"Ye Feng, hurry up and get in the car!" A few meters away, Xuelang suddenly shouted, he told Ye Feng and others to get in his car first, and leave here before talking.

Ye Feng didn't hesitate any more, he shouted: "Everyone grab your equipment immediately and get in Xuelang's car!"

In fact, as long as it was daytime, everyone carried their equipment on their backs and did not take it off. Before leaving, Ye Feng took away the two barrels of fifty catties of gasoline from the car.

On this grassland, if there is a car, gasoline is also gold, so this gasoline cannot be thrown away, if it is lost, Ye Feng and the others have to walk.

Except for Liu Jie, there were only five people left in Ye Feng's car. They climbed into the rear compartment of Xuelang's car at the fastest speed. Xuelang made a sharp turn, and the pickup truck was huge. The tire slipped on the ground, and it roared away.

The man-eating ants crawling out of the pit clump together, like a huge balloon, rolling over all the way, when they met the broken car that Ye Feng discarded, the whole broken car was bitten to the point that only one car remained shelf.These man-eating ants are so scary that they bite everything they see, eat what they can eat, and spit out what they can’t. On the contrary, they are very sensitive to bones. No man-eating ants will eat people or animals bones.

The group of man-eating ants found Ye Feng and the others running away by car, and chased after them. At this time, the rattling sound of the pickup truck scared the wild horses not far away, and the wild horses began to flee in groups.The man-eating ants noticed movement in the distance, maybe they also smelled the wild horses. The round man-eating ant ball made a turn and chased after the group of wild horses.

The speed of the wild horses is very fast. They run away at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, but the speed of this man-eating ant ball is even faster. After less than 10 minutes, the man-eating ant ball caught up with the wild horses in the distance , and, the man-eating ant ball drove all the way through the wild horses.

Ye Feng and the others only saw from a distance that after these dozens of wild horses were rolled by the man-eating ant ball, what remained behind were dozens of skeletons. No one could have imagined that the man-eating ants were so terrifying.

Just after the man-eating ants swallowed the last wild horse, they seemed to see Ye Feng and his party who were still more than ten kilometers away.

"Snow Wolf, speed up! Hurry up! The man-eating ants are catching up!" There are many potholes on the grassland, which directly caused the vehicles to drive. At this time, Snow Wolf was also very anxious. The wheels are running at a speed of 100 kilometers.

Although the speed of the car was fast, strong vibrations would occur when encountering deep pits, which caused the people in the rear compartment to be almost thrown off several times.If it was normal, no one would drive like this. Not only would the people sitting in the car be unbearable, but the car would be easily damaged. But now that their lives were at stake, Snow Wolf couldn't care less, and rushed forward.

Ye Feng tightly grasped the iron sheet of the rear compartment, their speed was fast enough, but that group of ants was even faster!

Ye Feng's heart tightened, and he thought to himself: "According to this situation, we will be chased by man-eating ants in less than 10 minutes, and we will be in trouble at that time!"

Just as he was thinking about what to do, Ye Feng suddenly saw the gasoline he had brought into the car just now: "By the way, gasoline, fire, and ants are afraid of fire. Once the man-eating ants catch up later, I will pour gasoline on it, and then light the fire. They're bound to burn a lot."

So, Ye Feng had a perfect plan in mind, and he shouted to the driver in the cab: "Snow Wolf, it's useless to drive faster, those man-eating ants can run much faster than us."

Snow Wolf clenched the steering wheel and roared, "Then what can you do?"

Ye Feng said seriously: "You drive the car to a place with dense weeds, I have my own way!"

Snow Wolf said suspiciously: "The weeds on the left are half the height of the car. If you want me to drive in, we will have to slow down the speed of the car, and the chance of escaping will be even smaller."

Ye Feng didn't explain, and said: "Fleeing forward is also dead, and running to the weeds on the left is also dead. Since they are all dead, then listen to me, maybe we can still survive."

