
Chapter 38

Seeing Jin Yang fall into the river, Homio's ferocious dragon head showed a satisfied expression. He believed that no matter how dead this ants was, no one could save him now.

Homio bowed his body, leaped into the sky with his hind limbs, flapped his wings, blew up a hurricane, accelerated to catch up with the old blue dragon, flew to the old blue dragon and asked with a puzzled thought

"Grandpa, why are you so eager to call me back, I haven't played enough?"

The old blue dragon glanced at the sky behind him intentionally or unintentionally, and reprimanded his grandson with sympathy

"What do you know, the red spar in the hands of human beings has a great origin! It's not something that I can handle, Grandpa. It's the safest way to rush back to Dragon Island as quickly as possible. I can feel that there is a powerful person Existence, coming here at a high speed!"

Hearing the old blue dragon's explanation, Homio also realized the seriousness of the matter, so the two dragons accelerated with all their strength, causing a sonic boom!It shot into the distance like a fired shell.


The turbulent river twists and turns, and in the river, Jin Yang's body is seriously injured, both his mental strength and his body are completely destroyed, and the heavy injuries put Jin Yang in a deep unconscious coma.

During the whole incident, the old blue dragon kept restraining him with powerful mind power, making it impossible for Jin Yang to use his power to form the Golden Crow form. However, in the human form, Jin Yang's power was only one percent of the strength of the Golden Crow form. The already bad situation became even more unbearable. Jin Yang, who had no ability to resist, faced Homio, who was at the peak of the holy rank!It is a miracle that he can support it until now, Jin Yang's weak vitality is like a candle flickering in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

Such an injury can basically be judged as death. Up to now, even the last life-saving talent of the three-legged Golden Crow has begun to function

This kind of supernatural power is that when the life is dying, the Golden Crow bloodline will activate the secret magic power out of instinctive protection consciousness. When the Golden Crow bloodline judges that the body is seriously damaged and the vitality is about to die out, it will retract the bloodline and return to its original state, so as to protect the bloodline. Damaged, and at the same time absorb the soul after death into the egg, protecting the life of the Golden Crow

After turning into eggs, the Golden Crow will slowly recover its vitality, and then absorb the energy from the outside world to rebuild its physical body bit by bit. As long as the environment is suitable, the Golden Crow eggs will hatch and achieve the purpose of rebirth.

The whole process is like the nirvana of the phoenix, except that the nirvana of the phoenix is ​​needed for evolution and growth, while the golden crow is purely for life preservation.

Now the Golden Crow's blood in Jin Yang's body has all retracted and returned to the dantian. In the dantian, the gathered blood power forms an egg. This situation is just like when Jin Yang obtained the Jinyang divine body at the beginning, the blood coagulates the egg!

Jin Yang is now in this delicate state, the golden crow eggs in the dantian have taken shape, and the fragile fire of life is flickering and flickering, and may be extinguished at any time.

Just when this life was dying, a force full of life, as warm as embracing the sun in the cold winter, vigorously emerged from Jin Yang's flesh and bones!This force was like a torrent, washing away the dead energy in Jin Yang's body, and the flickering fire of life was brightened again.

This power was not born out of thin air, but came from Jin Yang's transformation ceremony. The fire spirit tree Hongling spent a lot of manpower and material resources, not only to help him transform into a shape, but also left a deep memory for Jin Yang. Basically, Hong Ling hoped that this power could help Jin Yang improve his body and enhance his strength, but unexpectedly, it was Hong Ling's preparation that saved Jin Yang's life.

However, Jin Yang's body was seriously injured, and this power could only temporarily help Jin Yang hang his life!Unable to repair Jin Yang's physical injuries

But this is enough, with the vigorous fire of life, Jin Yang finally woke up slowly from the coma

"Woo! It hurts!!"

Jin Yang forced himself to concentrate, the first feeling he felt when he woke up was, pain!There is no pain anywhere in the body!The icy river water was bitingly cold, and the cold made Jin Yang's mind sober a lot.

"You can't stay in the river for a long time. If you delay any longer, maybe I will die here!"

Gritting his teeth, Jin Yang struggled to get to the shore. The pain and stiffness in his limbs made this easy task extremely difficult. Jin Yang didn't know how far he was washed away by the river. He could only tell himself, He can't die here!

"Xiaoya is still waiting for me!!"

"I can't let those two evil dragons succeed! I want to live!"

"Wait for me! Xiaoya!"

Jin Yang gritted his teeth tightly, struggling with all four limbs to the shore, his consciousness gradually began to blur, Jin Yang told himself over and over again, he couldn't die yet, someone was waiting for him!

