() After the meeting, Team Zhang and his team could not take a rest after researching, and had to take fixed-point waiting visits.What is fixed-point waiting visit?It is to conduct interviews with people coming and going at a specific place and at a specific time according to the circumstances of the crime, which is a common method in investigation work.

This group of people is distributed in ten points in the township, basically all of them are transportation hubs, and they visit the pedestrians coming and going.By 16 o'clock in the morning, a total of 26 people were interviewed, but all the people interviewed said that they did not see or encountered suspicious people or things on the night of the incident, and some of them did not appear in the early morning of the [-]th at all.When the sun came out, the investigators were all exhausted. They returned to the police station with heavy steps and dejected heads. After a simple breakfast, they started their new work.

In the morning, the technical team arranged for someone to go to the provincial department for fiber inspection, and the fingerprint screening work was also carried out intensively. All people who might have entered the case scene had their fingerprints extracted, and those who might have touched the items inside were also found one by one and sent to the provincial government. Print fingerprints for comparison and screening.The blood extracted at the scene, after inspection, has no other blood types except for the two parties involved.

In the afternoon, Liu Chuanzhi, a footprint expert from the Provincial Department, rushed to the scene.

Liu Chuanzhi didn't want to come to the scene after inquiring about the scene and the situation of the scene on the phone, because he thought that the measures that should be taken by the technical departments at the county and city levels had been taken, and there was no need to come, so he refused to come.

Old Zheng, the leader of the technical team, became anxious: "Expert Liu, my expert Liu, you have to work hard no matter what."

Liu Chuanzhi: "Captain Zheng, it's not that I won't come. I also listened to what you said just now. You handled it correctly and didn't miss anything. What am I doing here? Shall I repeat your work? What do you mean?" ,is this necessary?

Besides, there are so many things in the provincial department. I have traveled all the way to go to your place to repeat your work. I have eaten too much.I can't finish the affairs of the provincial department.

You have to understand me!We are not strangers, are we?We've been acquaintances for many years. "Expert Liu patiently did Captain Zheng's ideological work, the purpose is not to come.

Captain Zheng: "Expert Liu, I understand everything you said, and I can understand you too. But, look, although we have tried many methods, we still haven't extracted the fingerprints, and the footprints are so incomplete. Director Tang clearly asked you to come over at the meeting last night. You are a great expert in the provincial department, and the leaders still trust you very much. It is easier for you to say one sentence than us to say a hundred sentences. It works. You also know that the grassroots is at such a level, we only have this ability, and we have been in contact for so many years. I have difficulties, I have difficulties, I don’t look for you, who do I look for. You also have to understand me Well, come on!"

Liu Chuanzhi: "Old Zheng, I really admire you, you really know how to do ideological work. Okay, I will work hard on this old bone, and come to your place to have a look. But let me declare first, I am not with you Those who eat there, you drink too much. I'm afraid, I'll leave after reading it."

Captain Zheng: "Where is it? Didn't I have no choice but to find your brother? Thank you for your understanding and support. As long as you can come, you can do whatever you want. This is the head office?"

Liu Chuanzhi: "Haha, I love to hear this sentence. Just wait, I'll leave right away."

After expert Liu Chuanzhi came, he took electrostatic photocopying method to deal with the ground of the site carefully, but there were no good footprints.

After dealing with it and communicating the situation with Director Tang, Liu Chuanzhi rushed back to the provincial office, where there were more cases waiting for him to deal with.

When the meeting was held again at twelve o'clock in the evening, there was no progress in each group, Director Tang's face was even more ugly, and the meeting dispersed in depression.

Team Zhang continued to wait for visits at fixed points, and the hard work paid off, or in other words, sincerity is as good as gold and stone, and finally met a person who works in a nearby mineral processing plant!

After questioning, he usually passed by the site at around 1:30. At around 26:1 am on the 30th, he walked slowly towards the processing plant alone, and suddenly saw three people running out from the direction of the supply and marketing cooperative, and ran towards the east of the town. Go, he felt strange at the time, and whispered something: In the middle of the night, what are you running for?scare me!Since I had to rush to work, I didn't care too much.

After hearing about the situation, Team Zhang immediately invited the man to the police station. Director Tang and Director Zhang also hurried over when they heard about the situation.

The interrogation proceeded according to the procedure.

Q: What is your basic situation?

Answer: My name is Ke Qingping, male, 29 years old, from Kejiaduwan, this town, and now working in Zhendong Concentrator.

Question: Tell me about your situation yesterday morning:

Answer: OK.I got up at 1 o'clock in the morning yesterday, and after a simple grooming, I went to work. At about 1:30, I arrived at the intersection of the town. I was about to go from the south to the processing plant, when suddenly three people came running from the direction of the supply and marketing cooperative, and the speed was quite fast.I didn't expect someone to run out in the middle of the night, and I was startled. I whispered, "Why are you running in the middle of the night?" Then I continued to go to work. It was two o'clock when I arrived at the factory. I checked the time. It usually takes me about half an hour to get from the town to our factory, so I deduce that the time I saw these three people should be at 1:30, and then I will go to work in the factory.This morning I was going to work again, but you stopped me.You finish asking earlier, the factory is still waiting to go to work, otherwise wages will be deducted.

Question: Don't worry about going to work, we will contact your factory leader, please cooperate with our investigation, okay?

Answer: As long as the factory leader has no opinion, I have no opinion.

Question: Have you seen the characteristics of these three people clearly?

Answer: I didn't see it clearly, but judging from the running speed, the age should not be very old, because the running speed is quite fast. In addition, the height of these people should be around 1.70, because I am also 1.70 meters. These people Looks about my height.

Q: How can you be sure that it is 1.70 meters tall?

Answer: I was only about 10 meters away from them at the time. Although it was dark and there was no light, judging from the shadows, I guess they were about this height.

Question: Did these people carry anything on them?

Answer: I didn't pay attention to this, they ran very fast.

Q: Where are they running?

Answer: I ran towards the east of the town.

Seeing that he couldn't ask any key points, Director Tang lost interest, so he withdrew and left with Director Zhang.

Team Zhang asked people to question Ke Qingping, and at the same time arranged for people to investigate what he said. ;

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