teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 17 Selection of Armed Police

() As soon as the meeting was over, Director Zhang took us to the military police squadron next to the detention center.

As soon as the guard saw Director Zhang's license plate, he opened the iron gate without even asking, and our car entered the compound of the Wujing Squadron.

As soon as the car stopped, A Dong and I got out of the car following Director Zhang.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" A series of footsteps came, and when we got out of the car, we looked up and saw a young man in military uniform was standing in front of us, and then a slight wind followed.

"Crack!" There was another sound, and the young man put his legs together and immediately saluted.

Li Bi.

"Welcome Director Zhang and comrades to the Wujing Squadron to guide the work!" The young man finally spoke, with a very loud voice.

"Captain Cao, you don't need to be so polite." Director Zhang said with a smile.

"Director Zhang, please come to the conference room!" The voice was still clear and bright.


As soon as Director Zhang said yes, Team Cao immediately said, "Guards! Conference room, serve tea!"

Then, standing beside Director Zhang, he led us into the conference room on the first floor.

As soon as we sat down, the guard served each of us a cup of steaming hot tea. I inhaled the hot air through my nose, and a refreshing tea fragrance spread all over my body. The fatigue from lack of sleep was relieved a lot.

After the guards served the tea, they immediately closed the door and left the meeting room.

Cao Daduan straightened his back and sat next to Director Zhang, while A Dong and I sat opposite the conference table.

"Director Zhang, why are you free to come to our place today to inspect and guide the work?" Brigade Cao said.

"It's nothing, just come and turn around. I haven't been here for a long time, and I want to feel the atmosphere of your martial arts squadron." Director Zhang said while drinking tea unhurriedly.

"Welcome! Welcome! Director Zhang, if you need anything, just tell him!" Cao Brigade said.

"Brigade Cao, let me introduce these two comrades to you. These two are from the Jiangnan Police Station of our Public Security Bureau. This is Xiao Li (Director Zhang pointed at me), and this is Adong (Director Zhang pointed at me A Dong said)."

After finishing speaking, Director Zhang pointed to Brigade Cao and introduced to us: "This is Brigade Cao from our martial arts squadron."

"Hello, Captain Cao!" A Dong and I said at the same time.

"Hello!" Captain Cao said, almost at the same time as us.

"You don't have to be polite, let's talk about business." Director Zhang said.

As soon as they heard that they were going to talk about business, everyone became serious, and Captain Cao even tensed up.

"Brigade Cao, recently the Criminal Investigation Brigade and the Jiangnan Police Station jointly solved a major case involving dozens of people and more than 100 cases. According to our investigation, they will hold a rally on the 18th, and we want to catch them all. Considering these people Most of them are active in the urban area, and they may know people from our criminal investigation team and the Public Security Bureau. Therefore, it is inconvenient to use the police in the urban area. No, we are in trouble, so I will come to you and ask you for help. "Director Zhang explain.

"Director Zhang, you have something to tell us. What do you need us to do?" Team Cao's voice was still loud.

"We need to second ten of your well-trained military police fighters to participate in the arrest. We will transfer them immediately, and leave as soon as they are transferred. It may take two days." Director Zhang's voice.

"Okay! I'll ask the leader of the detachment right away. Have some tea, and I'll come as soon as I make a phone call." Team Cao left after speaking.

Five minutes later, Team Cao sat next to Director Zhang again.

"Director Zhang, after asking the leader of the detachment for instructions, the leader said that he will fully support your work. I would like to ask Director Zhang for further instructions!" Cao Brigade still said loudly.

"Then we will start selecting these ten people." Director Zhang said.

"Okay." Captain Cao said.

After finishing speaking, Captain Cao turned his head: "Guards!"

"Here." Then the guard pushed open the door and came in.

"Notify all personnel to gather at the playground!" Commander Cao ordered.

The guards left quickly, and then there was a sharp whistle, and then a loud "All assembled!" voice, and then noisy footsteps, noisy but not chaotic.

"Director Zhang, let's go out and have a look." Captain Cao made a gesture of invitation.

