The Queen's Gold Medal Abandoned Concubine

080 Guogong Mansion, 4-bedroom master

With her smile, Mrs. Su Guogong, who had been staring at her coldly since entering the door, was slightly taken aback.There was a bad feeling in my heart.

"Old Madam, to be honest, this princess doesn't care much about Duke Su's mansion!" When she said this, Su Wan had an indifferent smile on her face.

That smile made people look at him, a little in a trance, a little blurred.

That's not the smile a five-year-old should have. Such a smile must be the expression that a person who has gone through all the vicissitudes of life and seen the cruelty of the world should have.

That expression, that smile, even Bai Qiye, who has always been a theatergoer, couldn't help frowning slightly when he looked at it.

With a smile on her face, Su Wan said slowly: "Ever since I was very young, the princess knew that this Duke of Su's mansion can accommodate many people with different surnames from all kinds of relatives, but it cannot accommodate only one Su Wan! "

"This princess also knows that since she was a child, the old lady has always disliked this princess. So this princess has been trying to reduce her presence in Su Guogong's mansion, hiding in her own small courtyard, even if no one cares about her No complaints!"

"But even so, you still feel that this princess has occupied the land of your Su Guogong's mansion, and you think it's better to throw this princess far away, so you threw it to the mass grave."

"If it weren't for the great fate of the princess, you are now living a lively and lively life in Duke Su's mansion."

He smiled faintly, his smile blurred and indifferent: "As for this princess, this princess should be one of those messy piles of corpses in the mass grave. Even the flesh and blood will be swallowed by the blood crows, and he will die in a miserable way."

"Enough, come here, don't take Su Wan down here, let her talk nonsense here!"

Mrs. Su Guogong was so angry that her body was trembling. If she hadn't tried her best to hold back, she really wanted to throw Su Wan out by herself right now.

Su Wan smiled lightly, on her small cheeks covered by her bangs, there was also a mocking look in those dark eyes.

That smile seemed to be silently talking about Mrs. Su Guogong's various crimes of being so indiscriminate and just wanting to drive her out of the mansion.

Mrs. Su Guogong watched, and pushed Madam Xu beside her more and more upset: "Liu Zhi, take Su Wan down for me, and hand it over to the concierge, and let the concierge send her away!"

"In the end, they went out from Su Guogong's mansion outside. Let someone prepare some soft clothes and clothes to pack up and take them away with her!"

Looking at Su Wan who was protecting Jiang Xin and Jiang Yue, Mrs. Su Guogong said: "For such an unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unrighteous girl, we, Su Guogong's family, can be regarded as the most benevolent and righteous!"

"Mother..." A middle-aged man's voice came from outside, followed by Su Ziwen, the fourth master of Su Guogong's mansion, who was in a hurry.Judging by his hurried demeanor, he should have rushed back from outside.

Seeing their father, Su Xiaozhu and Su Xiaoyu burst into tears even more, and they quickly threw themselves into Su Ziwen's arms, crying loudly.

"Father, you are finally back, you must be the master for our sisters!"

Su Ziwen had already heard about what happened in the mansion today on the way. He had a dinner outside, but hearing that his daughters were being messed up by Su Wan, he immediately left those people and rushed back.

Don't think about it at all, today's business was acquired by eldest brother Su Shizi Su Zihua with great difficulty, and then handed over to him.

Su Ziwen's name is elegant, and he looks more elegant, but when he speaks and acts, he is actually quite irritable.

Seeing her daughter's disheveled clothes, disheveled hair, and dirty face, she immediately became angry.I have been busy with things outside before, knowing that there is an extra princess in the mansion, but I don't care too much.

In this mansion, apart from Duke Su Shizi and Mrs. Su Shizi, no one really takes Su Wan's canonization as princess seriously, they all thought it was just the emperor's whim.

Without a biological mother, and not being loved by her father, even her stepmother, Li Shi, looks cold and alienated, who would take such a third-family eldest daughter seriously?

Su Ziwen's gaze turned around the room, and his gaze fell sharply on Su Wan.The moment he saw Su Wan, a ruthless look flashed across his eyes.

"You are Su Wan?" Su Ziwen said that he had no impression of this niece in name and blood.

In the past, he was often not in the mansion. During the holidays, his father Su Guogong didn't like his manners, so he wanted to reprimand him when he saw him. He would rather sit alone in his yard and have sex with his aunt, maidservant, and maidservant, than go to Join in the fun over there.

Su Wan has always rarely left Jinhuaxuan where she lived before, and even if she did, she was always in Su Guogong's freehand garden.So the opportunities for this uncle and nephew to meet are very few.

Moreover, in the past, Su Wan always lowered her eyebrows and lowered her head. She was short and small, and she didn't like to talk.

Looking at it today, apart from my own two daughters, there is only this little girl in the room.

Today's Su Wan is wearing a light-colored flowing cloud gauze skirt, with a hint of light yellow gauze, and a delicate light blue striped collar.

Around her waist is an emerald-colored belt with a peony pattern embroidered on it. The color is neither dark nor light, just right.

There were not too many headgears on her head, and she threw all the jewelry that Emperor Kanghua gave her into the storage box prepared by Jiang Yue, and put it there, almost never opening it again.

She combed her hair with two small buns, surrounded by a circle of glass-colored pearls and jade.

Her hair was black and fine, and her bangs directly covered her eyebrows from the top of her head, even reaching her eyelids, revealing only a pair of shiny black, big innocent eyes, and a small face the size of a palm.

At first glance, it was a very pink and cute little girl, her cheeks were a little baby fat, white and tender, she looked like she wanted to touch that smooth and tender face.

Listening to Su Ziwen's words, Su Wan smiled slightly, showing pear blossom dimples on her cheeks: "Yes, Fourth Uncle, I am A Wan!"

Su Ziwen sized her up from head to toe, put aside all the messy thoughts in his head, and said directly to Su Wan angrily, "Fourth Uncle? You still know to call me Fourth Uncle?"

Su Wan smiled, her voice soft and sweet: "Fourth Uncle, Ah Wan doesn't understand what you mean!"

Seeing her husband coming back, and seeing her two daughters weeping miserably, He hurriedly said: "Master, you must make the decision for our daughter, if it wasn't for Su Wan's intentional design to frame our daughter in Xieyi Garden, we How could your daughter be so embarrassed in front of Prince Gong and His Highness the Sixth Highness today?"

Su Ziwen only heard about his daughter falling into the dirt pit from the servant, but he didn't know that his daughters were in a state of disarray and their clothes were disheveled, and Prince Gong and His Highness the Sixth Highness even watched them.

This, how can this be achieved?

Su Ziwen's expression changed immediately: "What did you say?"

Su Xiaozhu and Su Xiaoyu cried earth-shatteringly: "Father, what mother said is true, it was not easy for elder brother to bring Prince Gong and His Highness the Sixth Highness to our house to play, and we don't want to lose everything in front of Prince Gong and His Highness the Sixth Highness because of Su Wan." People, in the future... woo woo woo... Dad, I... we..."

Bai Qifei on the beam listened, the corner of his mouth twitched, he couldn't help it, and lowered his voice.

"Cousin, I have never seen such a shameless woman. These four or five-year-old children are actually thinking about how to get married in the future..."

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