teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 65 A temporary meeting to discuss the situation, spread the net to wait for the perpetrator

Chapter 065 A temporary meeting to discuss the situation, spread the net to wait for the perpetrator

In the courtyard of the village committee.

Perhaps because of the sound of vehicles, Director Tang and Director Zhang walked out of an office on the east side, smoking cigarettes, pacing, hands behind their backs.

"These two captains are laughing at Mimi, and they are back so soon. Is there something good?" Director Tang asked with a smile.

"There is a situation so soon?" Director Zhang also asked with a smile.

The team leader and I did not speak, but looked around, looking around, afraid that there were other people, so it was not suitable to report.

"Don't look, Party Secretary Zhu and the village cadres have all gone to work together, there is no one else here except Director Tang and me, even if you speak loudly, no one else will listen.

There are only two of us left to take command here, you are always lively, we are lonely. "Director Zhang said with a smile.

"Talk about the team leader, you report." I said with a smile.

"Is something really wrong?" Director Zhang looked at us with wide eyes, while Director Tang was full of surprise.

We nodded.

"Then quickly enter the office!" Director Tang led the way into the office, completely different from the slow pace when he came out, and we also filed in.

"No hurry, no hurry, smoke a cigarette first, smoke a cigarette first, and then talk slowly." Director Zhang said while sharing cigarettes with everyone.

When the cigarettes were lit, Team Leader Tan said:

"20, it's up to you. You said it well. You must have said it more specifically and in detail than me!"

I smiled and shook my head.said:

"You are the person in charge of this group, logically, it is more appropriate for you to report."

The team leader looked at me, I smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

"What's the matter, you're being coy, what's wrong with you?" Director Tang was anxious.

The leader was in a hurry, and the team leader immediately said seriously:

"Boss Director Tang and Director Zhang, I, I, and I made a self-criticism first, because of our mistakes in work, which caused the object to slip through our hands. The responsibility is on me, and I don't blame other comrades. Fortunately, 20 yuan was corrected in time. gone."

"You talk team leader, we asked you to report the situation and tell you about the progress of the case. I thought there was some progress! You are doing well. It's time for a review. Do you think it's time for a review?

Besides, it is normal to make some mistakes at work, and they have been corrected.Just correct it, aren't you trying to whet our appetite? Director Tang said with a smile.

"Thank you for your understanding and tolerance from the leader." The team leader's voice was full of uneasiness and surprise.

"Why didn't I say 20 yuan! It turns out that there is such an episode!" Director Zhang said with a smile, squinting his eyes at me.

I was smoking a cigarette, still silent.

"Well, let's say 20." Director Tang said cheerfully, looking at me.

I looked at Director Tang, then at Director Zhang, both of them nodded to me, so I had no choice but to say:

"The perpetrator is called Zhu Ruihai."

I said the result directly.

After a period of silence, the two bureau chiefs stared at me with doubts in their eyes, and I nodded affirmatively.

"You even figured out the name of the perpetrator?! You figured it out so quickly? Tell me what happened! How did you find out? Are you sure?" Although Director Zhang was asking questions continuously, his tone was full of Surprise, the certainty clearly outweighs the doubtful.

I stood up and distributed a circle of cigarettes to everyone, and then I gave a detailed report on the whole process from everyone's analysis in the car to the final break-in and secret search.

"Okay, okay, that's great! Director Zhang will immediately notify everyone to come back for a meeting! Arrange the capture plan!" Director Tang's voice was full of high excitement.

For a while, the gate of the village committee was bustling with people coming in and out, and all the investigators returned to the headquarters of the village committee one after another.

Everyone was confused. They had just gone out to work, and the work had just begun, so why were they suddenly called back, and everyone looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what the headquarters meant.

Captain Zheng sat next to me and looked straight at me, which meant that I must know the situation. I smiled, nodded lightly, and made an "ok" gesture. He was immediately surprised and busy. Give me a cigarette.

The meeting room of the village committee is relatively small, it accommodates so many people at once, it feels crowded inside, and other people don't know what's going on, they are all smoking, so the meeting room is smoky .

After arranging guards on the periphery, Director Tang spoke first:

"Comrades, today is the fifth day of the '4.11' case. I know that you have worked hard these days. On behalf of the Party Committee of the Public Security Bureau, I would like to express my condolences to you and thank you. It is precisely because you have continued to fight and never break Today, just now, this murder case has achieved a major breakthrough, and we have identified the perpetrator!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, not knowing what was going on, and then there was loud applause in the meeting room, everyone's faces were full of excitement, the fatigue of several days was swept away, and all eyes were focused on Director Tang , expecting him to explain the detailed process quickly.

Director Tang waited for everyone's applause to stop completely before continuing:

"Next, everyone welcomes Captain Li to introduce the details."

Everyone's eyes turned from Director Tang to me again, and the applause followed, warm and continuous.

I stood up and said:

"After investigation, the perpetrator is Zhu Ruihai, 19 years old, unmarried, farmer, 167cm tall, junior middle school education, from Zhujiazhuang Bay, Zhuanmiao Village.

