Stunning weapon

Chapter 3 Jingxiu tattoo

The boy and the girl put their hands on their foreheads and exclaimed at the same time, and then stared at each other closely, but the boy was full of surprise, and the girl was full of anger. Their eyes were the same distance apart, but their emotions were quite different.

"How did you get in?" the boy said again.

"Of course your father asked me to come." The girl raised her eyebrows with a look of pride.

"My father died a long time ago." As soon as the boy finished speaking, he suddenly woke up. He had already arrived in a strange world, and the father the girl was talking about was definitely not his father who died in the plane crash.

"Unfilial and prostitute." The girl snorted.

The young man sighed and did not explain, but changed the subject and said, "What are you and a girl doing in my room late at night?"

"My lady will live here from now on!" The girl seemed not very interested in whether this young master Mei, who was famous all over Los Angeles, was filial. Kicking up, two embroidered shoes flew away, landed on the tea table not far away, and smashed a row of exquisite drinking utensils.

The girl's boldness was beyond Mo Xiaochuan's expectations. Not to mention that Young Master Mei's reputation spread far and wide, and he has almost become synonymous with ignorance and pervert. Even the room of an ordinary man is not like a girl who has never been out of the court should be late at night. Visiting, let alone lying in bed.

The girl was graceful and generous, and she didn't seem to treat herself as a guest, which made this young man with the reputation of evil spirit a little at a loss.

"I said Mei Shaochuan, you are worthy of being the number one of the four evils in Los Angeles with your virtue?" Seeing that the young man was silent, the second lady of Situ's family was a little unhappy, with a slightly annoyed face on her round face: "It's me!" Miss is not as beautiful as my elder sister, or have you been frightened away by your lust?" After finishing speaking, a pair of big eyes met the young man closely again.

Looking at a pair of beautiful eyes that are much bigger than ordinary people, Mo Xiaochuan, who had already given her the initiative, didn't know how to speak, but subconsciously said: "It's so big!"

"Huh?" The girl frowned slightly, lowered her head to look at her chest, and spat lightly: "It really is a prostitute."

The young man is innocent, and he doesn't know what kind of taboo he has committed by boasting.

"Mei Shaochuan, my old man said that you have insulted my sister's reputation. My sister will not be able to marry anyone else in the future, so I want to marry my sister to you. However, this lady is not at ease. I will come to inspect you for a while first, and you treat guests like this?" The two were silent for a long time, and the girl broke the silence again.

"The girl must be hungry..." Before the young master who had been scolded could finish his sentence, the girl jumped up from the bed and said angrily, "Fart, your old man is much more sensible than you, and this girl is already full of food." , do you want to support me to death?"


"Okay, it's still early, and I want to go out for a walk. It is said that your Mei family is not only famous for your troubles, but also famous for its scenery, so take me to have a look."

Mo Xiaochuan looked at the bright moon through the window and frowned, "Go now? Can you still see it?"

"If you want to take care of it, this girl is such a hobby, so why don't you say you will go or not?"

Mo Xiaochuan was already full of things on his mind, and he didn't want to stay in this room any longer after being harassed by her, so he said, "Go."

"Pass me the shoes." The young girl showed off her face, with pink and tender skin, a round face, and a pair of beautiful eyes like a crescent moon when she smiled, which was extraordinarily pleasing, and was the complete opposite of her savage personality.

Going down to the first floor, the front hall is empty, and the girl guarding the door is nowhere to be seen.It seems that the third son did this very neatly. Mo Xiaochuan was thinking about it, but the girl tugged at his sleeve, signaling to keep quiet, and listened to the movement upstairs.After a while, the girl waved her two small hands and gestured skillfully. Mo Xiaochuan is also a person with a lively mind, and he understood when the girl stopped.Tacitly strode to the door, pushed the door and closed it, it was very natural, but the person was still in the room.

