() At [-] o'clock in the evening, the groups met again in the conference room. The atmosphere this time was different from the previous meetings. Everyone was talking and laughing, and the smoke was wafting in the meeting.

Criminal policemen like to smoke a lot, because they need to investigate. During the investigation, cigarettes are gentle and can bring the relationship with the person under investigation closer; because they want to think, they can use cigarettes to set off their thinking; because they are happy, they smoke a few; I smoked a few cigarettes because I was unhappy, and after smoking in this way, the time not to smoke was gone.Therefore, at the criminal investigation case meeting, the leader never said that smoking is not allowed.

At the beginning of the meeting, each group behaved differently from the lifeless meeting in the previous meeting, and asked to speak one after another.

Judging from the overall situation of the speeches, all four people made confessions:

At 3 o'clock in the morning on March 26th, Tuozi, Huazi, and Jelly took their crime tools, bent over the edge of the pond, and came to the low position on the south side of Liu Haiyang Store. .

The hunchback moved away from the side of the stone tiles and slipped down first, followed by Hanako. Seeing that they both went in, Jelly was about to climb up the stone tiles and enter the room.

At this time, Liu Haiyang may have heard the movement, and came to the non-staple food room in his pajamas to see what was going on, and happened to meet two people who had already entered the room.

Seeing that he was found, the hunchback took an ax and chopped Liu Haiyang's head. Liu Haiyang blocked it with his hand, and the edge of the ax fell on Liu Haiyang's arm. , and added an ax to its neck.

When the hunchback chopped Liu Haiyang, Hanako had already passed through the open wooden door between the two rooms and entered the dormitory. She quickly held down Liu Haiyang's wife who was about to get up, and pressed her face tightly against the quilt, utterly silent.

After the hunchback killed Liu Haiyang, he hurried to the dormitory and took an ax to Liu Haiyang's wife, Ke Guifen, on the neck. Ke Guifen did not move again.

After killing the two, Hanako said, "Get some money in the store before leaving."

The hunchback said: "No, let's go, it's too dangerous here." Huazi gave up.The two dared not go out through the front door, and continued to come out from Shimianwa, and ran east along the way they came home.

The next morning, Tuozi was at home, and heard that a murder case had occurred in the town from the people in Wanzi, so he also ran over with the people in Wanzi to watch the fun.The hunchback stood on the periphery, watching what the police did.

Later, the tall police dog came, and the police dog sniffed everywhere. The hunchback was so frightened that he ran home quickly, and never dared to go out during the day.

At night, when it was completely dark, the hunchback took an ax and threw it into the pond by the village, and then burned his gloves and hood.

As for the money, it was [-] for each of the three people, which was fairly evenly distributed, and everyone was satisfied, and the money for buying tools was paid by Lazi.

The meeting continued, and further research was carried out on the relevant details of the review, and strict arrangements were made for the guards, and the deployment of the next step was carried out, which involved a lot of content, and one of the important tasks was to salvage the tools used to commit crimes.

Early the next morning, after hearing the news of the case, the directors and deputy directors of many police stations came one after another. Some brought a few cigarettes, and some brought cash. They said they were here to celebrate, which was considered Condolences, the police station was even more lively, the vehicles were all lined up on the street, Director Xiong was busy receiving them, his face was full of smiles.

I found Director Wu from the Political Department had also come, not only him, but also several people from the Political Department, so I hurried up to say hello to them.

Director Wu said, "Xiao Li, why did you come to Chenggong Office?"

I replied: "Director Wu, I was temporarily transferred here, and it was arranged by Director Tang."

Director Wu looked at me with admiration in his eyes.

After saying hello, I went too.

In the morning, the headquarters first arranged for a few investigators with good water skills to go into the water to salvage them. After fishing all morning, they still failed to find the axe. Everyone thought that the hunchback had lied to them and went back to the police station angrily.

Turning around and interrogating the hunchback, the hunchback swore that the ax had been thrown into the pond, and said, I have covered the case, and there is no need to lie about such a trivial matter.Everyone felt that what they said made sense, so they continued to fish for the axe.After discussion, it was decided to drain the water in the pond, which involved the interests of the masses, so I had to ask Director Xiong to give full play to his advantages and do mass work.

Director Xiong contacted the village cadres, saying that they wanted to drain the water in the pond and find the murder weapon.

When the village cadres heard that they were looking for a murder weapon, they said "OK" and fully supported the work of solving the case.

By nine o'clock in the evening, the water was finally drained.When everyone saw it, it turned out that the ax had been inserted into the mud, and only a wooden handle was exposed. No wonder the ax could not be touched no matter how hard it was in the water.

On the morning of May 5st, according to the unified arrangement of the headquarters, a major event was released, which was to let the suspect identify the crime scene!

I don’t know how the news got out. People from the town came out, and people from the nearby villages also came. Some were the whole family, some were old and young, men and women, and some even notified relatives and friends to come and watch the fun.

Imagine being able to see a murderer with your own eyes!What a big deal!Some people have never seen it in their lives!No one wants to miss such a good opportunity.

Therefore, from the police station to the scene, there are people along the way, it is almost a sea of ​​people, small businesses also come out, old women also come out, pregnant women also come out, and people who are talking about friends come out, the school is even on holiday, let Students also came to participate in the education, and the children were extremely excited, getting in and out of the crowd.Around the scene, there were even more people, and the common people crowded shoulder to shoulder like they were going to a market.

Fortunately, Director Tang had the foresight to call in the special police from the county bureau. The special police were so busy that they were sweating profusely, so they made a passage from the masses, isolated the masses, let the masses stand on both sides of the road, and let the passage in the middle be identified. people pass.

The police from the Criminal Investigation Brigade and the police station detain a perpetrator every six people. They set off from the police station and walked to the scene, followed by the leaders, and then the crowd who quickly surrounded them.

Several perpetrators lowered their heads and said nothing. After arriving at the scene, each perpetrator was individually identified, where did he enter, where did he kill, whether it was a man or a woman, where did he come out, It is clear where they escaped from.

A few people from the technical team were busy taking pictures and recording videos, and Lao Zheng was directing, how to shoot this way, how to take that picture, they were in a hurry.

Old Liu stood at the door of his son's shop, flicked his fingers, jumped up and scolded Lazi and others, his emotions basically lost control.It was probably a few female relatives of his family who burned paper money at the door and shouted, "You can go at ease, your revenge has been avenged!"

After identifying the scene, the enthusiasm of the crowd remained undiminished, and they followed the identified people in groups and walked back to the police station from the scene.

Director Xiong became nervous when he saw so many people, so he quickly arranged for the guards to lock the gate to prevent unrelated people from entering or leaving.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Criminal Investigation Brigade led four perpetrators and drove back to the county bureau in a row of police cars. The scene was really spectacular, the police lights kept flashing, and the cars drove away like a long queue, one after another, and I followed suit. Director Feng, who came to condolences, returned to the Southeast Institute.


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