teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 61 Working together to solve the case, the investigation of the case has reached a stalemate

Chapter 061 Working together to solve the case, the investigation of the case has reached a stalemate

"Do you have anything else to report?" Director Zhang asked. .

No one made a sound, and the conference room was extremely quiet.

"Since everyone has nothing to report, each group will talk about the next work plan, and the technical team will talk first." Director Zhang changed the subject.

Director Zhang, let us take a break too, let the other groups speak first.

Captain Zheng looked at me, and I moved my mouth, meaning to tell him, and he said:

"At present, we have found the perpetrator's footprints, and we need to find the shoes worn by the perpetrator as soon as possible. Therefore, we will look for shoe prints in the county and surrounding areas tomorrow. Another task is to continue to expand the on-site search and try to find more clue."

"What about Captain Li's opinion?" Director Zhang asked.

"I want to work overnight, continue to expand the scope of the search, clarify the route of the perpetrator, and try to find more evidence or clues along the route." I replied.

"Captain Li, this work should be continued tomorrow during the daytime. At night, the light is not good, and you can't see anything. Besides, you have worked too hard today. You should rest and rest, so that you can fight again." Director Zhang said .

"I'm afraid it will rain tonight. If it rains, it will dilute the traces. If you can't find anything by then, it will be troublesome." I expressed my worry.

"Captain Li, I've listened to the weather forecast. It hasn't rained in the last three days, and it's been sunny." Director Cai said.

I nodded.There was no sound.

Team Leader Chen said:

"During the on-site investigation of this case, the technical team provided sufficient conditions for our investigation. We must fully grasp and make good use of this condition. I think, in terms of the current weather, the possibility of the perpetrator changing his shoes is very high." Therefore, we can strengthen the investigation work based on the shoe prints."

"How to do a strong investigation?" Director Zhang asked.

"This still has to be based on technology, that is, the technical team must quickly provide samples of criminal shoes for our investigation, and then we will draw scoops based on the shoe samples. Identify suspicious shoes by visual inspection, and then continue deep."

Director Zhang looked at Captain Zheng and me, and Captain Zheng said:

"Leader, please rest assured, we will strive to produce shoe samples tomorrow."

The team leader said:

"According to the situation introduced by 20, the perpetrator is likely to be injured in the process of rape. Therefore, we must pay attention to this situation when contacting relevant personnel. For key personnel, while paying attention to skills, you can Carry out a personal inspection in order to find clues that are useful for investigation.

The second aspect is to discover abnormal situations.From the analysis point of view, the perpetrator is not a habitual offender, he does not have such a strong psychological quality, after the rape and murder, it will inevitably cause psychological tension, leading to abnormal behavior, and he should not be far from the scene, he is people around the scene.Therefore, we must be good at observation and carefully observe those who have abnormalities in daily life and behavior habits.For example, going out suddenly for no reason, taking the initiative to ask our investigators about the situation, etc. "

Team Leader Hu said:

"Considering the fact that the perpetrator may be injured, I think that a secret investigation should be conducted on the hospital and medical point, and the scope of suspicious injured persons should not be too small, and should be expanded to the entire township and adjacent townships."

Then, the other groups made adjustments according to the content of the report, each with its own focus.

Seeing that all the groups have reported, Director Zhang said:

"Comrades, this is the first murder case in our bureau this year. The perpetrator actually killed a young girl in broad daylight. This is a serious criminal activity, and it is also a challenge to our public security organs. We must Strictly and quickly resolutely hit.

Just now, everyone reported on their respective work and their ideas for the next step, which I agree with overall.

Let me say a few things about the case.

[-]. The nature of the case: This is a rape and homicide case.Annihilation is the motive, and murder is the purpose.

39. The perpetrator's situation: one person, male, young, local, wearing size 165 shoes, about 170cm to [-]cm tall, with possible injuries to exposed parts of the body.

[-]. Conditions for thorough investigation:

1. People who do not work, do not go to school, and have been idle in the countryside for a long time;

2. Personnel with previous convictions or bad deeds such as theft, robbery, hooliganism, injury, rape, etc., especially those who have molested women, should be the focus;

3. Recently there are abnormal and abnormal personnel;

4. Scope of investigation: Take Zhuanmiao Village as the center and expand six villages to the surrounding area, so that there are seven villages in total, namely Zhuanmiao Village, Dongzhuang Village, Jianshe Village, Qiankou Village, Wanhe Village, and Xiangyang Village , Liu Fan Village.

5. Investigate every health center and every clinic in Leping Town and surrounding towns.

Team Zhang, you redistribute the work and personnel of each group to ensure that the key points are highlighted, and that young people and experienced comrades are well matched. "

Team Zhang nodded and divided the tasks among the personnel.

