Two days later, the [-] main army led by Xiahou Dun arrived at the Han Army Dazhai, and set up a company camp about three miles away from the Han Army Dazhai. Xiahou Dun stood on a small mound, overlooking the huge Han Army Dazhai from afar. There was an indescribable blockage in his heart. The fact that the Han army could not build such a large village in just two or three days could only show that they had been prepared for a long time.

After a while, Xiahou Dun said bitterly: "Liu Jing wants to fight a protracted war with me, but unfortunately he made the wrong idea!"

Xiahou Dun turned his head and shouted at Guo Huai: "General Guo, you can lead your headquarters to attack the Han army Dazhai from the east."

Next to him, Zhang Liao quickly suggested: "General, now that the Han army is condescending, our army's strong attack will inevitably cause heavy losses. It is better to take advantage of the cover at night and order the cavalry to lay a ramp for the posts first, and launch an attack tomorrow!"

Guo Huai also agreed: "Wen Yuan is right, please think twice!"

Xiahou Dun is also an experienced general. Although he is politically ambitious and lacks tolerance, he can follow the advice of his generals when he leads the army to fight. Zhang Liao is indeed right. Xiahou Dun nodded and accepted Zhang Liao's suggestion. Then he ordered: "Build three more [-]-foot piers to install trebuchets!"

In the afternoon of that day, [-] Cao troops packed soil with cloth bags in an abandoned river channel not far from the camp, and prepared to lay the ramp at night. The earth mound is going to be used to install trebuchets and attack the camp of the Han army from a high position. This is the tactic used by Cao Jun and Yuan Shaojun in the decisive battle against Yecheng in the sixth year of Jian'an. They built a [-]-foot-high earthen platform and used thunderbolt chariots to attack Yuan Jun from a high position. Occupied the offensive advantage.

But history will not repeat itself, and the Han army is not Yuan Shaojun. The Han army's trebuchet technology far exceeds Cao Jun's. The Han army's giant trebuchet can throw a hundred catties of heavy stones four hundred steps away, which is better than Cao Jun's largest trebuchet. The range of the gun is a hundred steps farther.

Just as the soldiers of Cao Jun were moving stones to build the foundation, the trebuchets of the Han army deployed in the south of the camp suddenly launched. Forty trebuchets sent out boulders in succession. Unable to dodge in time, his skull was shattered and his body was covered in blood and flesh. It was horrible, and the foundation just laid was completely destroyed by the roaring boulders.

Xiahou Dun was furious, and ordered: "Build a trebuchet and attack the Han army camp at night!"

At this time, the sun had already set on the horizon, the sunset glow in the sky disappeared, and it turned into blue-grey. The night gradually fell. Liu Jing stood on the sentry tower, observing the movement of Cao Jun's camp. Although the twilight was dim, Liu Jing still vaguely saw Cao Jun's camp. The huge black shadow standing inside should be Cao Jun's trebuchet.

Liu Jing turned back to Sima Yi and asked with a smile, "How long does Zhong Da think we need to hold on?"

Sima Yi smiled and said: "It depends on how much risk your highness is willing to take. If your highness is willing to take [-]% of the risk, you might as well send someone to fight and make an appointment for a decisive battle between the two armies. Maybe this is exactly what Xiahou Dun wants. If your highness wins seven If you have more chances of winning, you have to wait patiently and hold on to the various attacks of Cao Jun. Once General Zilong captures Yedu, Cao Jun's power is gone, and naturally he will not want to fight."

Liu Jing laughed at himself and said: "I proposed this plan first, but I couldn't hold on to it myself. Zhong Da is right, I have to calm down and wait."

Night had completely fallen, and the night was pitch black. Zhang Liao led [-] cavalry in ambush in a forest several miles away. All the horses had their hooves covered, and none of the cavalry carried spears. Each of them only carried a sword and a shield. Each soldier carries three bags of dirt.

Their task is to use the speed of the cavalry to fill in an attack ramp in the east under the cover of the trebuchet battle in the south. Of course, only 20 bags of soil are not enough. Zhang Liao estimated that at least [-] bags of soil are needed, that is, It takes them back and forth three times.

Zhang Liao waited patiently. His gaze was looking far to the south. At this time, in the moonlight, he faintly saw Cao Jun's huge trebuchet slowly moving forward. His heart couldn't help tightening. If Cao Jun's fire attack If it works, maybe they will be able to break through the Han army camp tonight.

"Keep quiet and wait for my order!" Zhang Liao conveyed his order.

In the camp of the Han army, Liu Jing was also staring coldly at the Cao army's trebuchet that was slowly approaching in the distance. It was about a hundred steps away. With the speed of Cao's army marching northward, they could not carry such baggage. This should be their Made from improvised felled trees, this crude trebuchet was not durable and would take four or five shots at most.

At this time, the Han army was also actively preparing for the battle. All the large tents in the barracks were put away. This was to prevent Cao Jun’s fireballs from shooting into the barracks and causing a fire in the tents. , the fireball can be extinguished at any time.