The four of us left the meeting room and walked to the playground. Team Cao was still walking beside Director Zhang.

When I arrived at the playground, I saw that there were four rows of military police standing neatly, all in uniform clothes, and all young people.Everyone put their hands on the trouser seams on both sides of their thighs, stood with their chests out and their stomachs in, like pillars.Looking at these vigorous martial arts fighters, I seemed to be pulled back to the police school all at once.At that time, I was also like this. My blood was a little boiling, and I really wanted to stand in the team impulsively, but I knew that I had a mission now.

We walked over and stopped.

A military police soldier trotted over and ran in front of us: "Report to Brigade Cao, the team has assembled, there should be 36 people, and there are 36 people, please give instructions!"

"Return to the team." The voice of Captain Cao.

The martial arts soldier quickly trotted back and stood in the first row of the queue.

Captain Cao turned his head to look at Director Zhang, who nodded.

Cao Dadui stepped forward and said, "Tell me."

The martial arts fighters in the queue immediately stood at attention, and with a uniform "snap", I saw the soldiers put their right feet on their left feet.

"Please rest!" It was the voice of Cao Brigade again.

There was another slight sound in the queue, and I saw the soldiers uniformly take a small step away from their right feet.

Cao Brigade said again: "Comrades, the Municipal Public Security Bureau has entrusted us with a glorious task. I have already asked the detachment leader for instructions, and the detachment leader wants us to cooperate fully. The Municipal Public Security Bureau thinks highly of us. This is our responsibility. This is our pride! This is also our honor! We must complete the task without compromise. Comrades, do you have confidence?" Cao Brigade spoke passionately.

"Confidence! Guaranteed to complete the task!" The soldiers said in unison, the voice was high-pitched and loud, and I was even more enthusiastic when I heard it.

"Next, everyone welcomes Director Zhang of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to speak." Team Cao said.

Immediately there was enthusiastic applause, loud and strong, and continued.

Director Zhang stepped forward, the applause was still going on, he looked at Team Cao.

Cao Dadui waved his hand, and the applause stopped in response to his gesture.

"Seeing your dignified military posture, your majestic appearance, and your uniform movements, I know that you are a well-trained team, a team that can win battles, and a team that the party and the people trust. Our team." Director Zhang also said loudly, his voice was as loud as that of Cao Brigade.

"Just now, Brigade Cao said that due to the needs of our work, we need to transfer ten comrades from among you to participate in the arrest of our special case. I hope that everyone can actively sign up and help us complete the task. Who are willing to participate in our operation? Raise your hand, please," Director Zhang said.

This really requires willingness. If you are not willing to do this work, you really can't do it well. Not only can you not do it yourself, but it can also affect the overall plan.

Another unison movement, all the martial arts fighters raised their hands.

Apparently, Director Zhang didn't expect that all the fighters would be willing to participate, so he didn't know who to choose for a while.

Director Zhang raised his right hand and pressed it down twice. The soldiers put their hands down immediately, still in the same order.

Director Zhang looked from one to the other, as if he was making a choice.

But after 5 minutes, he still didn't choose a single person.

Obviously, he had a hard time choosing.

I trotted forward and said softly, "Someone who can speak Mandarin, someone who can type, and someone who is smart."

After speaking, I quickly backed away.

Director Zhang turned his head to look at Cao Brigade, and Cao Brigade quickly passed by.

Director Zhang whispered something in Captain Cao's ear.

After finishing speaking, Director Zhang stepped back, and Captain Cao spoke again.

"Director Zhang said that you are very enthusiastic, but there are requirements for this job. Enthusiasm alone is not enough. Everyone needs to be screened." Team Cao said.

"Captain Chen, take everyone to the training ground." Team Cao followed suit, and stepped back after speaking.

Captain Chen stood up, and I saw that he was the one who reported first and then trotted back to the queue.

Captain Chen stood in the middle of the team: "Everyone is here! Turn right and run to the training ground."

Immediately there was the sound of neat footsteps, and row after row of martial arts fighters moved in single file, and began to run in small steps.

The four of us followed the team and walked to the nearby training ground.

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