Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 31 Black Dress Girl

As night fell, a small oil lamp was lit in the tent, and the light flickered on and off. Liu Jing sat cross-legged and carefully looked at the golden hairpin in his hand.

The girl in the red cloak left a deep impression on him. On the one hand, she has a clear love and hate, and she does everything she can. Although she is reckless and reckless in her actions, he doesn't expect much from an eleven or twelve-year-old girl. Be sane and calm.

On the other hand, she was ruthless, she was killed with a single sword, and it was hard to imagine that she was just an eleven or twelve-year-old girl.

On the head of the gold hairpin is engraved with the word 'ren', which is probably the girl's name, called Ren, but I don't know her surname, and I don't know who she learned her martial arts from. At first glance, it looks like the martial arts of killing people on the battlefield. Concise and nothing redundant.

Moreover, Liu Jing saw that the maiden's sword was forged by a famous master. It cuts iron like mud and is extremely sharp. It is definitely not something that ordinary people can hold.

At this time, Zhao Yun's voice came from outside the door, with a hint of blame in his tone, "It's time to practice martial arts!"

Because of the Xingchun Bridge incident, Liu Jing was really disturbed, and he was not in the mood to practice martial arts. Since Zhao Yun came to call him in person, he had no choice but to get up, grabbed his spear and left the camp.

Outside the big tent, Zhao Yun was riding on a horse, his eyes blamed him for his laziness, and he was leading another horse beside Zhao Yun. Liu Jing stepped forward and smiled and said, "Brother, do you know what happened in Wuchang City this afternoon?"

"You mean, the Xingchunqiao case?"

Zhao Yun had already heard about this matter from the soldiers. He glanced at Liu Jing and asked with some doubts, "Does that matter have something to do with you?"

Liu Jing nodded, "That's exactly what I did!"

Zhao Yun looked at him calmly for a moment, then said calmly: "No matter what you have done, I don't want to ask about it. I only care about one thing, teaching you martial arts, and now I will teach you how to ride a horse."

He threw the reins of the horse to Liu Jing, "Get on the horse!"

Surprised and delighted, Liu Jing finally taught him how to ride a horse. He followed Zhao Yun's example and stepped on one side of the stirrup slowly to get on the horse. Fortunately, the war horse was very docile, so he got on the horse smoothly.

Liu Jing slipped his feet into the wooden rope circle again, stabilized his body, and Zhao Yun shook the reins, "Follow my posture, first practice riding skills, and then practice fighting on horseback later,"

The two, one in front and one behind, walked slowly towards the distant training ground in the dark night.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

The city of Wuchang was in chaos. Groups of soldiers from Huang Zu's trilogy were running in the streets. Hotels, taverns, brothels and other public places where people gathered were searched one by one, and a young lady in red with two swords was arrested. There were noises, shouts and curses one after another, and the city of Wuchang was in a commotion.

Near the water gate, there is a large-scale private hotel called "Shuilu Taoshi". hostel.

Private hotels provide room accommodation, as well as rice and firewood, but they need to cook by themselves, so most of the travelers who stay in the hotel go to eat in taverns outside and don't return until evening.

This private hotel is an inn opened by Dow Commercial Company in Wuchang County, but it is not open to the public, and it is only for the people of Dow Commercial Company to rest and live. It is a kind of internal hotel.

At this time, in a room in the backyard, the middle-aged man was full of anger, and he slapped the table to reprimand the girl in the red cloak, "How did you promise me that you would never cause trouble? What did you do? More than a dozen lives! How could you do it!"

Although the girl lowered her head, her expression was not convinced. She muttered: "Brother led thousands of troops and killed more than a dozen people. Why can't I kill them?"

"shut up!"

The middle-aged man was even more angry, and he slammed the table, "Is this the same thing? If you don't like it, you can go out now and kill anyone you see. You can kill thousands of people in one night, so you can kill them too." You can be as famous as your brother, why don't you go."

When has the girl ever been reprimanded like this, she bit her lip, her eye circles were a little red, and she said in a trembling voice: "How can I just...kill innocent people indiscriminately, the dozen people I killed today...are all People who bully good people are evil people. Master and elder brother have said that we should do our best to get rid of evil. If we let them go, they will hurt more good people. I...I did nothing wrong."

The middle-aged man sighed in his heart, he didn't know what to say, the girl regarded her elder brother as a god, and followed her elder brother as a model in every move, and her master, the old bhikkhuni of Biyun Temple who was famous for being cruel and merciless, taught by precepts and deeds !

Forget it, go back and tell her mother about this matter, there is nothing she can do.

After a while, he said helplessly: "Now I won't talk about whether you are right or wrong. Now we are in an enemy situation, but you are causing trouble. If your brothers and sisters are caught by the government, how can I explain to your mother and brother?" ?”

The girl could accept this accusation, she whispered: "Uncle, I know I was wrong, and I will never be reckless again."

At this time, a deep voice came from outside the house, "Grand Wu, I have news from my younger brother."

"Please come in!"

The door opened, and a young man about 30 years old walked in. His name was Tao Zheng, he was the second son of Tao Sheng, the head of the Tao family, and he was here to accompany them this time.

The middle-aged man said to the young girl: "Go! Learn from your fourth brother. They practice martial arts behind closed doors and stay at home. It's not like you. Go out and cause trouble!"

