That afternoon, Liu Jing wrote to the county government to explain for Zhang Ping, claiming that it was just a misunderstanding and willing to withdraw Zhang Ping's impeachment.

Xiangyang County Prime Minister Wang Kei also got Kuaiyue's instruction and no longer insisted on this matter. Li Gui, the prefect of Xiangyang, followed suit, revoked Zhang Ping's crime and allowed Zhang Ping to reinstate his post.

Although Li Taishou lingered in dealing with Zhang Ping's matter and there was no result for a long time, he acted quickly and efficiently in revoking the punishment, and closed the case after half an hour. .

In the evening, according to Jingzhou custom, Zhang Ping personally sent two roe deer to express his apology, and conveyed Zhang Yun's apology to Liu Jing. , the waves subsided.

. . . . . . . .

At one o'clock, Liu Jing appeared in front of Hanshui. Only at this time, he will become another person, a young man who strives to realize his dream.

Liu Jing will never forget the situation when he first met Zhao Yun, that fierce marksmanship, that bravery that despite thousands of people, that is his dream, and he also wants to become such a fierce general.

There is still an appointment with Cai Jin two years later, and the opponents he will face one after another. Liu Jing has never been so eager to learn martial arts like today.

More importantly, the real person Yu helped him find a path to the top master. The real person Yu has already led him in, and the rest is his own hard work.

'Water is the spirit of all things, and water is also the source of power. Zilong grows in the mountains and uses wood to make martial arts, but you will grow in water, and you should use water as your martial skill. . . . . '

Liu Jing was bare-chested, wearing only a pair of jackets, holding a saber in his hand, staring quietly at the dark Han River, but he was thinking about what Master Yu said in his mind. , raised his head, and there were snowflakes in the sky.

They are as thin as fluff, and it will be the new year in ten days, and it is the first time that Jingxiang has snowed. Snow is also the fate of water!

Liu Jing smiled, he chewed Yi Jin Pill, drank the marrow washing wine in the small bottle, and soon, a raging fire ignited in his body, he bit the knife in his mouth, and jumped into the icy cold Hanshui .

The water splashed and instantly submerged him. He entered a dark world, surrounded by icy water, and couldn't see anything. He kept diving, as if entering a dark tunnel, which gave him a familiar feeling .

Didn't his soul come to this era from such a dark tunnel more than two months ago?

If he dived endlessly like this, would he be able to return to the afterlife, but the answer soon appeared, no, he had already touched the soft mud at the bottom of the river.

This place is not far from the river, and the depth of the water is about seven feet, which is equivalent to four meters. He also dived to the bottom yesterday morning and found a big rock here.

The buoyancy at the bottom of the river was very strong, so he had to find a fixed point for himself, and soon he touched the big rock, like riding a horse, his legs clamped tightly on the rock.

At this time, the elixir in his stomach melted, making his whole body burn like fire, extremely hot, as if his internal organs were about to melt.

It was March [-]th, which was the coldest season of the year. Even though it was in the south, the river was still icy cold, as if it would freeze the bone marrow of a person, but the dry heat in his stomach prevented him from feeling the cold.

The second stage of the training course arranged by Master Yu is to enter the water three times a night, swim for three thousand steps, and then sink to the bottom of the water to swing the knife. That is to say, every time he held his breath, he had to swing the knife at least 120 times. In this way, he was forced to swing the knife at the fastest speed.

This is unimaginable for ordinary people, but only in this way can he maximize his strength and fix the potential in his body.

It wasn't until this time that Liu Jing realized why he had to undergo a month of brutal training in the early stage, just to let him stay underwater as long as possible, in fact to increase his physical strength and lung capacity.

At the bottom of the river, Liu Jing clamped the boulder tightly with his legs, and began to swing his knife quickly in the water. . . . .

The cold and water resistance made it extremely difficult for him to swing the knife, but he gritted his teeth and endured it. He believed that Master Yu, who had already cultivated a world-class fighter, would definitely make himself successful again.

At the bottom of the dark river, Liu Jing's knife was swinging swiftly and fiercely, and ripples were created on the surface of the water. He had gradually gotten used to it.

After chopping 120 times, he surfaced, took a breath, dived into the bottom of the river again, and continued to swing the knife again and again.

. . . . . . . .

'Wow! With a sound, he surfaced again, this is his last breath, and this time he wants to challenge himself.

Liu Jing dived into the water and swung his knife vigorously. His arms were already extremely limp, and every bone in his body seemed to be broken.

In the boundless darkness at the bottom of the water, he forced himself to swing the knife vigorously, overcoming the soreness and pain in his arm, and almost biting off the roots of his teeth.

He has already swung 120 times, which is almost at the limit, but his challenge goal is 150 times, he only feels that every cell in his body is about to explode, 130, 130. . . . . At 130, this pain made him unbearable any longer. His lungs were about to explode, and he was almost in a coma due to lack of oxygen.

140 eight, 140 nine. . . . .

As soon as his legs loosened, his body rose rapidly, and the moment he was about to break out of the water, he swung his last knife in the water, 150!