Finally, Director Tang made a speech:

"Comrades, this is a case where human life is at stake. Everyone must pay great attention to it ideologically. I hope everyone will work hard and solve the case as soon as possible.

I just listened to everyone's report. Your work today has achieved stage-by-stage results. In particular, the comrades of the technical team are able to work hard, not afraid of hard work and tiredness, and carry forward the good style of continuous combat, which has laid a good foundation for our subsequent investigation work. , a solid foundation, I am very satisfied.You have achieved so much in such a short period of time, you have worked hard.I hope everyone will continue to work hard.

In order to better solve the case and solve everyone's worries, I have notified the administrative department of the bureau to send someone over to do the logistics work. Everyone eats at the police station and stays at the Chunfeng Hotel on the street.Except for the technical team, everyone else lives here, and the case remains unsolved.The special class will not be withdrawn.

The meeting time tomorrow night is ten o'clock in the evening. Everyone is tired today, so let's go to bed early. "

The meeting ended very late. When I got home, it was already 1:[-] in the morning. I washed up and went to bed.

"Husband, another crime happened?" Wanfang asked.

"Yes, a woman in Leping Town was killed." I said.

"Has there been a murder case?" Wanfang looked at me with wide eyes.

I nodded.

"Honey, you're tired, go to bed early." Wanfang said and fell asleep with her arms around me.Never spoke again.

one lie down.I just fell asleep. I was so tired that I didn't even have a dream.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.Wanfang has finished grooming.Sitting on the bed.

"Are you awake?" Wanfang asked softly.

"It's such a comfortable sleep!" I said with a smile.

"No matter how busy you are at work, you should also pay attention to rest, you are mine, you can't be exhausted. Do you understand?" Wanfang looked at me and continued her gentle voice.

I lifted the quilt, sat up, and said:

"Wait for me, I'll take you to work."

"My hero, you worked hard yesterday, and you have to continue working today, so don't send me to work. Your wife is good at work, so she can go to work by herself, or put more energy and time on solving the case." Wanfang said mischievously.

I smiled, and Wanfang kissed me lightly on the cheek, and said:

"Goodbye, my husband!"

After I arrived at the office, I called all the staff, and we analyzed the case again.

After discussing with Captain Zheng, I decided to divide the technicians into two groups according to the idea last night: one group was led by Captain Zheng with Xiao Hu and Xiao Chen to look for shoe samples in the county, and I took Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao to the scene Expand your search.

Sure enough, the weather was exactly as Director Cai said, and it was another fine sunny day.

The three scenes have formed a line from three points. To continue to expand, it must continue along the two ends of this line. Of the two ends, one is the central scene, and the other is the direction where the perpetrators fled, but The work at this end is basically impossible, mainly because the damage around the central site is too serious, and the conditions for continuing to track have been lost.But we still didn't give up, and searched all morning, but didn't find anything of value.

The other end is the first scene, which needs to be expanded, that is, to expand the direction from which the perpetrator came, including the direction from which the victim came.

By the ditches, on the mountains, in the woods, as long as the perpetrators and victims are likely to go, we will conduct serious and meticulous searches one after another.When the search was fruitless, we simulated Zhu Haixia's possible route based on the obtained situation. When it was completely dark, there was still no new progress.

I had no choice but to take Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao, dragging my tired body, back to the police station.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the second meeting was held as scheduled.

Judging from the situation reported by each group, there are many situations, but no key breakthroughs, so there is no excitement.

Technically, progress has been made. Captain Zheng and his team found a shoe sample that was exactly the same as the perpetrator's footprint, and they developed a photo of the shoe sample. They sent two footprint photos to everyone at the venue, one is On-site plaster casts, the other is to find shoe samples.According to Captain Zheng, the shoe sample is a "Li Ning" brand tourist shoe, white, sold in many shopping malls in the county, and the price is not very high. According to several salespersons, most of the people who buy this shoe are young people.

If there is no new situation, Director Tang and Director Zhang will look bad.At the meeting, when reporting work to some investigators, they repeatedly asked about the areas where the work was not in place, and made serious criticisms, which made the atmosphere a bit dull and tense.

At the meeting on the third day, a suspicious object was finally brought up, but after a comprehensive analysis, it was investigated again. Team leader Chen and others did not give up. With the cooperation of the technical team, they searched his home again. The person was carefully checked, and finally the crime was completely ruled out because there was no time for committing the crime.

In this way, working during the day, summarizing the situation at night, and then analyzing and researching, revising the next step of investigation measures, every time it happens at one or two o'clock in the morning.The investigators were basically exhausted, but the case was stagnant at the level of the first day, without any new progress, and it did not change in the slightest because of the investigators' hard work.

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