With a flash of black shadows, a young man in a blue brocade robe and a kerchief on his head walked into the room. From his age, the confidence in his eyes, and the calmness of his steps, Liu Jing judged that, This person's status in the Tao family is not low.

Liu Jing stood up and said with a smile, "This man is..."

"Chai Sang Tao Zheng, Mr. Jing can call me Tao Er." After all, he is a person of status, and Tao Zheng doesn't want to pretend to be the chief executive of the firm.

"It turned out to be the second master, and I have admired his name for a long time!" Liu Jing had inquired about the situation of the Tao family in advance, and it seemed that the second son of Tao didn't care about business, but was only in charge of the Tao family's internal affairs.

"Master Jing, please sit down!"

Tao Zheng did not exchange any pleasantries. He is a very pragmatic person, and perhaps he was also nervous, so he took out the note, put it on the table, and asked, "What do these two sentences, Mr. Jing, mean?"

He stared at Liu Jing sharply, and he would not let go of every expression on the other's face.

Liu Jing smiled faintly, "I met a pair of brothers and sisters in Chibi Town, and they were friends who killed thieves side by side in Wuchang City, so everyone was honest. The elder brother was called Sun Kuang, and the younger sister was called Sun Ren. They escaped with the help of the Tao family. In Wuchang City, the second master should not know about it!"

Tao Zheng's back was soaked, and he complained secretly in his heart, how could the siblings be so naive, and they actually revealed their real names. Isn't this trying to kill the Tao family?

He complained in his heart, but he couldn't admit it, "I'm sorry, I don't understand Mr. Jing, who are the Sun brothers and sisters? What does this have to do with my Tao family?"

Liu Jing's face darkened, he got up and put away his long knife and said coldly: "Since the Tao family doesn't bother to talk to me, then please ask your master and the state shepherd to talk about it! Let me go."

After finishing speaking, he strode out. Tao Zheng was very anxious. Although he had made arrangements, Liu Jing must have a strong figure in martial arts. What if Teacher Luo couldn't stop him?Once the knife is turned on the face, it is too late to save it.

"Young Master Jing, please stay! Please stay!"

Tao Zheng hurriedly stopped Liu Jing, bowing again and again, "I have something to discuss, please sit down."

Tao Zheng turned back and shouted, "Hurry up and change the tea!"

This is a signal to tell outsiders that everyone must leave the courtyard, the maids and servants have left, and several big men are guarding the gate of the courtyard, and no one is allowed to enter the courtyard.

At this time, he and Liu Jing were the only two within a few zhang radius. Liu Jing put away the knife, and his face softened a little.

"I think the second leader should be a sensible person. Why didn't the army come to surround your business mansion, but I came alone. Do you need me to explain it?"

Tao Zheng smiled wryly, "The matter is of great importance, some actions are natural, I hope Mr. Jing will forgive me."

"With all due respect, the Tao family did not handle this matter properly. If they were not careful, they would have their family ransacked and their clan wiped out. They took such a big risk, but the Tao family did not gain anything. If something happened to the siblings, it would even anger Sun Quan. , The Tao family is too careless."

Tao Zheng nodded silently, "Young Master Jing is right, this matter was indeed mishandled by the Tao family, and my father was furious over it."

He was startled again, this is Liu Biao's nephew!He actually confided his heart to him, and he looked at Liu Jing suspiciously, really not understanding what he meant.

"Didn't I say that when I walked in? I'm actually here to make a deal with the Tao family."

Liu Jing looked at him with a half-smile.

Tao Zheng has a talent for being a businessman in his blood, and when he heard Liu Jing say the word "buy and sell", he immediately understood, and his heart suddenly relaxed. As long as the other party is willing to take money, everything is negotiable.

As the saying goes, "He who works hard seeks tools, and those who work hard seek power". For Liu Jing, he can think of many ways to make money, but none of them can compare to the joy of being offered by someone with both hands.

The Tao family has too much money, so there is nothing wrong with spending it on their own. More importantly, even if Liu Jing is rich, he may not be able to buy precious medicinal materials such as 30-year-old snake gallbladder and century-old Ganoderma lucidum. It can be easily obtained, what can't be obtained by the leading merchants in Jingzhou and even the whole south?

Looking at Tao Zheng's expectant eyes, Liu Jing smiled slightly, "I have encountered a little trouble recently. I want to get some medicine, but I can't get it. I know that Tao's business is very big. Could you please The Tao family will help me with this."

Tao Zheng smiled wryly, "It is an honor for the Tao family to be able to work for Young Master Jing. In fact, Young Master only needs to send someone to deliver the medicine order, and we will immediately collect the medicine and present it to Young Master. There is really no need for Young Master Jing to come here in person. "

What he meant was to tell Liu Jing that if it was just for a little medicine, there was no need to threaten the Tao family with that matter.

Liu Jing understood what he meant, and smiled in his heart. Whether it was medicine or money, it was nothing to the Tao family. The key to offering the money with both hands is that Liu Jing has other deep meanings, so it is by no means a bad thing to be able to make friends with the Tao family.

"It's nothing, I came here in person just to show my sincerity, and to let the Tao family know that the Tao family and I are actually in the same boat."

Both sides were playing charades, and Liu Jing was also telling him, "I know about the Sun brothers and sisters, but I don't plan to expose the Tao family, and I am willing to make friends with the Tao family." '

The two looked at each other and laughed tacitly.

