Xiaochuan knew that when she followed her on the road, she was afraid of being discovered and kept a long distance away, so she didn't know what happened in the forest, but it was quite troublesome to explain, and it was not an explanation at this time. At that time, he waved his hand and said: "I'll tell you later, it's important to leave this ghost place first." After finishing speaking, both hands were able to reach the lamp, and he put his right hand on the pattern of the lamp, and twisted it hard, only Hearing another sound of machine springs, the second door slowly rose.

After the second door was completely raised to the top, Xiaoyao put down Mo Xiaochuan and looked around, only to see that it was pitch black inside, and she couldn't see anything clearly, but she could feel that it seemed particularly empty.

"Wait for me!" Xiaoyao said, took out the dagger from her bosom, and ran to the side of the big snake in a few steps. Using both hands, after a while, she cut off a large piece of snake meat and packed the package slowly. Just ran back.

Mo Xiaochuan looked at the bloody package on her back, and saw that she was holding a snake gall in her hand. He couldn't help but think of the news about the girl who swallowed snake gall with parasites in her head, and couldn't help frowning. Said: "This snake gall can't be eaten casually, throw it away."

"What do you know, this is an extremely rare material for alchemy." After finishing speaking, he ignored him, carefully wrapped the snake gall, pinned it on his waist, and then walked towards it.

Mo Xiaochuan shook his head. He remembered that Li Shimin died because of eating these pills in history. He didn't have a cold about it. Although this era has deviated from the historical track, it is impossible for Li Shimin to exist again, but for alchemy , but still held a skeptical attitude, but since Xiaoyao insisted on this, he couldn't say anything, so he could only pick up the long sword and follow her in.

Xiaoyao, who was walking in front, had already lit a fire, but the structure here was completely different from the outside, surrounded by strange rocks, and there was a dark stream flowing through the strange rocks, but there was no lamp, so after searching for a while, I couldn't find anything to burn, but the flame in my hand had come to an end, and it was starting to burn my hands.

Xiao Yao hastily let go of her hand, and the flames fell into the creek.

Suddenly, with a sound of "Teng!", the brook touched the fire and burst into flames, and the surrounding area was brightly lit. At the end of the stream, a small lake burned up and turned into a raging sea of ​​flames.


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