Snow Wolf sighed, he didn't know why, he would give the lives of himself and his other three team members to someone he had just known for a few days, and finally Snow Wolf decided to turn the car to the left at ninety degrees, Drive to the land of thick weeds.

Just a few minutes later, Ye Feng in the rear box felt that the car was much slower, but also much more stable. Ye Feng knew that the car had driven into a place with dense weeds.

Sure enough, the weeds were dense under the car, reaching the height of the wheels, the weeds were so dense in this area, there would naturally be a lot of dry grass, Ye Feng laughed.

Ye Feng waited patiently. When he saw that the man-eating ant ball was less than ten meters away from them, Ye Feng called the others and dumped two barrels of gasoline from the car.No need to ask other people to guess what Ye Feng meant, Ye Feng wanted to use gasoline to burn those ants to death, but could it succeed?

Gasoline drifted with the wind to the ground and grass, and finally, just as the man-eating ant ball was about to catch up with the pickup truck, Ye Feng threw the remaining half of the gasoline barrel in his hand onto the man-eating ant. .

Then, when the gasoline barrel was still in the air, Ye Feng shot without hesitation, detonating the gasoline barrel.

Everyone only heard a bang, the gasoline barrel exploded, and countless flames flew in all directions, falling into the ant colony.A few flames fell to the ground, boom!The gasoline on the ground was sandwiched with weeds, and under the agitation of the strong wind, a thick wall of fire was built.

Not only that, after the weeds on the ground were ignited, they began to spread rapidly, and within half a minute, the entire weeds were engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

"Snow Wolf, turn around and go back." Ten minutes later, Ye Feng shouted when he saw that the man-eating ants seemed to have stopped moving.

"Yeah!" Snow Wolf drove the car dully, it seemed that he bet the lives of the four of them on Ye Feng, and he was right.

The white pickup truck went through the sea of ​​flames, entered the burnt area, and moved forward cautiously.

A few meters ahead, there was a pile of man-eating ants like a hill, motionless.Seeing this, Xie Hongjun immediately hugged his head and laughed loudly: "Dead! All the man-eating ants were burned to death!"

In fact, at the beginning, Ye Feng also had the attitude of giving it a try. He didn't expect the weeds in the grassland to burn so fast, and he didn't expect that what these man-eating ants fear most is fire.

When Ye Feng gasoline was poured on the ant colony, the ants had already started to ignite spontaneously, and began to spread to ten, ten to hundreds, burning up.When the man-eating ants encountered the fire source, they were the first to disperse into countless strands, but the surrounding weeds had already been sprinkled with gasoline, and the weeds were fueled with gasoline, but these man-eating ants who wanted to disperse and avoid the fire source had nowhere to go. If they could escape, they were all burned to death in the end.

Ye Feng and the others don't have time to think about why there are man-eating ants in Hoh Xil?Why are these man-eating ants so scary?All this is a mystery, a masterpiece of nature.

Fortunately, there is often a little sadness, that is Liu Jie's death.

Liu Jie is a good person, a strong person, and even a smart person. Otherwise, he would have been eliminated in the first round of the knockout round of 500 people.

Just such a person, he was eaten alive by a group of ants, it seemed that his death was not worth it.

Under Zhu Gang's insistence, Ye Feng and the others slowly returned to the original pond, and looked around vigilantly. If there were any man-eating ants infested again, they would run away as quickly as possible.

What Zhu Gang meant was that he wanted to restrain Liu Jie's corpse and bury him in the ground. The dead pay attention to burial.Before Zhu Gang was alive, Zhu Gang couldn't save him, so after his death, Zhu Gang had to arrange Liu Jie's body properly, otherwise Zhu Gang would really live in guilt for the rest of his life.

The situation is good, there are only a few man-eating ants around the pond, and as long as the man-eating ants are not clumps, they are not too scary.

Coming to the edge of the deep pit where Liu Jie fell, Zhu Gang moved Liu Jie's body out, found a place without ants and dug a hole, and buried Liu Jie.

In the end, everyone bowed three times silently to express their memory of Liu Jie.

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