Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 46 The choice of martial arts

Liu Qi's heart was instantly relieved by his father's words. It seemed that his father was not confused. He knew that Brother Jing was innocent, and it was only because of the difficult family affairs that he was in a dilemma.

"Father, Shaoyu really caused trouble first and destroyed all the items in Brother Jing's room, so it is understandable for Brother Jing to be furious. Father, my child thinks that it is mother's unfair treatment to drive him out of the house like this."

Liu Qi never dared to say that his stepmother was wrong. This time he mustered up the courage to accuse Mrs. Cai of being unfair in the accident. There was more or less dissatisfaction with Mrs. Cai's preference for her second brother.

Liu Biao sighed, "It's actually my intention to let Jing'er move out, but my original intention is to let him move out, arrange a house for him, settle the board and lodging, and then talk to him in detail, it's definitely not what happened today. In the end, to be honest, I am also very sad, he is my nephew after all, how can I explain to his dead father?"

"Then father... what do you plan to do?" Liu Qi asked as tactfully as possible.

Liu Biao was really difficult to deal with. He had gradually realized the conflict between his nephew and his wife, and he also understood that Liu Jing was unfairly driven away today, but. . . .It is impossible for him to fall out with his wife because of Liu Jing. The family affairs are difficult to resolve, and he feels it deeply.

After thinking for a moment, Liu Biao said, "Go and comfort him for me! Arrange food and lodging for him, and tell him that I know well and will not treat him badly in the future. Let him understand my difficulties."

"Boyer will definitely comfort him and arrange his board and lodging. Besides, Haier has another suggestion."

"What suggestion, tell me!"

"My boy, is it possible to find something for Brother Jing to do, for example, to arrange a job for him, so that it will be logical for him to move out, and it will not cause outside discussions, and he can also understand that his father painstaking pains."

"Do you think it's okay?" Liu Biao asked.

Liu Qi nodded, "He has participated in the battle to destroy Zhang Wu, and he is young and mature, he is completely qualified for ordinary military positions, and more importantly, he has made great achievements in killing Zhang Wu, and it is normal for his father to be appointed as an official because of his merit , no one will say anything."

Liu Biao walked a few steps with his hands behind his back. The eldest son Liu Qi's suggestion moved him. After thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "Okay! Let me think about this matter again."

. . . . . . . . . . .

Longzhong is about [-] miles west of Xiangyang. Going west of Xiangyang City, you can reach Tanxi after walking for seven or eight miles. After crossing Tanxi Bridge and walking westward for about ten miles, you can reach Longzhong.

Longzhong is located in the south of the Han River, only [-] miles away from Xiangyang. Although it has long been Liu Biao's territory, in the administrative division of the Han Dynasty, it belongs to Fancheng County, Nanyang County, on the other side of the Han River.

Therefore, in history, whether Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in Nanyang or in Xiangyang is the controversy. Zhuge Liang said in the list of teachers that he worked in Nanyang because Longzhong belonged to Nanyang County, but his life and social circle were all in Xiangyang.

Liu Jing arrived in Longzhong at dusk, and he found a clean inn in Longzhong Town to stay. To his relief, the Green Bamboo Temple was two miles west of the town, and everyone in the town knew it. easy to find.

"Young Master, this is your first time in Longzhong!"

The owner of the hostel is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is white and fat, has an amiable smile and is very talkative. He holds an oil lamp and leads Liu Jing to the room.

Liu Jing led the BMW and followed behind his master. He had already learned his lesson. His war horse needed to be taken care of by him personally and could not be handed over to the shopkeeper.

"Hmm! This is my first time in Longzhong."

"What do you think of Longzhong?"

"It is a good place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, beautiful scenery and simple folk customs."

"Hehe! Our Longzhong is not only beautiful, but also rich in humanities. The Lumen Academy of the Pang family is in Longzhong. Mr. Shuijing Sima Hui, Fengchu Pang Shiyuan, Wolong Zhuge Kongming, Xu Yuanzhi, Cui Zhouping and other famous northerners are all famous. Gathering in Longzhong.

On the tenth day, the streets of our Longzhong town are full of scholars. You are lucky today, and there are vacant rooms. If you come a few days earlier, there will be no rooms at all, and they are all occupied by scholars. "

"Why is this?"

"A few days ago, Mr. Shui Jing publicly recruited apprentices. Thousands of scholars came from all over Jingzhou. That is called lively, so the hostel is full, and even the Qingzhu Temple where the young master is going is also full of scholars. They all want to pay homage. Mr. Shui Jing is the teacher."

Liu Jing nodded. He also knew that there were more than a thousand celebrities from the north fleeing the war and came to Jingzhou, making Jingzhou the last piece of paradise for the northern gentry. Longzhong had Pang’s Lumen Academy, which made Longzhong the base camp where the northern gentry gathered. .

"Okay, here it is, my lord, please!"

The owner of the store led Liu Jing to a small courtyard, which was a single courtyard. There were two rooms in the courtyard, surrounded by a wall that was as high as a person. Liu Jing rented the courtyard for [-] yuan a day, which is not expensive. .

"Thank you, the shopkeeper, I'll take care of it tomorrow morning."

"Don't worry! At four o'clock tomorrow morning, I will wake you up."

The owner handed the oil lamp to Liu Jing and went back to the front yard. Liu Jing led the horse into the yard. The yard was very quiet. An old pagoda tree was leaning against a corner of the yard wall like a crooked old man.

