
Chapter 86 Efficient Hunting

() The environment of the Hongyan mining area is dominated by red soil and rocks. In the undulating ravines of the mining area, there are mines dug out by miners everywhere. In the valleys and valleys, only sparse grass and shrubs grow, and occasionally there are A few giant locusts appeared in the middle, lowering their heads and nibbling on the minerals in the soil;

There are no high-grade ores in the red rock mining area, but "red rock sand" is produced in large quantities. As a widely used mineral and magic material, "red rock sand" is still very popular with magicians and star formation masters. Every year, The mercenary guilds all earn a lot of money from this mining area;

Ore, herbs, magic materials, these are precious resources at any time. Ever since the mining area of ​​the Mercenary Guild was invaded by giant locusts, this has caused headaches for the elders of the guild;

The guild suspects that these giant locusts migrated from the wasteland and feed on minerals. Unfortunately, "red rock sand" is in the diet of the giant locusts. When the giant locusts first appeared, no one was too concerned about the appearance of one or two weak monsters. Unexpectedly, a large number of giant locusts gathered in a blink of an eye, occupying the entire mining area in an instant;

Although giant locusts are not powerful, they are at least monsters. They cannot be dealt with by ordinary people. A giant locust is as powerful as a bison. In addition, there are acid attacks. Only warriors above the great swordsman can easily deal with it;

But the number of giant locusts is huge, where can we find so many warriors?Even hiring would cost a terrible amount of money, so the clever elders of the guild came up with a solution. As long as the red rock mining area was used as the rematch site, and the participating mercenaries hunted down giant locusts, this headache problem would be solved easily. !It not only saves a lot of commission and manpower, but also easily solves the big trouble, and it is not happy to do it!

The airship landed, and all the participating mercenaries stepped out of the airship and gathered in an open space;

"Mercenaries! This is the Red Rock mining area! What you have to do is to hunt down the giant locusts in the mining area! One day later, it will still be at this time and place, and we will see you then!"

After finishing speaking, this person and other guild members boarded the airship and slowly lifted off...

Luo Xiu and his brothers stood together, none of the more than 500 good mercenaries moved, and no one left to enter the mining area on their own initiative. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. For a while, the atmosphere in the field was weird!

A few mercenaries walked out of the crowd, and the leader coughed a few times, breaking the quiet atmosphere and saying;

"Ahem! Time is precious, it's better for everyone to hunt the magic core quickly. Since no one has advanced to the mining area, we will go first!"

After finishing speaking, they followed four or five mercenaries behind him, and they walked slowly into the mining area;

After a few people set off, several people followed one after another, but they were mainly single mercenaries;

"Captain, shall we also follow?" Iron Head asked Sith in a low voice

"hold on!"

Although the dwarf brothers couldn't see any tricks in it, they knew that it must be a fool to make a first bird at this time!It is safer to follow the leader and smart people like Brother Luo Xiu!

As the crowd gradually dispersed, there are only a hundred or so people left unmoved, among them there are a few big mercenary regiments wearing the same uniform and arrogant demeanor, these are all powerful teams that have been famous for a long time ;

Luo Xiu folded his hands on his shoulders, patiently observing the members of the big mercenary group, and already guessed in his heart what these people were planning;

There are only a few entrances in and out of the mining area. If you hunt first, you will naturally get more hunting opportunities, but it is also very dangerous!

The deeper you enter, the more unknown dangers you will face. After being surrounded by giant locusts for so long, who knows if there are any monsters inside!Those who enter first can just be the pioneers!

And the most important point!The deeper you go into the mining area, the later you come out!

If those who entered the mining area first wanted to come out, they would definitely meet those who entered later, and those who went out must have obtained enough magic cores, so this is a good opportunity to ambush and snatch!How can several powerful mercenary groups be let go!Even charging tolls is enough to ensure their leading position in the ranking!

After a while, the other mercenaries saw that several big mercenary regiments had no intention of entering the mining area, so they gathered together to discuss in a low voice;

Those mercenaries who didn't leave in the end, everyone was easy to fool, and all of them were cautious people. They knew that in the eyes of the big mercenary group, individual strength was not enough, so they planned to get together, so that's good There is a guarantee!

