Korea Raiders

Chapter 49

() After Christmas, Li Youyu returned to his work and went to various places to promote activities as usual every day.

One night on SBS TV station, Li Youyu was participating in a radio program. After the program ended, he saw Han Changhao who was in contact with the announcement came to him.

"Youyu, Japan sent an invitation to you to go there to publicize. We are going to Japan tomorrow, so go back and rest quickly." Seeing Li Youyu, Han Changhao said hurriedly.

"Riben?" Li Youyu was stunned when he heard it.

Although Li Youyu has debuted for a year, he has been active in Korea. He never expected that Japan would invite him. In Li Youyu's plan, he has no intention of going to Japan. Not the best of times.

"Yes, I also received the notice this afternoon. Originally, your single and first album did not expect the results in Japan, so we did not arrange for us to go to Japan to promote, but who knows that this year you will be in various places. The performance at the award ceremony of the big TV station was immediately welcomed by the fans in Japan, and your album was sold out by the fans in Japan, so Japan hopes that when your popularity is rising, you can go to Japan to promote it. This matter has been discussed all afternoon, and I also think this is a good opportunity. After knowing that the company agrees, the Japanese side hopes that you will come over tomorrow." Han Changhao happily explained to Li Youyu.

Li Youyu suddenly realized that the award presentations of major Korean TV stations were broadcast live throughout Asia. In the past, the company did not intend to let him enter the Japanese market immediately, so he did not go to Japan to promote it. Of course, the fans in Japan did not know him well, but watching Seeing Li Youyu's performance, plus he won so many awards at the end of the year, it's not surprising that Japan invited him.

"Will the time be too tight? It's impossible to go to Japan now and just attend one show. If you want to promote it, you have to make a reservation in advance." Li Youyu asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, our company has a branch in Japan, and it has a cooperative relationship with Aihui Company in Japan. Your schedule has been arranged, otherwise I wouldn't come to tell you so late." Han Chang Hao said.

Avex is a large record company in Japan. It was established in 1988 and has a history of more than 20 years.Aihui (ribe, yukiring (Yuki Kashiwagi's personal du li label) and other music labels. Aihui Records is a star-making factory for 20-year-old young idols in Japan. Its artists include Tokyo Girls Flow, Amuro Namie, Koda Lai Wei, Ayumi Hamasaki,), Ai Otsuka, boa, Doasinfinity, Suzuki Ami, door and many other first-line artists in Japan.Among them, Ayumi Amuro, Namie Amuro, Ami Suzuki, and trf are also known as the "Komuro family".

In the afternoon of the next day, Li Youyu and his team rushed to Gimpo Airport in South Korea. South Korea and Japan are very close, and there are many round-trip flights. The event was held at the earliest night, and only Li Youyu, Han Changhao, Zhang Yuzhu and his backup dance team attended this time.

"I'm going to Japan today, and I plan to stay in Japan for 3 days. When I come back, I will bring you special products from Japan." In the waiting room, Li Youyu sent a text message to Kim Tae Hee. Since the appointment with Kim Tae Hee, Li Youyu Because of their identities, Yu and Kim Tae Hee couldn't meet often, so they chose to send text messages to each other. He is very used to sending text messages to Kim Tae Hee now. Every time he finished sending a text message, he would receive a reply soon, and the reply would contain Kim Tae Hee's message to him. He likes this feeling very much.

"Hmm! I'm in class, be careful on the road." Kim Tae Hee quickly replied to her with a text message.

"Youyu, it's time to board the plane." Just as Li Youyu finished sending the text message, Han Changhao had already exchanged the boarding pass and came over.

As a Korean artist, there are certain advantages in Korea. Before the plane took off, Li Youyu waited in the special waiting room. Now he does not have to queue up like ordinary people to get on the plane. He and his team passed by VIP Passage directly onto the plane.

The company booked business class for Li Youyu and the others, and Li Youyu was allocated a seat by the window. After all the passengers were ready, they put on their seat belts

, the plane officially took off. It takes more than 2 hours from Jinpu Airport to Haneda Airport in Japan. It is not the first time for Li Youyu to fly a plane. On the show, Li Youyu fell asleep shortly after sitting in his seat.