As the river channel extended, the river surface also became wider, and the water flow slowed down a lot. Jin Yang slowly climbed up to the bank through the shallows.

Suddenly losing the buoyancy of the river, Jin Yang only felt top-heavy, his head seemed to be exploding, his ears were buzzing, a sharp pain invaded Jin Yang's fragile nerves, his lungs felt stuffy and nauseous

"Cough! Cough! Cough cough cough! Vomit~ wow!"

Jin Yang stroked his chest, coughed violently for a while, then leaned over and vomited out streams of river water

After panting for a while, Jin Yang straightened up staggeringly, raised his head to face the hot sun in the sky, felt the warm and scorching sun, his eyes darkened, his frail body fell down slowly, and he fell heavily on the river beach unconscious.


There is a small village where the river passes by. The village is located in the mountains on the border of the Holy Dragon Empire. There are only about a hundred people in the village. The villagers usually only have a mountain road to connect with the outside world.

Here is surrounded by mountains and rivers, but there are no minerals or valuables around, and the transportation is inconvenient, so the villagers are not rich

At the same time, it is precisely because there is nothing here that no country comes here to collect taxes, and the war does not affect the small villages, so the villagers live in peace and contentment.

The main source of food in the village is hunting. During the day, men go to the mountains to hunt, while the elderly and women keep their homes and businesses at home. The hunted meat is for everyone to eat. Most of the living utensils in the village rely on self-sufficiency.

The village will organize villagers to go out to purchase from time to time, and the animal furs obtained from hunting and things that can be sold at a price will be accumulated; then some people will be organized to bring these accumulated goods to nearby towns to exchange for needed supplies and weapons

Although the village is small, this small village has its own doctor. People in the village usually rely on this old doctor to treat them for hunting injuries, headaches and colds, so the old doctor is very respected in the village;

The old doctor is over 70 years old this year. According to the old man himself, the old man also went to the battlefield and knew a little crude military martial arts. Died in the war, with a little knowledge of herbal medicine, the old man became a doctor in the village. Generally speaking, the old man's life is very stable, with no worries about food and clothing, plain and happy

On this day, as usual, the old man went up to the mountain with a medicine basket to collect herbs. The forests in the mountains are lush, and wild fruits and vegetables can be seen everywhere. Although there are no precious medicinal materials, there are quite a lot of commonly used medicinal herbs. At the outermost edge of the Hongmeng Forest, monsters will not stay here at all, only ordinary beasts

The mountain road is rugged, even if the old man is over 70 years old, walking alone in the mountains and forests is not difficult at all. Humans on the mainland can generally live to be 60 or [-] years old. In addition, the old man has spent time in the army. There is still a foundation. The mountain is still at ease

Most of the medicine baskets are herbs for trauma, and there are many hunters in the village, so the dosage of medicine for trauma is large; today the old man was lucky, not only killed a pheasant, but also got a few wild eggs in the pheasant's nest, which is delicious!

After taking the pheasant's nest, the old man was in a good mood, and planned to go back to get some delicious food for his grandson at night; the old man leisurely walked to the river, ready to add some water, and wash off the sweat on his body to cool off.

Walking up the river beach, the old man vaguely saw a person lying on the river beach. When the old man walked up to him, he found that the man was unconscious and his clothes were in tatters, only strips of cloth were left hanging on his body. There are no wounds, these wounds are of different depths, after being soaked in the river water, the wounds are bloodless, and the whitish wounds are rolled up.

The old man frowned and looked at the person in front of him. There was a huge scar on the face, extending obliquely from the upper right side of the head to the lower left.

The person on the river beach was Jin Yang. At this time, Jin Yang's breath was weak and his whole body was icy cold.

"How did this man suffer such serious injuries!"

The old man rummaged through the medicine basket to find a few herbs, chewed them with his mouth and carefully applied them to the wound. There were many wounds, but the old man did it very carefully without any intolerance. The wound on Yang's body has been healed.

Then the old man took off his shirt and washed it briefly in the river

"Oh! What a nice dress, I haven't worn it a few times..."

The old man shook his coat, wrung out the water on the clothes, shook his head and sighed, and then "呵啦!", a piece of intact clothes was quickly torn into strips by the old man.

With a coat and Jin Yang's own cloth strips, the old man finished bandaging the wound on Jin Yang's body, and fixed his figure with a few branches. Then the old man left the river beach with Jin Yang on his back, walked into the woods and hid figure.

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