Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 89: Bei Gongjun's helplessness

Chapter 88: Kitamiya Jun's helplessness

Hearing Nanyang Wang Simamo's scolding, everyone's heart changes differently...

Chun Yuding jumped out and said in a strange way: "Great Governor (Sima Yuefeng.<I once recruited Sima Mo to be Sikong, but Sima Mo refused after listening to Chun Yuding's words), I think General Beigong doesn't want to help the Lord." .

When Chen An heard Chun Yuding's words, his face was filled with displeasure. The so-called heroes cherish heroes. Although there are still heavy infantry participating in the battle, it is really admirable to defeat the Huns, who have always been dominated by cavalry, in cavalry battles alone.Moreover, since Bei Gongchun came to join his main company, Ma Mo, he has lived in seclusion and reticence. I have also seen those Liangzhou soldiers brought by Bei Gongchun in the barracks. Said many of them were only children in the family...

The eldest son Sima Bao was indifferent, as if everything had nothing to do with him...

When Bei Gongchun heard the words of Nanyang King Sima Mo and General Chun Yuding, his face was also agitated, and his hands under the sleeves of his robe were also tightly clenched into fists...

Bei Gongchun cupped his hands helplessly at Sima Mo and said, "I can gain a foothold in Luoyang only because of the appreciation of the late prime minister Sima Yue. Now the prime minister has died of illness, and the king is the prime minister's younger brother (Sima Yue is the eldest son of Sima Tai, king of Gaomi. And Sima Mo is the fourth son), how dare I not try my best? It's just..."

When Sima Mo heard what Bei Gongchun said, his face softened a little.

Sima Mo looked at Bei Gongchun and said slowly, "Just what?"

Bei Gongchun's face darkened, and he said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, don't blame me, the young general came to Chang'an not long ago from Luoyang, and all the soldiers he brought with him were disabled, and the heavy infantry was completely lost in Luoyang, and the cavalry also lacked horses. Now these people have almost no fighting power..."

Chun Yuding laughed out loud...

Bei Gongchun's face was very embarrassed, but now under the eaves of others, what can he say?

Simamo, King of Nanyang, thought it was reasonable when he heard Bei Gongchun's words. After all, Bei Gongchun did bring some old and weak soldiers to join him. I really can't completely blame him... But when Chun Yuding smiled like that, Sima Mo's restlessness was aroused again...

Chunyu Ding smiled and said: "Bei Gongchun! You can only deceive women and children in Liangzhou with your words. Do you know who my master is? You are afraid of the Huns and dare not fight now, is it the same as you in Luoyang?" , ready to escape?!!"

When Bei Gongchun heard this, the anger in his heart rose. Luoyang's retreat was indeed a pain hidden in his heart. Even though he could lie to himself with various reasons, the pressure he was under was getting worse day by day. A deep day... not bad!He could tell himself that he did this to protect the remaining soldiers from Liangzhou, but he really couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart...

Three years ago, he and Zhang Fei (commander Qin Wang) were entrusted by the prefect Zhang Gui to set out from Guzang to help defend the capital. After several battles, they won more with less and never lost. Withdrew from Wang Mi, killed Liu Cong, and saved the safety of the capital with his own strength. There are countless people alive. He is a hero, and he is also the pride of Liangzhou. But now, Zhang Fei died in battle and died for his country. When he arrived in Chang'an, it wasn't that he didn't want to go back to Liangzhou, it was because he and his Liangzhou soldiers knew that Liangzhou couldn't go back because of Luoyang's retreat... The world is so big that there is no room for him anymore. The pride is also slowly disappearing... He used to keep asking himself, if he did it again, would he choose to do it again... Even if he was accused by thousands of people...

Bei Gongchun clenched his teeth tightly, didn't make a sound, and didn't look at Chunyu Ding, but clenched his fists inside the sleeves of his robe, kept silent, and let Chunyu Ding's ridicule...

Sima Mo also became more and more impatient with Bei Gongchun, he snorted coldly and was in no mood to pester him anymore, but seeing Bei Gongchun became more and more unpleasant...

Chunyuding was slightly surprised to see that Bei Gongchun kept silent and allowed himself to be ridiculed for a long time without making any rebuttals. He originally thought that as long as Bei Gongchun was angered, he would just fan the flames and ask Sima Mo to give Beigong Chun A mortal mission, then his status will not be threatened. Although Chen An is also a serious problem, he has already taken refuge in the prince, and has nothing to do with himself. It is too much of a threat to listen to orders under the account of my lord...

Sima Bao still looked like he had nothing to do with himself, and he didn't even know what he was thinking when he lowered his head, until there was a snoring sound in the conference hall...