Soon, small teams formed and set off one by one. Luo Xiu saw that it was almost time, and said to Sith

"Captain, the last few mercenary groups must be determined to block the door! Let's enter the mining area, hunt enough magic cores first, and then make a plan!"

Sith listened to Luo Xiu's words, looked at the leisurely demeanor of those big mercenary regiments, and had an idea in his heart, nodded to everyone, and slowly entered the mining area;

Luo Xiu and the others followed Sith into the mining area, and the big mercenary groups curled their lips in disdain when they saw Luo Xiu and the others leaving;

After entering the mining area, Rondo immediately called out the wolves. These giant wolves stayed in Rondo's pet space for a long time, and when they came out, they began to have fun, jumping and jumping to please Rondo;

Rondo usually let the wolves stay outside. He thinks that keeping pets in the pet space is an abuse to his companions, but the mercenary guild doesn't understand Rondo's feelings. Rondo can only let the wolves sleep in the pet space up;

When Luo Xiu saw Rondo's pack of wolves, his eyes lit up;

"Those people don't know about the wolves, this is a powerful hidden power!" Luo Xiu thought secretly;

The area of ​​the mining area is very large. After Luo Xiu and the others entered, they found that it extended in all directions. Along the main passage, the free mercenary group began their hunting activities;

The strength of these giant locusts is only at the level of third- and fourth-level monsters. Although there are a lot of them, they are unorganized. Otherwise, the giant locust swarm will definitely become a terrifying existence!

brush!brush!brush! ...

The sword light flickered, and giant locusts fell under Luo Xiu's sword one after another. The long sword lightly moved to destroy the hard skull of the giant locusts. After inserting it again and again, the magic core in the head was provoked. An arc was drawn in the air and fell into Luo Xiu's hands;

"Which one is this?"

Luo Xiu casually threw the magic core to Sith, looked at the high sun, and asked;

"Counting you, it's the 309th one! On average among the six people, each has 51 magic cores." Sith put the magic core thrown by Luo Xiu into his pocket and said;

"Because of the help of wolves, our efficiency is much higher than others. It is estimated that each of them can hunt an average of 30 wolves, which is considered lucky!"

Luo Xiu nodded and agreed with Sith;

"Unless you are lucky and find a nest of giant locusts, it will be difficult to exceed this number!"

With a strong team like Luo Xiu and the others, there is no pressure to hunt giant locusts, it just depends on the speed. Rondo's wolves are like ducks in water in finding prey!Two or three giant wolves pounced on a giant locust, and were instantly killed almost instantly!

Under such high-efficiency hunting, Luo Xiu and others quickly penetrated deep into the mining area, faintly catching up with the vanguard, and the pockets holding the magic core were bulging;

During the hunting process, Luo Xiu and the others have also met lone mercenaries and small mercenary teams many times. In general, there is a big swordsman in the team, which is already a very strong team, and more swordsmen are formed by twos and threes. As soon as these teams see the free mercenary group, they will immediately hide away as if they are facing a big enemy;

Luo Xiu understands the behavior of these people very well!Looting and fighting are as normal as eating here!Even if Luo Xiu and the others meet an incomparably powerful team, they will avoid it without hesitation, let alone other people;

Although the number of giant locusts in the mining area was huge, the weak giant locust swarms were still not enough to see in the face of the crazy mercenaries. After more than ten hours, the giant locusts gnawing on minerals in the open air outside the mining area were basically wiped out!Here I want to say that a day in the Qianyuan Continent is divided into 24 hours, and one hour is equal to 2 hours, that is to say, a day here is equal to two earth days, 48 ​​hours;

The decrease in prey made the hunters anxious. Often, two mercenaries fought for a prey, and even some powerful teams with great sword masters began to snatch the magic cores of weak groups everywhere;

However, the reduction of prey has no effect on Luo Xiu and others. In the mining area, the free you mercenary group can walk sideways, and they can defeat the large groups of the free you mercenary group. Now they are all waiting at the exit of the mining area, ready to reap the benefits Buy travel expenses too!

Moreover, with the omnipotent "radar" of wolves, the giant locust nests that were hidden deep one by one were opened by giant wolves. The hunting speed of Luo Xiu and others was basically not affected, and the advantage was obvious!

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