The family situation is as follows: his father Zhu Xiangjie has passed away long ago, and his mother is mentally handicapped.There are four brothers in the family. The eldest Zhu Ruijiang, 31 years old, is married and works in agriculture; the second child Zhu Ruihe, 29 years old, is married and works in agriculture; the third child Zhu Ruihu, 23 years old, unmarried, was sentenced for theft and is currently in Huashuo City Labor Camp After serving his sentence, the fourth child will be Zhu Ruihai.

Let me focus on the reasons and basis for identifying Zhu Ruihai as committing the crime:

1. Actual performance: Zhu Ruihai has been idle for a long time.This is consistent with the scope framed by the command;

2. The four brothers in Jianghe, Lake, and Sea are relatively united. Whether it is a fight or a quarrel, the four brothers will fight together. Therefore, few people in the bay dare to provoke them. They are not only in the bay, but also in the village , It is basically a bully.Especially Zhu Ruijie was ruthless and ruthless, he would hit people with whatever he encountered during a fight.Bricks, kitchen knives, sticks, etc. have all been used;

3. Judging from the family situation: the eldest and the second child are married.Living their own lives, they seldom care about the third and fourth children, who are currently living with their mentally handicapped mother in an old-fashioned house.The third child was sent to a labor camp.Zhu Ruihai actually lives alone;

4. Abnormal behavior: during the investigation process.When asking about Zhu Ruihai's situation.His words flickered and his behavior was obviously abnormal;

5. The time of committing the crime cannot be ruled out: during the investigation and interview, the time period of the crime occurred.He just said that he was sleeping at home, and no one proved the process;

6. After our secret investigation of Zhu Ruihai’s home, we found a footprint in the dry soil imprint in the vegetable field behind his house. This footprint and the footprint extracted from the crime scene were left by the same pair of shoes. Not only the size is the same, but the sole pattern is the same. And the feature I said was missing also appeared;

7. After we conducted a secret search of Zhu Ruihai's home, we found a pair of white Li-Ning sports shoes in a cabinet in his room. The shoes had large horizontal stripes on the front and heel, each stripe was 2cm wide, and the middle distance was 1cm. The footprint of the left foot is 23.5cm in total length, the forefoot is 7cm wide, and the heel is 6cm wide. There is an obvious missing part at the center pattern of the heel, that is, the second and third large horizontal stripes on the heel. The area is 1.5x0.8cm, which is in the shape of a triangle. shape!This is exactly the same as the perpetrator's footprint impression I introduced.Considering that it was a secret search, we did not extract the white Li-Ning sneakers from his cabinet.

At present, Brother Crazy, Daxia Ke and Xiao Liu are staying in the bay and watching closely.

To sum up, Zhu Ruihai is the perpetrator. "

There was applause again in the conference room, this time the sound was a bit protracted.

Director Zhang raised his hand and pressed it down, stopping the possibility of the applause continuing, and said:

"Captain Li just now introduced the situation in great detail. The basis and reasons for determining that Zhu Ruihai committed the crime are very sufficient. Everyone heard it clearly. Due to time constraints, we will not discuss it in depth. At present, Zhu Ruihai's whereabouts are unknown, and the situation is more urgent. , we must hurry up and catch Zhu Ruihai, I will arrange the following tasks:

Team Zhang, you, with a group of people and Captain Li, rushed to the Huashuo City Forced Labor Camp to find out whether Zhu Ruihai had been to the labor camp.If the person is there, we will arrest him directly; if he leaves, we must find a way to find out where he is going. We have only one purpose, and that is to arrest Zhu Ruihai.

The second group, headed by Director Cai and Professor Liu, consisted of the entire second group and the security group of the police station. After the meeting was over, they rushed to the town area to fully understand hotels, restaurants, Internet and other entertainment and game places, and arranged special personnel to control the station. Prevent Zhu Rui from escaping overseas.

The third group, mainly composed of the three groups of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, with the full cooperation of the criminal group of the police station, set up ambushes on all the passages entering and exiting Zhuanmiao Village and Zhujiazhuang Bay, and did not miss any road that might enter and exit the village bay.

The fourth group, the intelligence team, was responsible for finding the village party secretary, finding out about Zhu Ruihai's relatives and friends, and finding out Zhu Ruihai's most likely whereabouts.Let me remind you that you can only introduce the general situation to the village party secretary, not the details, and the village party secretary must always be with our investigators and cannot escape our sight until the arrest is over.

The fifth group, headed by Captain Zheng of the technical team, entered Zhujiazhuang Bay, replaced the lunatics, Ke Daxia and others, and waited outside Zhu Ruihai's home. After Zhu Ruihai was captured, he entered his home to search for items related to the crime, focusing on extracting the Li Ning brand White sneakers, if Zhu Ruihai returns home, he will be arrested immediately.

We have cast a multi-layered net here, Zhu Ruihai will not escape even if he spreads his wings!

Everyone must pay attention to confidentiality, and at the same time must be serious and meticulous, and there must be no mistakes.Let me remind you that this is to catch a murderer. If he escapes, the consequences will be disastrous.If there is any situation in each group, please contact the headquarters immediately.The headquarters is still located at the police station. Director Tang and I are waiting for your good news and welcome your triumphant return! "

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