teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 077 Reasoning and Analysis

Chapter 077 Reasoning and Analysis

Director Zhang broke the silence and said:

"Captain Li, do you have anything to add?"

I nodded and said:

"What should be said, Captain Zheng has reported everything. I am very sorry, I am sorry to the leaders and comrades. At the scene of this case, we did not extract any solid evidence. Although we did our best, the scene of the rural case, In particular, the conditions at the scene of this case for us to extract fingerprints and footprints are too poor. Fortunately, we still have sperm spots to use, and we worked overnight after returning home to determine the blood type of the perpetrator as quickly as possible."

Director Tang smiled and said:

"Captain Li, the objective situation at the scene is like this. You can't extract fingerprints and footprints. This is normal, so don't blame yourself. We still have many ways to solve the case. Look, didn't the field staff find out two ways?" Is there anyone suspected of committing the crime?"

"Thank you for your understanding, we will continue to work hard!" I said gratefully.

"Captain Li, don't talk about the traces, tell me about the case." Director Zhang said with a smile.

I replied:

"The perpetrator will continue to commit crimes, and will definitely continue to commit crimes."

Everyone looked at me, Director Tang and Director Zhang also stared at me, feeling very surprised.

"Captain Li, are you sure you will continue to commit crimes?" Director Zhang asked, I think he was a little nervous.

I nodded and said:

"The perpetrators will not only continue to commit crimes, but also commit crimes in a short period of time."

Director Tang said:

"Captain Li. Why do you say that? Tell me your reasons and basis."

I said:

"I was transferred to the Criminal Investigation Brigade at the end of last year. Not long after I came to the brigade, according to the instructions of the leader, I started to study this series of cases.

According to the data, this series of cases started from the rape of Zhong Aifen in Zhongjiawan, Kehua Village, Dalong Township, in the early morning of June 1985, 6. It has spanned 8 years since then. We can combine 13 cases. , In addition, there are 16 suspected cases that can be investigated together.

For so many years, the perpetrators committed crimes across the two towns of Dalong Town and Tongkuang Town.The scope and area of ​​crimes are constantly expanding.Judging from the time of incident.In the past, he committed crimes from June to November, never in May. This year, his crime time was brought forward, which may be based on so many years.We never solved the case.The perpetrators thought we couldn't solve the case.He underestimated the ability and level of our public security organs to solve crimes, so he committed crimes even more recklessly.Thereby the crime time was advanced.Under the influence of this kind of psychology, it is inevitable for him to continue to commit crimes.

Then why do you say that he will continue to commit crimes in a short time?

It is still early summer, the weather is not very hot, the perpetrator can run out to commit crimes, as time goes by, the weather will get hotter and hotter, which provides more convenience for the perpetrator to commit crimes, he will definitely take advantage of this opportunities to continue committing crimes.

Moreover, on the basis of his belief that we cannot solve the case, he will increase the frequency of crimes. If we do not solve the case quickly and take no measures, there will be more victims and worse effects will be caused. "

"Captain Li, you come to the Criminal Investigation Brigade. I have arranged for you to do this job, so you can speak out your thoughts and opinions." Director Zhang said.

"I haven't considered it very maturely yet." I replied.

"It doesn't matter if you are immature, even if you say something wrong." Director Tang said with a smile.

I nodded and continued:

"The perpetrator was left-handed."

"Left-handed? Is the perpetrator left-handed?" Director Zhang looked at me with wide eyes and asked.

I smiled and said:

"I don't know if you noticed just now. When Captain Zheng introduced Yuan Shuhua's injury, the direction of the two parallel scars was from the inner side of the right thigh to the middle of the thigh. The inside is heavy and the outside is light. What does this mean? This means that The perpetrators use tools from right to left, the right side is the starting point, and the left side is the end point. Now try your left and right hands and see how you feel."

Immediately, there was gestures in the conference room.

"Captain Li, both left and right hands can be formed, but I feel that it is more convenient to form with the left hand." Team Leader Tan said.

I nodded and said:

"Talking about the team leader, you are right. It is true that both left and right hands can be formed, but you have noticed that the angle is not, it is from the upper right to the lower left."

"If it is diagonally down to the left, then only the left hand is the most convenient." Team Leader Tan said with a smile.

"This habit is not only reflected in this case, but also in previous cases, as long as the victim's body is injured, it happens, for example, ''Zhong Aifen,''Cao Yueping,'' Liu Qingxia, "Song Ximei" and "Huang Juan" all appeared in the cases.

Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that the perpetrator is used to using his left hand, so he is left-handed. "

Director Zhang nodded and said:

"Captain Li, do you have any conclusive comments?"

I shook my head.

"Do the other comrades have anything else to say?" Director Zhang asked.

There was silence again in the conference room.

Director Zhang glanced around, and then said:

"Since you have nothing to say, let me say a few words.

First of all, I reiterate my attitude.Today is our sixth special class for this series of cases. This time, we must solve the case and resolutely refuse to withdraw unless the suspect is caught. Tough battle, prepare for a long battle.

Secondly, since the beginning of this year, the technical team and the intelligence team have provided us with a large number of clues and perpetrators for field investigations. The field teams have directly arrested people and solved the case directly. Our case-solving work is indeed fast and good.However, I think if things go on like this, many field investigators will lose our good habit of investigating and finding out.Generate ideas that rely on technology.

