teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 47 The Sudden Change of Situation is Pinghu, Analysis and Reasoning Captain Li

Chapter 47 The Sudden Change of Situation is Pinghu, Analysis and Reasoning Captain Li

The meeting is still going on.

Director Tang, the host, smiled, and continued:

"Ouyang detachment, which one of you will introduce the situation in Pinghu?"

The Ouyang detachment looked heavy, nodded, and said:

"The situation in Pinghu is still up to me.

I am very grateful to my colleagues in the Dongyang County Public Security Bureau. Last year, you helped us solve the gun theft case of the procuratorate.thank you all!

Yesterday, Director Zhang contacted me and said that there was a message from Ming Ruifa. I was very surprised, because Ming Ruifa’s case has always been a case that our criminal investigation detachment pays attention to. His parents have been petitioning. The main reason for the petition is that we have no Find his son's body.

I will describe the case in detail below.

Ming Ruifa, male, born on June 1971, 6, is a native of Pinghu, our city. He has been fighting since he was a child, and has been detained by public security twice. Before his disappearance, he was a student of Lantian Chef Training School in our city.

The time of his disappearance was Sunday, September 1988, 9.After we received the report, we launched a suspected homicide investigation procedure.First, the local branch was investigating, but later it was found that the situation was wrong, and our criminal investigation team also intervened in the investigation.After investigation, it was found that Ming Ruifa bullied his classmates for a long time during his school days. We found out that 18 students were bullied. What's more, Ming Ruifa was very perverted and raped three students. .

It is precisely because of Ming Ruifa's perverted behavior that we have linked his disappearance.According to the investigation, we took one of the students named Ding Zhaohai who was raped as a key object for investigation.

Ding Zhaohai and Ming Ruifa are both students of Blue Sky Chef Training School.The two are in the same grade but in different classes, but the dormitory is not far away. He is from our Pinghu City.

After investigation, Ding Zhaohai was unable to provide witnesses for his activities on September 9, which aroused our attention to him. After discovering that he was also the three students who were raped by sodomy, we listed him as a key suspect.

After Ding Zhaohai was captured, he quickly confessed the crime of deceiving Ming Ruifa to the Yangtze River and taking the opportunity to push Ming Ruifa into the Yangtze River. The motive of the murder he said was always sodomy.

Ding Zhaohai confessed that he killed Ming Ruifa.but.We have to see people in this life, and we have to see corpses in death. Although he has his own confession, we still have to find Ming Ruifa's body.

therefore.We have organized a lot of manpower.Searches were carried out along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.Tens of thousands of corpse search notices were released, and we went to see many corpses, but none of them were Ming Ruifa.So far Ming Ruifa's body has not been found.

Due to the delay in finding the body, the judge was unable to make up his mind to impose the death penalty when the case was decided. After the trial, the court sentenced Ding Zhaohai to death with a two-year reprieve, which was later changed to life. Currently, Ding Zhaohai is still undergoing labor reform.

After we learned about the situation from the Dongyang County Public Security Bureau, we immediately organized personnel to go to the labor camp and interrogated Ding Zhaohai again.

Judging from the news that came back, after nearly ten years, Ding Zhaohai still confessed that his previous confession process was true, that is, Ming Ruifa was killed after he pushed into the Yangtze River.

This is the case in our Pinghu City. "

Ouyang Detachment's short speech immediately aroused huge repercussions in the conference room, and a stone stirred up the water!

Everyone began to discuss in low voices. The whispered discussion, even if it was a small voice, was very harsh to my ears!I feel like the meeting room is blown up!

I really did not expect this to be the case!

In my expectation, the Ouyang detachment should introduce the case situation like Director Liu. The situation introduced is consistent with what we reviewed, and the two are combined into one.I never expected this to happen, and my mind went blank.

Someone in Pinghu City has already confessed that Ming Ruifa was pushed to the Yangtze River and drowned, but on our side, Song Guoguo confessed that he pushed Ming Ruifa off the cliff on Phoenix Mountain!One of these two people must have lied. Judging from the situation introduced by Ouyang detachment leader, Ding Zhaohai has no reason to tell a lie? !

This, this... I am really nervous, could it be that we are wrong? !This is what I deduced, what should I do if I am wrong? !

I suddenly had a feeling of escaping to get some fresh air.

But I know, now is not the time for me to go out to breathe, I have to stay here, I can't go anywhere, this is my position!

I looked at everyone nervously, and our Dongyang County Public Security Bureau was also very nervous.

Obviously, Director Tang didn't expect this kind of result, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

In the noisy conference room, Mr. Yu's serious voice suddenly came:

"Director Tang, what's going on here? Did you review the torture to extract a confession?"

Director Tang quickly replied:

"I didn't expect that to be the case either."

"Director Tang, I'm asking you if you tortured the confession during the review." Mr. Yu emphasized.

Director Tang was sweating on his forehead and didn't answer.

President Yu continued:

"Then let me ask you, how did you think that Song Guoguo had a case in Pinghu City?"

Director Tang quickly replied:

"It was analyzed by Captain Li of our technical team. After the review, Song Guoguo explained the murder in Pinghu City."

"Has Captain Li come?" Mr. Yu still asked seriously.

"Mr. Yu, I'm here." I stood up from my seat.

This is all because of me, I can't let Director Tang suffer anymore!

All eyes were on me, staring at me, I became more nervous.

"Haha, Captain Li, it's you, you've been promoted to captain! Come here, sit next to me!" Mr. Yu said with a smile, changing his seriousness just now.

I looked at Mr. Tang, who nodded. I hurriedly took my notebook and walked to Mr. Yu. After exchanging simple greetings, I sat down.