The girl forgot the sadness just now, and became mischievous in her heart again. She stuck out her tongue and ran away on tiptoe. The middle-aged man looked at her mischievous appearance and shook his head helplessly. After all, he was still a child!

Tao Zheng closed the door, sat down and said, "Let's talk about Xingchun Bridge first! Miss Ren is lucky, this time it actually involved Liu Bei's general..."

Before he finished speaking, a girl's surprised voice came from outside the door, "Is that the young general?"

Tao Zheng looked back in astonishment. The girl was actually hiding outside the door and eavesdropping. The middle-aged man's face darkened, and he shouted: "Aren, don't eavesdrop, go!"

The girl muttered a few words outside the door, pouted her lips, and walked away with an unhappy expression.

Tao Zheng heard her footsteps walking away, and then continued: "Right now the city is full of chaos, but because Liu Bei's generals are involved, the army and the government are still afraid to investigate."

The middle-aged man frowned, and asked again: "What is the background of the person who was killed?"

"The person who was killed was Huang Yi, the third son of the Huang family, Huang Zu's nephew. The matter has become a bit serious."

The middle-aged man's heart was in a ball, Huang Zu's nephew was nothing to him, the key point was Jingzhou, not Jiangdong, he pondered for a moment and asked, "Who is that general under Liu Bei?"

Tao Zheng shook his head, "I don't know, I just know that this person is very careful, he took care of Miss Ren's funeral, and then took the murder on himself, and the onlookers said he was a young general."

The middle-aged man pondered for a moment and said to himself, "Could it be Guan Ping, the son of Guan Yunchang?"

"I don't know about this, maybe it's an unknown young general."

The middle-aged man nodded and stopped asking about this matter. At this time, Tao Zheng said again: "There is also the matter about Mr. Su. Unfortunately, Mr. Su is not in Wuchang, it seems that he has gone to Jiangling."

The Mr. Su they mentioned is Su Zhen, the uncle of Huang Zu's deputy general Su Fei, who is also a big businessman and has a deep friendship with the Tao family. The middle-aged man came to Wuchang this time to get to know Su Fei through this Mr. Su. But not there.

The middle-aged man showed disappointment on his face. He came all the way, but Su Zhen was not in Wuchang, which made his plan come to nothing.

In this rebellion of Zhang Wu and Chen Sun, Su Zhen also played a disgraceful role. He was the bridge connecting Zhang Wu, Chen Sun and Soochow.

The middle-aged man frowned, "Isn't this person on good terms with Zhang Wu? Why did he run away at this critical moment?"

Tao Zheng smiled wryly, "Maybe he sensed that the situation was not good, and he was afraid of being implicated by Zhang Wu and Chen Sun's rebellion. I heard from people in his mansion that he left in a hurry this morning, which should be related to the arrival of Liu Bei's army."

"This is a bit troublesome." The middle-aged man paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back.

Tao Zheng said anxiously again: "Starting from this evening, the city gates have stepped up their search and security. Tonight we only searched hotels and taverns, but tomorrow we will search the whole city. I suggest that we leave the city immediately and go back to Chaisang to avoid the limelight. "

The middle-aged man nodded, out of safety considerations, that was all he could do.

. . . . . . . .

On the school field, Liu Jing was practicing equestrianism according to Zhao Yun's instructions. The horse he was riding was a nearly 30-year-old horse. The layman can also see its aging.

Zhao Yun felt a little apologetic, because he didn't have any spare horses, so he had to use this old horse to teach Liu Jing, but the old horse was docile and good at giving instructions, which was good for practicing horsemanship.

This is also true, Jingxiang is a water town in the south, and they are used to traveling by boat, unlike the north where they mainly rely on animal power, and there are indeed not many horses.

Liu Jing was a person full of curiosity about new things in his previous life. He learned to ride a bicycle without a teacher in the second grade of elementary school, and he still maintains this strong thirst for knowledge in this life.

He is extremely smart, and he learned how to ride a horse in just an hour, and he was able to ride a horse for a short distance. Zhao Yun is no longer surprised by his talent. If Liu Jing proposes to go out and run quickly , he wouldn't be surprised, there was nothing his little brother dared to do.

Liu Jing was very interested in riding horses. At the end of the Han Dynasty, there were stirrups, but they were only one-sided stirrups. They were mainly used for riding. .

In addition, the saddle also appeared with a double upturned saddle with a low center and two high ends, which can prevent people from slipping off the horse's back. This is the prototype of the Takahashi saddle.

In fact, as early as the Western Han Dynasty, horse gear suitable for marching and fighting appeared, including saddles and foot covers. It was only from the Xiongnu that there was a large-scale appearance of cavalry in the Han Dynasty.

In the Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Gaoqiao saddles and double stirrups began to be widely used, and heavy armored cavalry appeared.

The Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty was a critical period for the evolution of horse gear. Although it was not fully mature, it was already practical, so Cao Cao's tiger and leopard cavalry, sudden cavalry and other cavalry troops appeared one after another.

Of course Liu Jing knew the advantages of Takahashi's saddle and stirrup, and even the horseshoe that only appeared in the Song Dynasty. At this time, the horseshoe was wrapped with thick animal skin.

But Liu Jing knew in his heart that even if he knew something, he couldn't do it. Once it was done, the real beneficiary would be Cao Cao in the north, not them.

While practicing, a fire suddenly ignited on the side of the camp, and countless torches were lit, and an officer was faintly heard ordering, "All soldiers, stand up."

. . . . . . . . . .

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