You have also heard the report from Captain Zheng of the technical team just now. In this case, the on-site investigation did not extract strong traces and physical evidence. Everyone is very disappointed. This is a good example.Regarding this issue, I would like to emphasize one point, that is, as Director Tang said just now, there are many ways and means to solve cases, and we cannot rely entirely on technology.In such a rural scene, so many traces and physical evidence can be extracted through on-site investigation.Comrades in the technical team did their best.

to this end.All investigators must give full play to their subjective initiative, think more, think positively, and pay attention to every detail.Carefully investigate each situation.Don't let go of any doubts.Strive to crack the case through investigation.

Thirdly, the two suspects found by the two groups must be checked overnight.Captain Li, you join the second group.Captain Zheng, you join the third group, I want the results before dawn.

Fourth, although we currently have two suspects in our hands, these two people are just suspects. We are still not sure whether they committed the crime. Therefore, the work of other groups must continue to deepen, and we cannot pin all our hopes here. .I want to emphasize one point here, that is, cases of the same type should be found quickly.

Fifth, I also very much agree with Captain Li's opinion, that is, the perpetrator may continue to commit crimes, and will commit crimes in the near future.Therefore, preventive work must be carried out in Tongkuang Town and Dalong Town. This work is coordinated and directed by Team Zhang himself.

Next, I would like Director Tang to give us instructions. "

Director Tang said:

"Comrades, this pervert has reappeared. He has disturbed the peace of our Public Security Bureau for more than ten years, humiliated our capable criminal investigation team, and made our Dongyang Public Security Bureau dare not speak about this series of cases lightly.

For this series of cases, we are already in the sixth special class today.I can say that this has never happened in the history of our criminal investigation in Dongyang. Comrades, six special classes have been set up for a series of cases. What kind of concept is this?You think about it.So, after I heard the news this morning, I gave an order to Director Zhang, that is, if this series of cases is not solved, we will never withdraw our troops!We must overcome all difficulties to take the case down!Do you have confidence? "

"Yes!" With one voice, the crowd was excited.

Director Tang nodded in satisfaction and continued:

"Since everyone is confident in solving the case, let's talk about the case.

Judging from the current situation, the perpetrator seems to be unscrupulous, close to madness.Committing crimes in madness will definitely leave us with more opportunities. No hard traces and physical evidence have been extracted at the scene of this case. Comrades in the technical team should not be discouraged. If there are still cases, I believe you will be able to live up to your mission. Grab the perpetrator by the tail, and we will pull him out even if we pull it!

Regarding the two suspects, I also agree with Director Zhang's opinion, and quickly investigate tonight to come up with an accurate conclusion.

I won't say anything about other situations. I'm waiting for the news of your victory. I look forward to solving the case tonight! "

After the meeting ended, I took Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao, and Ke Zunping, the leader of the second group, and others to Wang Xinghewan, Shijiawan Village.

Since we had already figured out the situation during the day, we surrounded Wang Caijiang's house when we arrived, and Team Leader Ke knocked on the door directly.

"Who is it?" A woman's voice came from inside the room.

"It's from the police station." Team Leader Huang said.

"Oh." A woman's voice continued.

The lights in the room were turned on, followed by the lights in the main room. As soon as the door opened, we poured into the room. Everyone searched for the room separately, while Team Leader Ke and I looked at the woman.

"What do you want to do?" the woman said in panic.

"Shut up! Stand still!" Captain Ke scolded, looking straight into the eyes.

The woman really shut up, immediately stopped asking, and stood there.

Soon, the few people who searched the room came back, empty-handed, and they must have grabbed no one.

"I'll go and have a look." I was a little worried and walked towards the room.

The two rooms, as long as there are places where people can hide, I have looked at them one by one, even under the bed, but there is no sign of Wang Caijiang, not only is there no sign of him, but there is nothing suspicious in the room items.

After returning to the main room again, I shook my head.

Team Leader Ke spoke up:

"What's your name?"

"Hu Sufang." The woman replied.

"What's your husband's name?" The voice of Team Leader Ke continued.

"Wang Caijiang." The woman continued to answer.

"What about others?" Team Leader Ke asked again.

The woman lowered her head and said nothing.

"Ask you! Where's your husband?!" Team Leader Huang increased his tone.

"He he he went out." The woman replied hastily.

"Where did you go?" Team Leader Ke then asked.

"I don't know either." The woman's voice was weak.

"Be more honest!" Team leader Huang continued to strengthen his tone.

"I, I, I really don't know. He went out after nine o'clock, and I don't know where he went."

"What is he doing out in the middle of the night?!" Team Leader Ke asked.

The woman lowered her head and remained silent.

I pulled Team Leader Laco and Team Leader Huang, and when I got outside, I said:

"It seems that Wang Caijiang is really not at home. We asked his wife here and we couldn't find out why. We simply took it to the police station and left a group of people here to ambush."

"Alright, Team Leader Huang, 20 and I took Hu Sufang back to the police station. You take the others and watch here, waiting for Wang Caijiang to come back. I don't believe he won't go home. Okay?" Ke Zu Long schedule work.

"No problem, I'm familiar with this bay, so it's fine if I stay here." Team Leader Huang said.

We nodded and went into the house again to bring the woman into the car.

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