After a while, the sound of hurried footsteps on the upper floor was accompanied by a figure, and the girl hiding on the side of the stairs suddenly stretched out her foot...



Amidst the exclamation, the figure rolled down on the spot and hit the door frame with its head. The girl followed the trend, clenched the man's arms with both hands, stepped on the shoulder, and shouted angrily: "Who is sneaking after me?" girl."

The man was restrained and begged for mercy, but it turned out to be a woman, her full breasts squeezed out to both sides of the floor under the trample of a young girl who didn't know what pity was, which made the young man who had never had anything to do with men and women worried about whether they would explode.When the woman saw him, she seemed to have seen a savior, and she burst into tears: "Young master, help me, I am Xiaolian..."

"Xiao Lian?" He was dazzled by a group of women in the early days, and he could recognize it there.

"You asked us to go to the backyard. Xiao Lian ran here against the order because she missed the young master. The young master saved her life, but Xiao Lian didn't dare..." Xiao Lian's tears hit the floor, her appearance was very miserable.

After listening to the explanation, Mo Xiaochuan immediately understood.The girl gave Mo Xiaochuan a contemptuous look: "So it's your woman, she really is a prostitute..." After finishing speaking, she let go and raised her feet, "Bang!" Xiaolian was kicked out of the door: "What are you doing with him?" I don't care, don't follow this girl anymore, otherwise you won't have a chance to cry."

Xiao Lian got up, looked at the young master with tears in her eyes, turned her head and ran away.

"My girl hit your woman." The girl turned around and said provocatively.

"I see." Mo Xiaochuan stepped out, as if nothing had happened.

"Aren't you going to say something else?" The girl was curious and followed closely.

"What are you talking about? Could it be possible for me to call back?"

"My girl is afraid of you." Before the words finished, the little girl leaned on her body and punched Mo Xiaochuan.

Mo Xiaochuan had thought that the girl would really come as soon as she said to fight. Seeing the fist hit, she waved her hand and intersected her arms. The girl's complexion changed drastically. It stopped just above the door panel.

Mo Xiaochuan looked at the girl who was beaten back by him suspiciously, thinking in his heart, but he didn't expect this girl to look fierce, and she didn't have much strength.But the young girl looked at him quite differently from before, and she was shocked. Of course she understood her own skills, it was far from being as simple as it looked, but the strange force from the boy's arm just now still made her arm ache. It wasn't just that he felt something was wrong and hastily withdrew his fist and retreated to release a lot of strength. At this moment, the arm might have been broken.It seems that the rumors circulating that Young Master Mei is a powerless man are not true, so I can't help being a little more vigilant towards him secretly.

But Xiao Lian, who was peeking not far away, had a panoramic view of this scene, and her face was full of shock. She stayed there for a moment, then she seemed to suddenly remember something, and turned around to leave.

The confused boy and the shocked girl didn't notice the woman who left in a hurry.

After a long silence, the girl's mood gradually stabilized, her small mouth pouted: "Are you serious? She is a woman..."

"I do not……"


The girl moved forward in anger, and Mo Xiaochuan followed behind.The two walked along the way, and after a while, the girl seemed to have forgotten what happened before, pointing to various places in the Mei Mansion and asking questions, looking curious. However, Mo Xiaochuan came here not long ago. Zhong probably still has some understanding, but let him explain it in detail, but it is difficult for this Young Master Mei.I couldn't shirk it, so I had to excuse myself by saying that I didn't remember clearly about the past with the injury on my head.

The girl didn't seem to believe it very much, and felt that he was deliberately concealing some important matters of the Mei family, so she didn't rush to ask, so she continued to play like this.

In the middle of the night, the girl was a little tired, and the two returned to Paradise to rest. Poor Young Master Mei was driven to the bed of the people on the first floor, and the second floor was already occupied by the girl.