"Mr. Yu, it's all my fault. I have caused trouble for your leaders and Director Tang." I said sincerely.

"Captain Li, how do you know that Song Guoguo has a case in Pinghu City?" Mr. Yu ignored my apology.Instead, he asked with a smile.

"I analyzed and deduced it." I was very nervous.

"Can you really pinch and count?" Mr. Yu continued to ask with a smile.

"This won't, this won't!" I hurriedly replied, how could I have such leisure at this time.

"Captain Li, don't be nervous, show the same momentum as last time in the provincial department, and tell all the leaders about your analysis and reasoning." Mr. Yu looked at me and smiled, his eyes full of encouragement .

I stood up and said:

"Leaders, I didn't expect the case of Pinghu to be like this. So far. Ding Zhaohai also admitted that he pushed Ming Ruifa into the Yangtze River. I was shocked when I heard the news. It was completely out of my accident. I'm very nervous right now."

"Don't be nervous, even if you are wrong. We won't blame you. Besides, it's hard to say who is right and who is wrong now. You can say it boldly." Mr. Yu continued to encourage.

I nodded and continued:

"Comrade Xiao Ke, a policeman of our technical team, found Song Zuozuo through the fingerprints notified by the Jiangchuan County Public Security Bureau. Captain Zheng and I checked it repeatedly. Later, Captain Ke and others from the Jiangchuan County Public Security Bureau also conducted a review and confirmed that it was accurate. After being correct, Director Tang and Director Wang made a careful plan to arrest Song Guoguo.

After Song Zuozuo came to the case, I also participated in the review work.Judging from Song Guoguo's confession, his confession of murder and theft in Jiangchuan County was done in one go. His confession was very orderly, and the sequence and process were clearly explained. It is related to exerting pressure, but I always feel that the process he explained is too natural, so natural that it is a bit abnormal.

To this end, I made careful observation and analysis of him.

Before Song Zuozu committed the theft and murder in Jiangchuan County, he had already committed many cases of stealing non-staple food stores. In these cases, he changed different shoes in each case, so the Jiangchuan County Public Security Bureau failed to link the cases based on the shoe prints.Song Guoguo also explained that his purpose of doing this was to prevent the public security organs from finding him from the shoe prints.

At the same time, he wears gloves every time he commits a crime to avoid leaving fingerprints, and he wears different gloves every time he commits a crime.This shows that he is very experienced and has a very strong anti-investigation awareness and techniques, which is difficult for a first-time criminal to do.This piqued my interest in him.

Third, Song Guoguo is very scheming.In the murder case of Jiangchuan County Supply and Marketing Cooperative, his original intention was to steal. Before the theft, he made all kinds of preparations, prepared different shoes, different gloves, and different screwdrivers.He chose to commit crimes in the Jiangchuan County Supply and Marketing Cooperative because his old cousin was the head of the finance department of the supply and marketing cooperative. When he was playing with his old cousin in the finance department, he found a large amount of cash in the safe.Then, he found an opportunity to get his old cousin drunk, and then secretly distributed the key to the safe.He didn't have a key to the financial room door, just to confuse our investigation.Because of this, I took a further interest in him.

Fourth, judging from Song Guoguo’s confession, whether it was the theft of supply and marketing cooperatives or other non-staple food stores, he chose to commit crimes in places he was more familiar with, and was limited to the few streets around Beijing Road in Jiangchuan County that he was familiar with. Far away, he never commits crimes.This shows that its psychological safety zone has not been fully expanded, and it just chooses to be in a familiar place.

From the above analysis, we can draw a conclusion that this is a perpetrator who has a strong sense of anti-investigation and has a disguise in committing the crime. It is impossible for him to commit the crime for the first time, and there should be a hidden case.

So where is the case?

Song Guoguo has not yet formed a complete psychological safety zone, he can only be confined to the places he is familiar with, which will inevitably be related to his personal experience.

Just now, Director Zhang introduced Song Guoguo's personal experience. Judging from his experience, his main activities are in our county, Jiangchuan County, and Pinghu City. Therefore, there may not be any cases in our city, and the review results also showed this point; as for Jiang Chuan's theft and murder cases, he gave a thorough account, and only Pinghu City was left.

Therefore, the Pinghu case was put on the agenda.

We are not very clear about the case in Pinghu City. Due to time constraints, we did not have time to ask the Ouyang detachment for advice, so we used certain strategies to achieve our review goals.

After discussing with Team Zhang and Team Hong, they devised a scheme and decided to take advantage of Song Guoguo's not yet fully awake state, seize the favorable opportunity, and chase after him fiercely. Let Team Leader Tan of the Criminal Investigation Team and others pretend to be police officers from Pinghu City, Unexpectedly, Song Guoguo was caught off guard.

When team leader Tan and others rushed into the interrogation room and reported that his family was a comrade from the Pinghu City Public Security Bureau, Song Guoguo immediately panicked. This was exactly as we expected: in his opinion, he never thought of the Pinghu City Public Security Bureau. Comrades tracked down so quickly.

Under the powerful offensive, he naturally told the detailed process of tricking Ming Ruifa to Phoenix Mountain and pushing him down the cliff.

Judging from the entire confession process of Song Guoguo, it is very organized, the sequence and process are clearly explained, which is in line with his usual practice.The case in Jiangchuan County that he has explained so far has been verified to be objective. There is no need for him to fabricate the murder case in Pinghu.Therefore, I personally think that Song Guoguo's confession is true and credible, that is, Ming Ruifa was the one who pushed Ming Ruifa down the cliff and fell to his death. "

I sat down after speaking.

The meeting room was quiet. Suddenly, I don’t know who took the lead in applauding, followed by applause. I turned my head and saw Mr. Yu applauding vigorously, and he kept nodding at me.

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