teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 080 A New Case Has Been Found in the Copper Mine, and Everyone Says

Chapter 080 A New Case Has Been Found in the Copper Mine, and Everyone Says

The meeting in the evening was held as scheduled, and the two arresting teams reported their situation. In fact, the other teams knew the result long ago. We just gave a specific explanation of the reasons and basis for the exclusion.

Both satellites went down in the first light of dawn, and the conference room was dull.

However, this meeting cannot be stopped because of the fall of these two satellites, it has to continue. Judging from the reports of other groups, many cases of the same type have been discovered, but there is no basis for joint investigations.There are also many key suspects.

Team Zhang was in charge of prevention, and the work was done in all villages. The village party secretary and village head attended the meeting of the two institutes.

With other tasks remaining unchanged, the meeting finalized several measures:

1. Further deepen and expand the work on serial merger cases;

2. Collect blood from all suspects;

3. I took Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao to focus on the series of rape cases, and Captain Zheng returned to the team to handle daily affairs.

The investigation of the case seems to have returned to the starting point. The field investigators are investigating the bottom line and screening key objects every day. Those who are very suspicious will collect blood. Several members of our technical team will cooperate with the investigation of key suspicious persons according to the investigation status of each group. .

The days are just like this day after day. Although I feel anxious in my heart, I suffer from the fact that there is no good way.

Another report was received on the morning of May 5. Zheng Xiumei (female, 24 years old) from Zhengjiawan, Bating Village, Tongkuang Village was raped and her chest was scratched.

It's only been 8 days!The perpetrator really started to commit crimes like crazy again!

nnd, there are so many people in our criminal investigation brigade who are busy going in and out every day, going through the village to transfer ownership, have you ever seen it before? !Do you really think we can't solve the case?

Here is the challenge!This is a naked challenge!

Director Zhang hurriedly took everyone to the scene as soon as he heard that there was another case; Captain Zheng was notified.I also rushed over, and we jointly surveyed the scene.

The evening case meeting was held as scheduled.

When it was the turn of the technical team to report on the site survey, Captain Zheng said:

"The situation is just as analyzed by Captain Li. This series of rape cases happened again at about 2 o'clock in the morning today. Based on the site visits and site surveys, I will now give an introduction on site surveys on behalf of the technical team.

The site is located at Zheng Xiumei’s house in Zhengjiawan, Bating Village, Tongkuang Town. The house is a brick-concrete structure with two bungalows. It is located in the middle of Zhengjiawan. The north and south sides are separated from Zheng Zhiqiang's house and Zheng Lijun's house by 12 meters of open space.

The perpetrator entered the house by climbing, that is, from the small alleyway adjacent to Zheng Chuan's family and Zheng Xiumei's house on the west side.He went up to the platform on the first floor by climbing into the room, then went down to the first floor along the open door from the platform on the first floor, and arrived at the back of Zheng Xiumei's house. At this time, he probably opened the back door casually.Then, using the same method as before, that is, using the rope that came with it, I turned the lock of Zheng Xiumei's parents' room on the east side, and then pushed open the door of the room where Zheng Xiumei slept in the west side, and turned off the light bulb in the room.Then Zheng Xiumei was stunned with a special tool and raped.

We found white fibers on the steel bars on the south window of Zheng Xiumei's room on the west side, and glove marks on the window sill.It is certain that the perpetrator climbed on the south window and peeped into the room before committing the crime, that is to say, the perpetrator entered the room after confirming that only one person was sleeping in the room.

After committing the crime, the perpetrator took away the light bulb and the rope, and fled the scene through the back door.

In terms of physical evidence, we have extracted traces of tools, gloves, and fibers used by the perpetrator to injure others. In addition, we have also extracted traces of the perpetrator's socks.

"Did you get the sock footprint of the perpetrator?" Director Zhang asked.

Captain Zheng nodded.said:

"This sock footprint is left on the tiles on the west side of the first-floor platform. According to the interview, Zheng Xiumei's house was built in October last year. Considering waterproof and aesthetics, her parents decided to install it outside. White tiles. Therefore. Very fortunately, we found glove prints and sock footprints on the place where the perpetrator climbed. Judging from the freshness of these two traces and the interviews, we can be sure that this is the place where the perpetrator climbed. left traces.

Let me talk about the situation of this sock footprint.

This is an incomplete socking footprint, which reflects the forefoot part. The five toes and the outline of the forefoot are well reflected, but because it is a socking footprint, it can only reflect the line pattern of the bottom of the sock, without the sole of the foot pattern response.

The size of the tiles is that such a tile in such a small range can better reflect the footprints of wearing socks, and its dimensions are as follows: length 8cm, width, reserved for the forefoot of the left foot.

After repeated research by Captain Li and I, it is confirmed that the fingerprint of the sock foot can also be identified. Although it is a sock footprint, it can reflect the outline of the sole of the foot, and the outline of the sole of the foot is different for everyone, so it has same conditions.

