Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 43: The Zombies in Luoyang City

Chapter 43: Zombies in Luoyang City

Li Xiang originally thought that entering Luoyang City was not easy, and that various notifications and procedures might be required. Unexpectedly, the guards at the gate of the city did not have the intention to interrogate him at all, but only stipulated the time of entry and exit. Today, the gate of Luoyang City is only open for 2 hours a day. It happened to be the opening time, so I went in smoothly. Li Xiang looked at Mingyue who was tied to the horse, and felt a pain in his heart. This child is so pitiful. Such a weak body has been tossed like this, so even without General Liu's entrustment, Li Xiang will definitely protect Princess Mingyue with all her strength, she deserves to be treated like this by others.

Aunt Hong also dismounted and followed Li Xiang all the way. Horses are not allowed to gallop in the imperial city, so she and Li Xiang got off the horse as soon as they came in, and only let Mingyue lie on the horse's back, feeding some water and water from time to time. Soft pancakes soaked in water.

I am also strong, no matter how vague my consciousness is, as long as I feel water on my lips, I will definitely open my mouth. I really want to live!

I didn't pay attention to the scene in Luoyang city, I was already exhausted, I could only lie on the horseback, weak.

Aunt Hong was showing Li Xiang the way, and was about to go to the residence of Imperial Physician Li. Aunt Hong really didn’t want the current emperor to know Mingyue’s whereabouts. I have seen that without Sima Yue, I really don't know what Mingyue would be like now, so the emperor must not let the emperor know that Mingyue has returned to Luoyang.

After discussing with Li Xiang, Aunt Hong and Li Xiang planned to go to Li Taiyi's residence first, so they hurried along the way.What I saw along the way really made Aunt Hong panic. From time to time, people in the city were beating, smashing, and grabbing other people's things. There were private fights everywhere. Even if there were patrolling soldiers passing by, they didn't care. I even saw a lot of people who looked like parents exchanging children with other parents...

Aunt Hong looked at the strange behavior of these people in puzzlement. Li Xiang really knew very well that this was eating by changing children. Her own children couldn't bear to eat them, so they ate other people's children. How serious is the famine in Luoyang? Already? ? ! ! !

Aunt Hong accidentally stepped on a corpse, and was startled. The corpse should have died not long ago, because the stench hadn’t come out yet, but if she looked carefully at the buttocks, or any place with a bit of flesh had been cut off, Aunt Hong immediately Wanting to vomit, I covered my mouth with force, my face was very pale...

Li Xiang's brows were tightly frowned, because more than a dozen people came in front of them blocking their way, all of them had red eyes, and they were slowly approaching Li Xiang and the others...

Li Xiang drew out his sword and stood in front of Aunt Hong, who was holding the reins of the horse beside her tightly. At this moment, I had already passed out and didn't know anything.

Li Xiang pointed at these people with his sword and shouted: "Bold! Who the hell dares to take a step closer!"

These people seemed to be shocked by Li Xiang's aura, and they didn't step forward for a while, but just looked at me and you at the same place, but their eyes on the horses became more and more hot.

Li Xiang is familiar with this kind of look. They are extremely hungry, and judging by their appearance, they should have eaten a lot of human flesh...Since they are afraid of the sword in their hands, should they leave this place as soon as possible? ?Just when Li Xiang was about to give up his horse,

The horse also sensed the danger, and kept stepping on its hooves and blowing air through its nostrils. The restlessness and agitation of the horse made Aunt Hong very painful, and she couldn't hold the rein of the horse at all. What if the bright moon falls off?But turning around like this also made these hungry people see an opportunity, and rushed forward in a swarm.

Aunt Hong screamed in fear, she held on to Mingyue on the horse's back tightly, hoping to hug her down, but because she was afraid that Mingyue would fall off the horse, she had already tied Mingyue to the horse's back, what happened in this panic? It might be possible to get Mingyue down immediately. Li Xiang also swung his sword to kill these lunatics while trying to control the horse.Suddenly, several groups of the same people came out from nowhere, and they also began to besiege Li Xiang and the others.

Li Xiang cut the rope tied to Mingyue with a single sword, and if he didn't untie the rope, Mingyue would be tossed to death by the horse. Aunt Hong saw my body tilted, and she was about to fall, but she had been The lunatic blocked the outside, and the horse was in pain for a while and kicked and kicked at these people who wanted to hurt it. I still fell off the horse, and the scene was very chaotic.

I was in pain from being thrown. Fortunately, the distance from the ground was not too high. I tried hard to open my eyes. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw these people jumping on the horse like a madman, and some directly bit the horse. Going up, dozens of people just threw a horse down and ate it raw. The horse's eyes were full of tears...

Li Xiang hacked two more lunatics to death, but was entangled by more people. Aunt Hong stared at You Mingyue on the ground, screaming and crawling hard towards the place where I fell.

Many people began to look in my direction because they couldn't get horse meat to eat. In the eyes of those who have eaten human meat and are about to starve to death, I am also a delicious food...