The forty catapults of the Han army creaked and pulled up, waiting for the enemy to enter the range. Behind the catapults, eight thousand soldiers of the Han army were ready, and a ten-foot-long cowhide banner was placed on the ground. Propelling it high with a wooden pole will temporarily form a huge cowhide barrier, preventing Cao Jun's fireballs from shooting into the Han army camp.

Cao Jun's trebuchets were getting closer and closer. Huge wooden wheels rolled slowly on the flat ground. Each trebuchet was driven by 200 men, who were also soldiers operating the trebuchet. Cao Jun invested a total of 200 trebuchets. All of them were used to launch fireballs. Xiahou Dun was very aware of the counterattack force of the Han army, and he could only use his large number of advantages to win the opportunity to launch them.

Cao Jun's trebuchet finally entered the range of the Han army's trebuchet, and the soldiers shouted in unison, speeding up the advance of the trebuchet. At this moment, there was a muffled bang in the Han army's Dazhai, followed by the sky. Dozens of small black dots appeared, making strange whistling noises, and smashed towards the top of Cao Jun's head. Cao Jun's soldiers screamed in horror and hid behind the trebuchet one after another.

There was only a loud bang, and a dozen trebuchets were hit by the giant. Suddenly, the brackets broke, the belts broke, and the tall body collapsed. Incessantly, more than a thousand soldiers of Cao Jun couldn't bear this huge fear, and they ran back shouting and yelling.

The first round of attack by the Han army resulted in the destruction of fifteen trebuchets of the Cao army, but the soldiers of the Cao army took advantage of the brief launch gap of the Han army's trebuchets and pushed the trebuchets forward again. After walking less than twenty steps, the sky was clear. There was a strange howling sound, another round of boulders whizzed and hit Cao Jun's soldiers on the top of their heads

When the trebuchet battle started between the two sides in the south, Zhang Liao finally waited for the opportunity to send troops, and he shouted in a low voice, "Let's go!"

The [-] Cao cavalry suddenly mobilized, and the black cavalry rushed out of the forest and rushed towards Hanlonggang. Although the four hooves of the horses were wrapped in thick sackcloth, the huge energy emitted by the [-] cavalry still made the ground tremble. Immediately alarmed the defenders in the eastern military village.

There were about [-] defenders in the eastern army village, commanded by the general Jiang Qin. Jiang Qin received a report from a sentinel and found a large number of Cao cavalry under the moonlight. He also felt the earthquake. On the one hand, Jiang Qin sent someone to report to the Han king, On the one hand, he ordered the soldiers of the Han army to prepare bows and crossbows for defense, and at the same time, the [-] catapults deployed in Dongzhai also started to activate.

The cavalrymen of the Cao Army rushed in like a frenzy, and the catapults of the Han Army also took the lead. Huge boulders were thrown and smashed at the cavalrymen of the Cao Army who were running. The boulder fell to the ground with a bang, stirring up a cloud of dust, but Cao Jun's cavalry was too dense, and some cavalry were still hit or overturned by the tumbling boulder. The horses neighed and the cavalry fell to the ground.

The boulders thrown by the roar could not stop the cavalry of Cao Jun. They held up their shields high and rushed into the dense arrows that were shot like a rainstorm. Bags of soil were thrown under the hill, and soon a mound was formed. Hundreds of Cao troops clinging to the hill, this was a blind spot for the Han army to attack. On the ground, a narrow and long slope gradually appeared under the eastern hill of Hanlonggang.

Compared with the progress of the Cao army in the east, the trebuchet battle in the south was frustrating. Within a short distance of a hundred steps, the dense boulders of the Han army destroyed most of the Cao army's trebuchets. In the end, only thirteen Cao army's trebuchets entered the firing range. , Amid Cao Jun's deafening drumbeat, thirteen huge fireballs suddenly soared into the sky, drew thirteen beautiful curves, and rushed towards the Han army camp on the hill.

Eight thousand soldiers of the Han army raised their leather banners one after another, forming a leather curtain ten feet high and a hundred feet wide, covering the Han army camp behind. Xiahou Dun was stunned by the huge leather curtain that suddenly appeared on the hill. The originally hopeful eyes dimmed again.

Thirteen fireballs slammed into the leather curtain, bounced and rolled down the hill, but none of the fireballs could break through the leather curtain. Xiahoudun sighed, his tone full of disappointment. After the first round of attack, the flag died down, and the remaining thirteen trebuchets were all destroyed by the Han army, as well as Cao Jun's fire attack plan with great expectations.

In one night's battle, all the [-] heavy-duty trebuchets temporarily built by Cao Jun were destroyed. The [-] Cao troops who followed the trebuchets killed and injured more than [-] people. In the end, only one fireball broke through the leather screen and shot into the camp of the Han army. After receiving any effect, the fireball was extinguished by the soldiers of the Han army, which made Xiahou Dun understand the fact that the fire attack would not have any effect on the Han army.

However, although the fire attack failed, the cavalry led by Zhang Liao in the east succeeded. After more than a thousand cavalry were killed or injured, a ramp with a width of five feet and a length of more than twenty feet appeared in front of the east hill. Finally opened an offensive gap.

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