This kind of life has lasted for more than half a month. The girl did not find much useful things from Mo Xiaochuan. On the contrary, the boy learned a lot about the world from her. Gradually getting used to the current life, but I was always worried that the real Young Master Mei would come back, and wanted to leave, but felt a little bit reluctant, and I don't know whether it was the reluctance to let go of the gradually familiar people around me, or the reluctance to let him go all day long. Accompanying the girl playing in the courtyard.

In the early morning of this day, the two of them went out early again, strolling in the Mei Mansion, followed by a reluctant third son.The master played with a woman and let himself be a follower. This kind of thing has been experienced by the third son before, but he is often angered because of some trivial things, and it always doesn't go well. Therefore, he is extra careful.Although the master seemed to have changed since the second lady of the Situ family came here, he not only treated the women around him a lot more politely, but was also quite kind to the servants, but he still dare not take it lightly.

In fact, Mo Xiaochuan didn't want to drag Xiao Sanzi everywhere, but his understanding of the affairs in this courtyard was really limited, so he had to bring such a guide-like figure.

Passing through the plum grove, a flat courtyard appeared in front of him. Situ Yuer, who was already quite familiar with Mei Mansion, ran over shouting as if he had discovered a new continent.The third son who had been following behind with his head down hurriedly ran forward: "Miss Situ, you can't go here."

"Why?" The girl's already quite big eyes opened even wider.

"This is the ancestral hall where the ancestral tablets are enshrined, and even the young master can't come in and out casually." The third son was sweating all over his head and said, "If Steward Wang knows that we are here, it's fine for the young one to be punished, and the young master will also be punished." reprimanded."

The girl looked back at Mo Xiaochuan, who coughed lightly and said, "We'd better go elsewhere."

The disappointment on the girl's face flashed away, and then she became happy again: "Okay, my family also has an ancestral hall, there is nothing to see."

After the three of them left, a person walked out from the ancestral hall, with a fair, beardless face and expressionless face, it was Steward Wang, followed by a thin man.

"Have you checked it out?" Steward Wang looked at the three people who were leaving, and asked calmly.

"Situ Qingde does have a 14-year-old daughter who was bedridden at home with a sudden illness about a month ago. It is not known whether she left home or not."

"Well! Follow them and keep an eye on them. See who they connect with, and if necessary, I will allow you to act cheaply"


The girl in red took Mo Xiaochuan's arm familiarly and ran in front, and the third son followed all the way, out of breath, and couldn't understand why the pampered two had such good physical strength, and it was so difficult for him to follow them.

The two of them rested in the small pavilion, and the youngest son waited outside the pavilion, breathing heavily.

The girl's attention was attracted by a special pattern on the palm of Mo Xiaochuan's right hand. She took his hand and stared carefully, only to see that the metallic pattern was very irregular, and she couldn't recognize what it was, but it was extremely beautiful.After looking at it for a while, the girl gasped: "What a unique tattoo, where did you embroider it?"

Mo Xiaochuan looked at his palm and shook his head: "I don't know, it seems to have grown out of thin air."

"Poor mouth!" The girl Yanran turned her head and ran away.

Mo Xiaochuan smiled wryly. He really didn’t lie. The pattern really grew out of thin air. Ever since he shook the girl away that day, Mo Xiaochuan found such a tattoo-like pattern in his palm. It was very faint at first, so if you don’t look carefully , I couldn't see it at all, until it suddenly became clear in the past few days, and today it has changed from the original black to a gold-like metallic color.And his strength is getting bigger and bigger with the clarity of the pattern. Although he can feel it clearly, even he can't tell the reason, but he seems to vaguely feel that he came to this world and this tattoo has something to do with it. Contact, however, this kind of thought is also fleeting, it is really difficult to come up with a reason for something that has no reason at all.

Fortunately, the girl didn't ask any more questions, so Mo Xiaochuan stopped worrying about it, and got up and ran after the girl's figure.

The little third son who was still panting heavily outside the pavilion had a bitter expression on his face: "Eldest young master, wait for me..."

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