teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 54 After the investigation is completed, precautions are made, and measures are determined a

Chapter 54 After the investigation is completed, precautions are made, and measures are determined after case analysis

I watched them pack their things without making a sound.

"Captain Li, the on-site investigation is complete, the equipment has been counted and packed, and we can go back." Xiao Ke said.

I didn't answer, but sat on the sofa in the living room and asked **Kay to sit down too.

Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao couldn't figure it out, they stood by and looked at me.

I said:

"**Kai, our on-site investigation has been completed, and I have something to tell you. This is a burglary case. It is natural for us to investigate and solve the case. We will inform you in time if there is anything to do in the future. Yes. At the same time, your home must also do a good job of safety precautions, I would like to make a few suggestions for your reference."

**Kay nodded, listening carefully.

"First of all, I don't want to come to your house a second time because of the case, that is to say, I don't want your house to be stolen a second time.

According to the on-site investigation, the perpetrator climbed from the stairwell to the window of the master bedroom and broke into the room. If this place is not reinforced, your home may still be stolen. Therefore, I suggest that you install an anti-theft net in your home. If you don't install anti-theft nets because of economic problems, at least remember to close the windows and lock them inside when you sleep at night or when no one is at home during the day.

Moreover, the external door of your house is a wooden door, which can be opened very easily. I hope that this door will also be replaced. It is best to replace it with a security door. The security factor of the security door is much higher.

Third, don't keep large amounts of cash at home.You said how convenient it is to store in the bank.Why keep cash at home?Also, gold jewelry and other small and valuable things are best kept in a hidden place, come here, I'll tell you. "

After I finished speaking, Fu Er told **Kai Fang the location of the jewelry.

Xiao Ke, Xiao Cao, Xiao Lu and others looked at me with wide eyes, not knowing what I said.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say, take us to Cao Xiaobo's house." I stood up and said.

On-site investigation of Cao Xiaobo's home.I asked Xiao Cao to lead the survey.Xiao Ke cooperated, and he completely followed the order and process of my survey. After the survey, I nodded with satisfaction.

We stand behind the courtyard again.Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao are ready to get in the car.

I yelled to stop.and said:

"What's the matter. Are you going to leave now?"

Xiao Ke smiled and asked:

"Captain Li, the investigation of the scene of the two cases has been completed. This is something that should be explained. You have said everything again. There should be nothing else."

I shook my head and said:

"The scene of the two cases between the two of you is still missing a photo. Do you know what kind of photo it is?"

Xiao Ke immediately understood, patted his head and said:

"Yes, yes, the location photos of the scene have not been taken yet."

Immediately, the two took photos.

After we got in the car, my name was Xiao Lu, and I also got in the car.

"I'm sorry, Captain Li, we shouldn't have destroyed the scene and left so many footprints on the scene, which caused you trouble." Xiao Lu said sincerely.

I smiled and said:

"Xiao Lu, when you go to the police, besides doing a good job of interviewing, another important thing is to protect the scene. You see, just now on the floor of ** Kai's living room, you found your footprints on the perpetrator's footprints. This was a very serious mistake. I hope it doesn't happen to you next time."

Xiao Lu kept nodding and saying yes, while Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao looked at Xiao Lu and smiled with their mouths covered.

I went on to say:

"After you arrive at the scene, you can arrange for someone to go to the scene to check the situation, but you must wear foot covers. If you don't have foot covers, use shoe covers. In addition, don't move or touch anything on site, understand? "

Xiao Lu continued to nod.

"Xiao Ke, Xiao Cao, please tell Xiao Lu about the on-site investigation of these two cases. Xiao Lu, you should make a record and report back to Team Leader Amin. We will not go to the office." I said.

Xiao Ke immediately said:

"Comrade Xiao Lu, I only said it once, you must remember it well."

Everyone laughed loudly, and when they finished laughing, Xiao Lu said:

"My Comrade Xiao Ke, this aura is very good. It's a bit of a celebrity. I actively cooperate with you, and I will definitely remember every word. Please don't worry, the leader.

There was another burst of laughter, and Xiao Ke went on to say:

"I'm just training my self-confidence, so don't hit me like this.

Let's stop gossip and return to the main story of the book.The general situation before this, our captain Li said it himself, I will not repeat it, I will talk about the key points below, the process of ** Kai's crime is as follows:

Perpetrator A entered the room through the window through the stairwell, and then opened the wooden door of the living room to let perpetrator B in.The two had a division of labor indoors. A mainly searched for items in the master bedroom, found jewelry in the bedside table, and found cash in the wardrobe. There were footprints of A on both floors.Perpetrator B rummaged through bookcases and drawers in the study, but found no valuable items in these two places.

In terms of traces, there are two types of footprints and multiple fingerprints.One kind of footprint is a block pattern of tourist shoes, the length is 25cm, it is inferred that the perpetrator wears a shoe size 40; the other footprint is a circle-shaped sneaker, the length is 24.5cm, it is inferred that the perpetrator wears a shoe size 39.Judging from the footprints, it is certain that there should be two people who broke into the house to commit crimes. As for whether there is anyone outside to let the wind out, it is hard to say from the analysis of the scene.The two men who broke into the house were one tall and the other short. Judging from their footprints, they were both relatively young.The fingerprints were handled by Captain Li personally with us, and the effect of the processing is very good. Judging from the remaining parts, it is certain that they were left by the perpetrator. Comparable.If I win the competition, I will immediately notify Hero Lu.