Embarrassment appeared on Chen An's face. He knew that it was his elder son who had fallen asleep. Not to mention his cowardly character, he was very happy. I have to say that he is a bit smart and likes writing, but his biggest hobby is sleeping. Where is he? I can sleep, even when kneeling and sitting so strenuously, I can fall asleep...

Sima Mo also heard the sound of snoring, needless to say, his inhumane baby son must have fallen asleep, Sima Mo was really embarrassed for a while, Sima Mo suddenly saw such a smile on Bei Gongchun's face, All of a sudden, he was furious and said: "Why are you laughing, how did I treat you???!!! You are still laughing!"

Bei Gongchun didn't know how a restrained person like himself could laugh, it was subconscious. Don't say that he never thought of this sudden situation. A fat pig weighing more than 300 catties fell asleep in the meeting hall. Are you from the Sima family?Of course, Bei Gongchun also realized his impoliteness after being scolded by Sima Mo, so he quickly lowered his head and said nothing.I also feel a little regretful in my heart, why did I do this?

Chunyu Ding was very proud of himself, Shizi's snoring was more useful than all his talking, hahahahaha.

Chen An also felt sorry for Bei Gongchun's actions, what happened to this man...

But Bei Gongchun knew that he was able to come to Chang'an to seek refuge. One was that he felt that he was close to his hometown Liangzhou, so he could go back and visit secretly from time to time. To be squeezed out by a villain like Chun Yuding, and to suffer humiliation, and the soldiers sometimes don't have all their supplies, except that they can't die of starvation, they live a life of inferiority, and all kinds of grievances are snorted by one of Sima Bao's The sound was activated...

At this time, a sergeant quickly ran to the outside of the meeting hall, took out a letter with chicken feathers from his arms, bent down respectfully, raised the letter above his head with both hands and shouted: "Heyin Call! Please look over it, Your Majesty." !"

Sima Mo frowned, did the emergency message he sent have any effect?Well, the Sima Clan is indeed still the ruler of the world. Although Luoyang was destroyed and Emperor Huai hunted north, am I still here?

Sima Mo suddenly remembered his past experience:

When he was young, he was named Pingchang Duke. In the last years of Emperor Hui of Jin Dynasty, he worshiped redundant servants and shot, and was moved to the prince and concubine, and he was a regular servant on horseback.After Chengdu King Sima Ying fled to Chang'an, his elder brother Donghai King Sima Yue named his younger brother Beizhong Langjiang to guard Yecheng.In the early years of Yongxing, he moved to Zhendong General, guarded Xuchang, and became the king of Nanyang.In the early years of Yongjia, he was transferred to General Zhengxi, opened the mansion, and supervised the military forces in the four prefectures of Qin, Yong, Liang, and Yi, and guarded Guanzhong on behalf of Sima Yong, the king of Hejian.You must know that when you were young, you were a sage who was as famous as Sima Rui, the wild breed in Jiangdong. Now Sima Rui has become the lord of Jiangdong, and he has made Jiangdong prosperous, but you, the king of Guanzhong, are in turmoil. It's really annoying!

Sima Mo calmed down for a moment, and thought: It seems that I really have a good brother, big brother, although you are dead, your name Sima Yue is still helping me!You see, everyone still respects me after you die, and now there are still people who respond to my call, um, very good! "

Chun Yuding took the urgent letter from the sergeant's hand with great color, and quickly handed the letter to Sima Mo.

Sima Mo opened the letter excitedly, and read every word carefully, but his face gradually changed from excitement to anger...

Sima Mo suddenly tore the letter forcefully, and then left it on the ground to vent his anger!

Everyone looked at Sima Mo in puzzlement, not knowing why their lord suddenly lost his temper!Why are you so angry if someone came to rescue?

Just when everyone was puzzled, Sima Bao's snoring suddenly came in a few high and low climaxes...

Sima Mo's expression became even more embarrassing. He ran to his eldest son Sima Bao and kicked him. Chen An wanted to protect his lord, but no one would care if the old man beat his son...

Sima Bao was kicked and fell to the ground. He still didn't get up, but it seemed that he was in pain. He touched the place where he was kicked with his chubby hand, and continued to snore...

Sima Mo was really angry, but he didn't want to go too far in the hall, so he had to suppress his anger and simply didn't want to see this son, who told him that he was such a son!

Chun Yuding knew that Sima Mo needed to be given a step down at this time, so he said softly: "My lord, what did the letter say that made my lord so angry???"

"Hmph! What kind of shit princess is here to serve the king!"

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