"Youyu, wake up, we will be arriving at Haneda Airport soon." Li Youyu, who was sleeping, heard Han Changhao's voice.

After Li Youyu woke up, the plane was ready to land. After the plane landed, he took his salute and left the airport lobby. Although Li Youyu is already a little famous in Japan, no one knew that he would come to Japan today, so When leaving the airport hall, he was not obstructed by reporters and fans, they directly boarded the nanny car that S, M company had prepared for him.

The car drove all the way and arrived at the hotel prepared for him this time. After checking in, Zhang Yuzhu first came to his room to design a style for him. In order to give Li Youyu the greatest support, s and m companies have already contacted Ai Hui Company, this time Li Youyu will sign a contract with Aihui Company, Aihui will become Li Youyu's economic company in Japan, and all future trips in Japan will be arranged by Aihui Company. Aihui Company has already prepared a press conference. When Li Youyu arrived at the scene, it was announced that he had formally signed with Aihui Company.

Zhang Yuzhu designed the look for Li Youyu, and they came to the press conference held by Aihui Company non-stop. Under the attention of all the reporters, Li Youyu officially signed a contract with Aihui Company. Yesterday, I had already negotiated with him, and today it was just a signing. After Li Youyu accepted some questions from reporters, the press conference officially ended.

"Youyu, the people from Ai's company wanted to discuss with us just now. There are a lot of fans here. They want you to hold a small fan signing event here temporarily. They want to ask if you agree." Press release When the meeting was over, Han Changhao found Li Youyu and said to him.

Li Youyu also observed it just now. Although the press conference was held temporarily, many fans rushed over after receiving the news. There were about 200~300 people at the scene.

"No problem, let them arrange it." Li Youyu said after thinking about it.

The people from Ai Hui's company heard that Li Youyu agreed, and immediately made arrangements, and notified the fans present. It was Li Youyu's first contact with Japanese fans. , They immediately followed the instructions of the staff and lined up in an orderly manner. The friendly behavior of the fans also made Li Youyu feel good. The number of fans has not decreased, but has increased a lot.

It turned out that when Li Youyu held a signing event, fans of Li Youyu's Japanese fans received news one after another, and those who lived nearby came out in droves. , the safety of fans has also been greatly reduced. Finally, with Li Youyu's consent, he asked Aihui to announce that a large-scale signing event will be held in the near future, and the fans left one after another.

"Oh~ I'm so tired." Sitting in the Japanese-style restaurant prepared by Ai Hui's company for him, Li Youyu stretched his waist and sighed.

The restaurant's main business is Japanese cuisine, sushi, sashimi, etc. Li Youyu has never been very picky about food, and he is also a little curious about Japanese cuisine when he arrives in Japan.

"Youyu-jun, you have worked hard today, please taste our Japanese cuisine." In the restaurant, Ai Hui, the assistant temporarily provided by the company for Li Youyu, asked the translator to say to Li Youyu.

"Thank you, I will taste it well." Li Youyu replied directly in Japanese.

Li Youyu taught himself Japanese a few years ago, and now he can communicate with others as long as his Japanese does not involve professional words.

"Youyu-jun, I didn't expect you to know Japanese, so it will be much easier for us to communicate in the future." Assistant Ri Ben said in surprise.

Afterwards, Li Youyu had some exchanges with the Japanese assistant while tasting Japanese dishes, and learned about his recent schedule. His last schedule today was a music program on Fuji TV.

After dinner and a break, Li Youyu came to the TV station. He observed the music programs in Japan, which were not much different from the music programs in Korea. Since the programs were recorded, there was no need to worry that there would be no fans to support him. , his appearance was relatively high. After the recording was completed, Li Youyu left the TV station. After all, after coming to Japan today, it can be said that he basically didn't have much rest. Take a good look around, if the fans know that he has arrived in Japan tomorrow, it will not be very convenient for him to go out, no one will guess that he will hang out in Japan tonight.

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