Li Xiang tried very hard to get close to me, but not only was he entangled, but he was bitten several times on his body, and the pain was unstoppable.

Suddenly, a sharp pain spread all over my body. One of them seemed to be afraid that I would run away, so he stepped on my arm. I felt like my hand was broken, and then my leg was also stepped on. Aunt Hong saw my shrill screams, she didn't know where the strength came from, she just pushed away the crowd around me, knocked down the people who stepped on me, hugged me in her arms, and protected me. I was unconscious from the severe pain...

Li Xiang finally killed Aunt Hong, and led Aunt Hong back slowly. The people who were hacked to death by Li Xiang were quickly rushed to eat their flesh by others. How disgusting and terrifying is this scene? It's disgusting and terrifying, comparable to zombies in modern TV dramas.Where is there still humanity, what is the difference from the living dead? ? ?What is it if it's not the walking dead! ! ! ? ? ?

Luoyang has been short of food for a long time. When Sima Yue left, he took away a large amount of surplus food. Hulu continued to loot. The transportation to Luoyang has long been cut off. The food is also hoarded by high-ranking families, and the poverty and hunger of the people are getting worse day by day, and it has reached the level of killing each other for food. This is true, not fiction.

Li Xiang protected me and Aunt Hong with a sword and escaped from this place. There was no way to tell the north from the south for a while, so I could only hide in a dilapidated house and see my injuries.

My left hand and leg were broken, and the blood was flowing. Aunt Hong's tears never stopped, and my blood was all over my hands and body.Li Xiang quickly tore off the clothes on his body to help me bandage, and also bandaged the bitten place for himself, and then fixed the broken bones of me, but in this way, I became a complete mess. Burden, there is no way to move anymore.

My high fever is getting worse. If the fever continues like this, my brain may burn out. Aunt Hong is already anxious and at a loss when she sees me wanting to be there. , gritted her teeth, and asked Aunt Hong to roughly talk about Li Taidoctor's residence again. Although the situation in Luoyang City is so terrible now, maybe Li Taidoctor's residence is already in bad condition, but at this point, the last hope has to be Go and have a try.

The sky gradually darkened, Li Xiang waited for the sky to completely darken after eating the pancakes handed over by Aunt Hong.

Li Xiang left one of his daggers to Aunt Hong. After Aunt Hong silently put it away, Li Xiang began to observe the situation at the door of the dilapidated house. After making sure that there were no strangers, Li Xiang went out to find Doctor Li. .

Lee House

Doctor Li's mansion has already been hollowed out, and there is no living person in the messy room. Li Xiang felt a sense of broken hope. He searched around the mansion, but he didn't find anything particularly useful. I found some potions and didn't know if they were useful, so I took them all away. Just when Li wanted to leave Li's mansion, a sound made Li Xiang stop.

Li Xiang slowly approached the place where the sound was made, but there was no movement. Just as Li Xiang turned to leave, he suddenly felt a hand covering his mouth, and then his stomach hurt, and his body gradually softened. Go down and die without even making a sound...

A man in black quickly stabbed the dead Li Xiang with his sword a few times. He groped on him, but found nothing. He spat out unluckily. He was lying in ambush here to inquire about Luoyang City. The news, so that you can report it to Zhang Bin at any time. You don’t want to be overheard by others. If you come to investigate, you won’t be allowed to go back alive. God knows what you saw.

This person is a spy sent by Zhang Bin, he is very skilled, Li Xiang can be regarded as a man of his life, but he was stabbed to death by a sword, and Li Xiang didn't notice any signs, which shows that this person is terrible...

broken house

Aunt Hong didn't know that Li Xiang was dead, she was still eagerly looking forward to Li Xiang's finding Doctor Li and bringing him back to give Mingyue a good treatment. How could Mingyue's small body bear the bumps along the way?His hands and legs were trampled off again. If he continues like this, he will really lose this child. Fortunately, Xiaolu was not allowed to come, otherwise I really don't know what will happen. When did Luoyang become so scary?

I slowly woke up. The pain in my legs and feet made me unable to fall into a coma quietly. I no longer had the anger I used to have, and my big eyes became dry. The illness was really serious. I opened my mouth gently, Calling Aunt Hong's name.

In the pitch-black dilapidated house, I couldn't see anything. Aunt Hong heard my call, and immediately looked at me carefully through the little moonlight shining through the roof of the dilapidated house.

"Mother... Am I dying soon?"

As soon as Aunt Hong heard this, she burst into tears. The pain and worry she had endured before could no longer be restrained, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Mother, don't cry, Mingyue hurts so much..."

"Good Mingyue, your Uncle Li Xiang has already gone to see Imperial Physician Li, and will definitely bring Imperial Physician Li back to heal you, and mother will always be with you, stop talking nonsense."

Just when I was about to say something to comfort Aunt Hong, I suddenly heard the footsteps of many people, as if they were about to break in from outside the house...

The first release of this book is from Novel.com, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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