'Wow! ' He finally rushed out of the water, a gust of fresh air rushed towards his face, Liu Jing was paralyzed, and greedily took a big breath of fresh air. . . . .

Liu Jing slowly swam ashore. At this time, his arms were extremely sore. Although he had practiced hard for a month, his muscles were so sore and limp after swinging a knife a thousand times in the water. Liu Jing didn't feel any pain. Complaining, this is his willing choice, even if Master Yu is not by his side, he can still persist.

After resting for a while and regaining his physical strength, he swam into the Han River again and started the second course, swimming a thousand steps, which is not much, just going up and down the Han River, which is actually a way to restore his physical strength. He tried his best to Relax your body.

Not long after, a back and forth swimming ended, Liu Jing took a deep breath again, dived into the dark depths of the river bottom, and started the second underwater knife practice.

. . . . . . . . . . .

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and housewives from poor families began to wash clothes by the river, beating the hammer on the stone surface with a "bang!"boom! 'Straight ring.

Liu Jing leaned against a willow tree by the river, with his back to the bank, he took out a green pill from the small porcelain bottle under his neck and took it. Boiling water bath has the same effect.

He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to meditate again, relaxing all his muscles to a state of ecstasy, concentrating his attention on one point in his mind, allowing the medicine's power to slowly spread in his body, and he felt his physical strength recovering at an unprecedented speed. . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

New Year is also known as Zhengdan or Zhengri. In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, the Qin calendar was adopted, and the first day of October was used as Zhengdan. It was not until the first year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty that the first day of the first month of the summer calendar was used as the beginning of the year, and it has continued to this day.

During the Qin and Han dynasties, the New Year was mainly sacrificed, and the imperial court held a grand court meeting, which was the "grand court congratulations" in history. The emperor ascended the throne, received congratulations from hundreds of officials and officials, and also accepted the pilgrimage of envoys from all directions.

But for ordinary families, it is mainly based on sacrifices. For this day, preparations must be made very early, and winter wine will be brewed for Zhengdan sacrifices from the Shangxin Day in October every year.

Then Zhengdan three days ago, the family selected the deacon for the sacrifice, and the whole sacrifice was presided over by the head of the family and the deacon.

On New Year's Eve, at noon, Liu Jing was having lunch at home when a loud bang knocked on the door, almost breaking the old wooden door.

Liu Jing frowned, who is this, and why is he so rude?

Liu Jing was about to step forward, but Xiao Baozi rushed to the yard, "I'll come!"

The door squeaked open, and then the little bun yelled, "Master Tiger!"

I saw a tall and big black figure rushing towards me like a gust of wind, blocking the light in the room at once, "Brother Jing, do you still have time to eat?"

It turned out to be the clan brother Liu Hu, and he was sweating profusely, as if he had run for dozens of miles, panting: "Brother Jing, uncle told you to go back to participate in the sacrifice."

Liu Jing's heart was relieved. He had been worrying about the sacrificial ceremony for the past two days. Why didn't Liu Biao come to call him? Generally speaking, it was because the tribe had a meeting three days ago to discuss the procedure of the sacrificial ceremony.

Tomorrow is the first day of the first lunar month, and the sacrifice will begin before dawn. Why hasn't Liu Biao notified himself? You must know that this is Liu Jing's first sacrifice, and it is related to his official becoming the heir of the Liu family, so Liu Jing's two Tian was a little uneasy.

Liu Hu's arrival finally made Liu Jing heave a long sigh of relief. Although Liu Hu was rude, in Liu Jing's view, he was so straightforward and cute at this moment.

"Come! Come! Let's have lunch together." Liu Jing warmly invited Liu Hu to sit down.

Liu Hu came from Xiangyang, and it took him half a day to find this small house. He was really hungry, so he was not polite, sat down and rolled it, and half of a shallot and mutton pancake was bitten off by him.

The little bun felt very distressed when he saw it, but it was the cake she made for the young master, not for the tiger, Liu Jing smiled, and told her: "Little bun, serve a bowl of porridge for the young master, and fry a few more cakes." .”

Xiao Baozi had no choice but to agree, and went to the kitchen. Uncle Meng brought another bowl of water to Liu Hu. Liu Hu gulped down the bowl of water, then burped for a long time, and asked with wide-eyed eyes. Liu Jing said: "I heard that you defeated the water wolf?"

Water Wolf is Zhang Ping's nickname. Even though defeating Zhang Ping is an internal matter of Youjiao, this kind of news spread very quickly. In a few days, almost all the sword gyms in Xiangfan and two cities spread the word, which made Liu Hu envious. How long has it been since Liu Jing's martial arts was able to defeat the water wolf.

Liu Jing smiled wryly, he didn't want to spread this matter, it would cause him endless troubles, and many good people would come to challenge him, after all, he only knew that trick.

"Stop talking nonsense, eat quickly! We will go to Xiangyang after eating, aren't you in a hurry?"

. . . . . . . . . .

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