The victim Zheng Xiumei's injuries are as follows:

There are two parallel scratches on the right side of the chest, the length is 2cm, the width of the single scar is 5cm, and the depth is [-]cm between the two scars.The condition of this trace is basically the same as the previous one, and it is formed by the same tool.

In addition, we extracted the sperm spot, and after a rapid forensic examination, the blood type was type B, which was exactly the same as the blood type extracted from previous cases.

To sum up, this case and previous cases can be investigated together. In this case, we have finally extracted traces that can identify the perpetrator. This is a breakthrough.

This is basically the situation of the site survey. "

Director Zhang said:

"In this on-site investigation, your technical team was finally able to extract the sock-wearing footprints that can identify the perpetrator, which met the same identification conditions. This is very good. This is a major progress. I hope you can be more serious and meticulous. The ground survey site has extracted more useful traces and physical evidence, providing a greater support point for the breakthrough of the case. Captain Li, do you have anything to add?"

I shook my head.

Director Zhang went on to say:

"Captain Li, judging from the climb of the perpetrator. Has the perpetrator ever been a soldier?"

I nodded and said:

"About Director Zhang's analysis of whether the perpetrator is likely to serve as a soldier from the perspective of climbing, we have repeatedly conducted experiments on the spot, but we cannot draw such a conclusion. We can only say that the perpetrator is physically stronger and has strong hands. It is relatively large. It is good at climbing. Several members of our technical team have tried it, and basically they can climb it.”

Director Zhang nodded and said:

"Any other comrades have anything to add?"

Everyone shook their heads and remained silent.

Director Zhang continued:

"Okay, then let me summarize. According to everyone's reports, the crime took place between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] a.m. last night. The perpetrator climbed into the room and carried special tools to commit the crime. There were socks prints of the perpetrator at the scene , the blood type of the perpetrator is type b...

Next, let's talk about the work plan and measures for the next step. "

The team leader said:

"I have participated in several special classes before and after this series of cases. At present, the investigation measures we have adopted are the same as before, that is, to investigate thoroughly, to investigate key suspects, and to tie up cases. I do not deny these types of investigations. The effect of measures, but I always feel that we must find other ways to solve the case, otherwise, we are very likely to repeat the same mistakes.

So what is the best way?I suggest taking the catch and wait approach.The reasons are as follows: Brigade Zhang has already assigned the prevention and control work to each village, and the case is still going on.It seems that our extensive method did not touch the perpetrators, while relying on several village party secretary and village cadres to help us discover the situation.It is impossible to achieve our purpose of investigation. We have to catch and wait by ourselves. Relying on the masses to carry out this work without organization does not play a very big role.

Secondly, I agree with the analysis of 20. The perpetrator will continue to commit crimes, which is the premise of arresting and waiting.I analyze the current psychology of the perpetrator, it is not only a kind of joy after committing the crime, but also contempt for our work.He didn't take us seriously at all, in a state of insanity.This state of madness is the time to expose his weakness, and we must seize this favorable opportunity well to catch him.As the saying goes, a proud soldier must be defeated.I suggest a catch and wait approach, the timing is just right.

Third, about the specific deployment of capture and waiting.I know that this work involves a lot of police force, and our special police force is limited. Therefore, our team is responsible for and organizing the work of catching and waiting. Our team does not involve other police forces. Of course, I hope that 20 people can join in. .

This is my preliminary idea, not mature enough, please correct me by leaders and comrades. "

Team Zhang said:

"I also agree with the team leader's views and practices. We must carry out capture and waiting. Of course, it is impossible to complete this work with just a few of us. We must mobilize the masses and take the principle of combining special investigation routes with the masses to fully Use the power of each village and group to serve us in investigating and solving crimes, and fight a war where the masses round up sex demons. Even if they cannot be caught, they can prevent cases from happening again."

Professor Liu said:

"If the masses are mobilized to capture and wait, it involves too many areas, it will cause panic and unrest among the masses, and cause social instability. At that time, I am afraid that it will increase the pressure on us to investigate and solve the case. Moreover, if the news is leaked, the crime will be committed. People will stop committing crimes, and we will lose a catch. Therefore, I suggest that we carefully consider the plan of waiting and catching."

Afterwards, there was a heated discussion on the waiting and capturing plan, with some supporting and some agreeing, and the atmosphere in the conference room was extremely active for a while.

"Aside from this plan, is there any other way?" Director Zhang asked.

"I suggest that a special team conduct investigations for those who have a history of rape and molestation. This type of personnel should be the focus of our work." Team Leader Ke said.

"I think the investigative work should be more in-depth. I don't believe that after so many years, so many cases, so many victims and witnesses, no one can recognize the perpetrator. I think, is there any negligence in our investigative visits?" Or missing places." Team Leader Huang said.


Others offered their suggestions one after another, talking about their own plans. Director Zhang listened and recorded, raising his head from time to time to look at this and then that.

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