Liu Jing simply blew out the oil lamp, and sat down on a big rock in the yard. He looked up at the bright stars in the sky, and his heart was very confused. Since he came to this era, his heart has never been peaceful.

At this time, he finally calmed down and carefully watched the night sky of the Three Kingdoms era. The night sky of the Three Kingdoms was no different from that of later generations. How many secrets are hidden in this endless universe?

A meteor streaked across the sky, and Liu Jing couldn't help but let out a low sigh, maybe this was another soul that traveled through 2000 years.

Is it possible for him to go back?

If he can't go back, what should he do in this era of gold and iron horses?

. . . . . . . .

Longzhong is located in the undulating mountains to the west of Xiangyang. There are more than a dozen pavilions and small towns scattered between the mountains and ravines. The folk customs here are honest and the roads are not picked up. It is like a paradise forgotten by the war.

Before the fifth watch arrived, Liu Jing rode a horse and appeared on a small road outside the Green Bamboo Temple. The place where spirit veins gather.

There were still more than a hundred steps away from the Taoist temple. Liu Jing got off his horse and led the horse forward slowly. It was the deepest night of the night, and there was silence all around.

Not long after, Liu Jing came to the Taoist temple. There was a small pine forest on the left side of the gate, and the outline of a pavilion could be seen faintly on the soil slope.

Liu Jing led the horse up to the mound, and from a distance he saw a thin figure in the pavilion. Liu Jing felt excited, and quickly approached the pavilion. There was an old Taoist priest sitting cross-legged in the pavilion. It was Yu Yu who met yesterday. real person.

Liu Jing let go of the horse, walked into the pavilion, knelt down, and kowtowed respectfully, "Junior Liu Jing pays homage to the real man!"

Master Yu slowly opened his eyes, smiled slightly and said, "Did you live in Longzhong yesterday?"

"Yes! This junior arrived in Longzhong last night. The gate of Xiangyang City will only open at about [-] o'clock. If you come here in the morning, you won't be able to catch up."

"troubled you."

Master Yu took out a small purple jade bottle from his bosom, poured out a longan-sized pill from it, and handed it to him together with a wine gourd, "Chew the medicine and drink it with wine."

Liu Jing was a little stunned, this is just the beginning, without any prelude, should I say something?

But his daze was only for a short moment, and soon he accepted the beginning calmly, there was really no need to say anything, everything was already in order.

Liu Jing restrained the excitement in his heart, took the pills and wine pot, he crushed the pills lightly, a strange fragrance came to his nostrils, there seemed to be musk in it.

He put the medicine into his mouth, lifted the wine gourd and took a few sips. The wine was unusual, an unbearable pungent rush into his mouth, like eating a ball of mustard, and his eyes and nose were filled with acrid air , choked him so much that he almost spat out, but Liu Jing still held back and slowly swallowed the medicine and wine.

When Master Yu saw that he had finished taking the medicine, a smile appeared on his face, yes, the child could bear it, it was a good start.

He took half of a brick from his side, and said with a smile: "There is another half of a brick outside the west city gate of Xiangyang, close to the city gate. Go and get it for me. I'll give you half an hour. Remember, it's only half a brick." time."

Liu Jing took a careful look at Brick's appearance, turned around and ran away. He only had half an hour to go back and forth for more than forty miles. This is like the half marathon schedule of later generations. He wants to run into the ranks of experts.

"Runs pretty fast!"

Master Yu walked to the pavilion with his hands behind his back, looked at Liu Jing running away from a distance, and showed a knowing smile on his face. Although the child didn't talk much, he was very smart. Intentions, children can be taught!

. . . . . . . . .

Liu Jing's whole body was burning like a fire, as if his internal organs were about to be burned to the ground. This kind of burning pain can only be relieved a little by running desperately.

At this time Liu Jing could not feel tired at all, he only had one thought, run!Run like hell!

In the darkness before dawn, a figure was running fast in the fields west of Xiangyang. . . . . .

After half an hour, Master Yu, who was meditating cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes again. In the hazy morning mist, he saw a figure rushing towards him from afar, holding half a green brick in his hand, his head was full of exhaustion. Sweating profusely, Master Yu showed a gratified smile on his face, yes, this child has passed the test.

. . . . . . . .

"I started accepting apprentices at the age of four or five, and gradually built the foundation and cultivated them, but unfortunately, among the thirty or so disciples I took in, only two succeeded in the end, and most of the rest became mediocre. Been to me for decades."

Later, I met Zilong. Unfortunately, he was 14 years old at that time and could no longer build a foundation from scratch, but I felt that he was destined for me, and I didn't want to give up on him, but how should I teach him?

This question was very difficult for me. For this reason, I thought about it for seven days and seven nights in Luofeng Temple, and finally came up with a bold plan. Maybe I can discover the unknown power in Zhao Yun's body.

Since then, I have used a brand-new method to train Zilong, and finally proved that I succeeded. It only took five years to train a young Orion boy to be the best in the world. Of course, this is not related to his superhuman talent. related.

Mr. Jing, you only started building your foundation at the age of 16, and Zilong was two years later. Although you also have extraordinary talents, your physique has grown, unlike Zilong who was still growing.

So the medicine I prepared for you is different from Zilong, more violent, I really can't guarantee success, you need to make a decision, are you willing to take this risk? "

In the pavilion, Master Yu stared at Liu Jing, his clear eyes were full of sincerity.

"What will happen if you fail?" Liu Jing asked in a deep voice.

"If you fail, you will be paralyzed in bed for the rest of your life."

Liu Jing nodded without hesitation, "I would rather die than spend the rest of my life mediocre."

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