That's all I've said, is there anything else that Daxia Lu doesn't understand? "

Xiao Ke finished speaking, looked at me, and I nodded slightly.

Xiao Lu just recorded and didn't say anything.

Xiao Cao went on to say:

"Cao Xiaobo's house was seriously damaged at the scene, and it's been a long time since the incident happened. However, after hard work, we still found a footprint on the windowsill. After comparing with Captain Li on the spot, it was found to be a footprint pattern of ** Kai's house." Same kind.

The two cases entered the house in the same way, and the types of footprints were the same. Therefore, the two cases can be investigated in parallel.

That's all I have to say. "

After Xiao Cao finished speaking, he looked at me, I nodded slightly, and said:

"Have you both finished talking?"

The two also nodded.

I take out the cigarette.Everyone got one.Then said:

"We surveyed the scene to conduct a comprehensive survey, extract traces and physical evidence, and conduct on-site analysis. Complete the work of concatenating cases.

But our purpose is definitely not here.We must have the consciousness to solve the case.It is necessary to solve the case through our on-site investigation, or to guide the solution.

In these two cases, fingerprint checking is of course an important way to solve the case.Footprint plays an important role in the string-and-merge case, and that's two things you've said very well.However, when we investigate the scene, in addition to being aware of solving the case, we should also guide the police station to solve the case, because many ways and means of solving the case are beyond the capabilities of our technical team. Neither of you provided Xiao Lu with a complete work plan and Investigative thinking.

Have you noticed just now? During the on-site visit, I asked very specific questions. Among the stolen items were rings and earrings. Controlling the sale of stolen goods is an important task in the security management of the police station.

Still during the on-site interview, I asked casually, and I found out that there was another case of Cao Xiaobo’s being stolen in this community, and the time between the two being stolen was not long, only three days apart. What does this mean?This shows that the two perpetrators will continue to commit crimes, and they are likely to commit crimes in this community. In this way, another investigative measure has come out, which is to arrange people to wait and capture near this community.

Let me talk about the parallel case work again. These two cases can be linked together, but you didn’t analyze them in depth. The perpetrators made a big fuss at the scene, knowing that someone was sleeping in the room, and dared to steal, and the way of entering the room was very well chosen. Reasonably, this shows that these two people are very likely to have other cases, and there have been cases before. Therefore, the scope of parallel cases must be further expanded, and this series of cases is definitely not limited to these two cases.

Also, the time of the incident was from 2:7 am to 2:[-] am. Xiao Ke also introduced that these two people are relatively young.It's so late at [-] in the morning, where are these two young people coming from?It may be from their home, but it is more likely to be from the Internet!This has formed another investigative measure, which is to conduct investigations on the Internet based on the two types of footprints on the scene, which is also a way to solve the case.

Also, that is to do a good job in safety precautions. This prevention work is more important than our case solving. Just now at ** Kai’s house, I said the precautions. Xiao Cao, you heard it, but at Cao Xiaobo’s house, you You didn't put forward this opinion, which shows that you basically don't have the awareness of teaching the masses to take precautions.In the home of the victim, many people don't know how to take precautions. We need to teach them how to take precautions.Xiao Lu went back to the police station, and he had to tell the policeman in charge to come over and tell the management department of the community to do a good job of safety precautions.

The affairs of the masses are never trivial, we must take it seriously, this is also a way to improve ourselves.I took you to the police this time, hoping that you will improve your intentions, improve your level, and go professional and standardized in the future, so that we can be called professional criminal technicians. "

Xiao Ke, Xiao Cao, and Xiao Lu carefully memorized it in their notebooks.

"Captain Li, are you finished?" Xiao Cao raised his head and asked.

"That's all I've said today. I've run out of words. Do you still want me to say it?" I said with a smile.

Everyone laughed.

Xiao Ke said:

"Captain Li, we have never done anything like this before at the scene. I always think that everything will be fine after the scene investigation is completed. Who knows that you have used so many methods to solve the case from the scenes of these two simple cases, and you have control Selling stolen goods, catching and waiting, expanding chains and mergers, online screening, fingerprint checking, and even preventive measures, it really opened our eyes!"

"It's a real thing to learn when you go out with Captain Li to investigate the scene! Today is really beneficial! The leader's mouth is dry, so I'll buy water to drink right away." Xiao Cao said with a smile.

"Forget it, it's better to save your wages, save it to talk about friends, and I'll go back to the team to drink water." I said.

Everyone laughed again.

The scene pictures of the two cases were not drawn on the spot. After returning, Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao drew pictures on the computer. The whole frame came out, and the details were drawn only after looking at the photos. After all, it was the first time for them to do this. It is still difficult to do.

When Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao introduced the two scenes at the case meeting, they made a comprehensive report on the aspects of on-site investigation, on-site analysis, investigation measures, prevention, and merger cases. I didn't come back to my senses for a long time.

"Captain Zheng, I'm done." Xiao Ke reminded.

"Okay, what you said is very good and comprehensive. It seems that Captain Li is really strong and has no weak soldiers!" Captain Zheng said.

In this way, Captain Zheng and I took everyone to see the scene, and conducted guidance, supervision, and inspection on the spot. For a while, the quality of on-site investigation was significantly improved, and the extraction rate of fingerprints, footprints, tools and other traces was significantly increased. On-site analysis The level of investigation and investigation work suggestions have been greatly improved.

Captain Zheng and I also slowly let everyone go to work.

I just want to train like this!It is to make such a big progress!

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