Liu Jing took out a medicine list, on which there were only six kinds of medicines. In fact, the prescriptions given to him by Yuren Zhenren had more than [-] kinds of medicines, and other medicines were relatively easy to get. Rarely, he can only ask the Tao family.

Tao Zheng took the medicine list and looked at it, without asking any further questions, he nodded immediately and said, "Don't worry! Within ten days, Tao's Trading Company will get all these medicines, and you can have as much as you want."

"Thank you!"

Liu Jing stood up and said goodbye, "I'm bothering you a lot today, I'll definitely go to Chaisang to visit your father when I have time."

At this time, a steward came in with a plate of gold, ten ingots in total, about 200 taels. Tao Zheng personally presented the gold to Liu Jing, "This is a little wish from me, please be sure to accept it, Mr. Jing."

Liu Jing knew that if he didn't accept it, Tao Zheng might not be able to sleep tonight.

Tao Zheng kept sending Liu Jing out of the gate. Looking at his back as he swaggered away, Tao Zheng's expression changed, and he immediately turned around and ordered: "Hurry up and prepare the boat, I want to go back to Chaisang immediately."

. . . . . . . .

As night fell, Liu Jing came to the Han River alone. His intensive training period had ended, and his physical strength had greatly increased. The next step was strength training. This was a long training process that would take at least three years.

Liu Jing looked to both sides. This is a gravel river beach to the west of Fancheng. It is rare and quiet, and it is a good place for practicing kung fu.

Liu Jing slowly pulled out his saber, staring at a small tree more than ten steps away, he shouted, and rushed out like thunder, the lightning struck out, and the sound of wind and thunder was hidden in the light of the saber.

'Crack! 'The small tree with the thickness of the mouth of the bowl was split into two sections with a single knife.

Liu Jing raised his head and let out a long breath. He practiced this knife for ten days before he finally mastered it. It seemed a simple knife, but it contained the essence of 24 attacks.

Including the change of power, it gives people an illusion, like a sudden thunder, it seems that it is not fast, but it is too late to cover your ears, this is the deep meaning of the change of wind and thunder, and it is not as fast as the thunder.

This is not the same as his previous martial arts, this knife made him finally step into the ranks of generals.

But Liu Jing also knew in his heart that this move was slightly weaker than the thirteen-style Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix Spear, mainly due to lack of strength. As long as he practiced a thousand catties of strength, and then used this move, it would be enough to fight against Zhao Yun. Contested.

The key is strength. He walked slowly to the river, and the next step is to start strength training. Back then, Zhao Yun’s training method was logging. After three years of logging, he gained supernatural power. Liu Jing’s training method is different, swimming , which was specially formulated by Yu Zhenren for Liu Jing in consideration of the abundance of water in the south.

Regardless of whether it was in the previous life or in this life, Liu Jing knew how to swim, and he was able to swim well. He took out a pill of Yi Jin Pill and chewed it in his mouth. Then he opened the small wine bottle and drank the spirit inside.

In just a moment, a raging fire ignited in his body, and he was scorching unbearably. He hid his clothes and pants on the bank, and then jumped into the rolling Han River.

. . . . . . . . . .

Two days later, Liu Jing finally got his first position in Jingzhou: Hanshui Tour Supervisor Cao, which is a position between the army and government affairs. It originally belonged to the Jingzhou Navy, and was later assigned to the local government. In Xiangyang County, it is directly under the jurisdiction of the prefect. Its duties are to inspect the Han River, arrest water pirates, inspect merchants to pay taxes, and maintain order on the river.

"There are three tourism payment offices on the Han River. You are in charge of the second tourist payment office, which is in charge of the section from Fancheng to Yicheng County. There are 120 men and more than [-] large and small boats..."

Xiangyang County Prime Minister Wang Ji personally led Liu Jing to take office. Wang Ji was about 30 years old, with a medium build, delicate features, and a gentle temperament. He was the brother of Wang Can, a famous scholar, and Liu Biao's son-in-law.

Liu Biao's eldest daughter, Liu Wan, married Wang Ke five years ago. The husband and wife respect each other as guests and are very affectionate. They have a son and a daughter. The eldest son is named Wang Ye, who is only four years old this year.

Wang Ke is also from Shanyang County, Gaoping County. Ten years ago, he took his brother Wang Can to escape to Jingzhou and was favored by Liu Biao.

Perhaps it was because of his fellow countrymen that Wang Ji was particularly enthusiastic about Liu Jing.

And Liu Jing has deliberately learned the dialect of his hometown from Uncle Meng for more than a month. Although his Taishan County accent is still relatively strong, there is already a little high-level accent in his words. .

The two of them rode to the official office of Youpay Office. Wang Qi pointed at the wharf not far away and said with a smile: "This is the east wharf of Fancheng, which is much smaller than the west wharf, but only official ships are allowed to berth. Have you seen it? Those ships are the official ships of your travel agency."

Liu Jing looked towards the surface of the water, and there were more than ten dilapidated small boats moored on the surface of the water. He couldn't help but slightly frowned, "Didn't it say that there were more than thirty boats?"

Wang Ji chuckled, "The other boats have gone to inspect the water surface, I have specially instructed that several subordinate officials should be here!"

The two walked a few more steps, and a few followers moved away from them. The smile on Wang Ke's face slowly disappeared, and he gave Liu Jing a meaningful look, "This position is not as simple as you think, I only have one thing to tell you." You, talk less and pay more attention."

. . . . . . . . . . .

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