New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 81, the suppressed airport

() "Sir, those American planes are following us again."

Hashimoto looked back, and saw that those American fighter jets had really followed.Why are these guys so wretched?Can't they compete honestly with the imperial army?

But Hashimoto also understands that there is really no good way to take these wretched guys by himself.After the chase just now and the orders he received afterwards, Hashimoto's feverish mind calmed down.Now Hashimoto also wants to understand, the ki-43 is too slow, it is impossible to catch up with the opponent, the opponent does not speed up, just throw them away, but take them slowly, there must be something wrong.Somewhere ahead, there must be a large group of Americans waiting for them in ambush.And now, these American planes have followed.This is not a good sign, which can only be explained as: they were ordered to hold themselves back so that the fleet that was about to ambush them could catch up.

Although eager to compete head-on with the American ghosts and animals, although the Japanese army has always had an advantage in the battles-at least in Myanmar, the exchange of air combat has always been more beneficial to Japan.Although Hashimoto has great confidence in himself and his comrades-in-arms' technology, the Americans put on such an active stance of seeking combat, and even when ambushes are impossible, they are still actively seeking combat.Such an attitude cast a shadow over Hashimoto's mind—there must be a lot of American planes nearby, which may have formed an overwhelming advantage over his own fleet in terms of number.Otherwise, the unusual behavior of the Americans would be difficult to explain.

"Keep heading and climb to 4000 meters at the same time." Hashimoto issued a new command to the fleet.

Keeping your heading allows you to get closer to the airfield, which makes it easier to get reinforcements.And climbing is preparing for the air battle that may happen at any time. The ki-43 is not good at speed, if the height is still at a disadvantage, it will be very difficult to fight.


"Sir Ron, the enemy planes are climbing rapidly." A staff officer came to report to Ron.

"The enemy plane first gave up the pursuit, turned to return, and then climbed rapidly, which shows that they have foreseen our actions. However, although they can no longer rely on the advantage of altitude to attack, it is still possible to use the advantages of speed and numbers. A dozen." Ron thought silently in his heart.Suddenly he remembered something and asked:

"Is there any safari formation near Myitkyina Airport?"

"Yes," a staff officer replied, "Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck haven't broken the radio silence yet, they should still be around."

"Inform them that a group of Japanese fighter jets will probably take off soon, so go over and watch them."


Myitkyina Airport

Two ki-43s lined up at one end of the runway.

When Kato ordered Hashimoto to return, he expected that they might be besieged by American aircraft with superior numbers. Therefore, after issuing that order, he immediately ordered the remaining Ki-43s to take off and prepare for support. Hashimoto.At the same time, Kato still has a dream in his heart, that is, to use this big air battle to give the Americans a head-on blow when they just launched this air offensive, and completely destroy the morale of the Americans.However, the sneak attack by American fighter jets on the airport in the morning still put a lot of pressure on Kato. If he was attacked by American fighter jets when the large group took off, the loss would be great.So he decided to take off several planes in advance to protect the airspace near the airport, and then carry out high-intensity large-scale takeoffs.

The propellers of the first Ki-43 began to spin, and a puff of light blue smoke sprayed out from the rear of the nose.Then the sound of the engine became rapid and high, and the ki-43 began to slide at high speed on the runway.

"Bodhisattva bless you, don't let an American plane come out of nowhere now." A ground crew member said this out of nowhere.

"Slap..." A slap was slapped heavily on his head, "What nonsense! You damn crow mouth! Bah bah!"

However, the "crow's mouth" didn't seem to take effect, and the ki-43 took off smoothly, and it quickly climbed to a height of about 700 meters.And not only this one, another ki-43 also flew up, and it was able to keep up with the first ki-43 immediately.

"There are two planes already in the air, so it's much safer now." Looking at the fighter planes that were circling while continuing to climb, many Japanese breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Then, two more ki-43s completed their preparations and began to roll on the runway.The pilot pushed the throttle to the end, and the plane began to accelerate.

"Enemy plane found!" The two ki-43s that had already taken off issued a warning and began to fly towards the south of the airport.It's almost noon now, and the sun is hanging south of the airport.

Anti-aircraft gunner Hideki Koizumi quickly pointed the muzzle of the 20mm gun to the south. The strong sunlight dazzled his eyes. He squinted his eyes and faintly saw a few shadows shaking.It's just that he really couldn't see clearly, and of course he couldn't even fire.

The speed of the p-51 that swooped in was too fast, while the speed of the ki-43 was one of the slowest among the mainstream fighters of World War II.The two ki-43s that had already taken off could no longer intercept enemy planes in any other way than to attack them head-on.However, the firepower of the ki-43 is very weak, with only two 12.7mm machine guns, and the firepower is not even as good as zero combat.Moreover, the performance of Japan's 12.7 machine gun is not satisfactory.In addition, the plane itself is not too strong.It is indeed not a good choice for ki-43 to confront she head-on.

But at this time, this is the only option.The Japanese pilots flying the Ki-43 knew that if the American fighter jets were allowed to rush over, the two Ki-43s taxiing on the runway at high speed and the pilots on them would be dead—the Americans could not even hit such a target miss.In contrast, although the chances of shooting down American fighter jets are not high, they can interfere with American aircraft.divert them from their intended course.The current speed of these P-51s is very fast, and the window time for shooting the target is actually very short. After deviating from the scheduled route, it may be too late to re-correct the route, thus opening fire on the fighter jets that are still sliding on the runway.

However, head-on interception is also very dangerous. First of all, the P-51 has powerful firepower. Not to mention that in this time and space, its firepower has been strengthened to four 1000mm guns with a firing speed and muzzle velocity of 20, even if it is the original 6 guns. .50 machine gun, that firepower is not comparable to ki-43.Coupled with the common lighter characteristics of Japanese aircraft (ignite as soon as a dozen is fired, every dozen must be ignited), and now the sun is behind the American aircraft (although not directly behind), the sun is aiming at the ki-43 that chooses to intercept. Hitting can also interfere.Facing her head-on is like dancing face-to-face with the god of death.

Without any hesitation, the two ki-43s rushed straight towards the roaring p-51.The two sides started firing when they were 800 meters apart-the Americans did this because they had such a long range when attacking head-on, and the Japanese did this purely to interfere with the Americans.

The planes on both sides were spraying bullets while rolling and dodging. The distance of 800 meters is very short for the fighter planes facing each other.But in just a few seconds, the two sides passed by each other.

In the confrontation just now, George, the leader of the Mickey Mouse formation, took two bullets from his p-51, but luckily none of them hit the vital point.But his opponent was not so lucky, George hit it with at least two 20mm shells, one of which sliced ​​off a small section of its wing, and the other set it ablaze.If nothing else, this plane can basically be counted as being shot down.

Wingman Terry's plane was not hit in the confrontation just now, but he also failed to hit the opponent. Everyone was doing barrel rolls crazily, and as a result, the bullets fired did not know where they flew.

In the confrontation just now, the Mickey Mouse formation deviated from the originally scheduled route. As a result, when they flew over the runway, they did not have time to attack the two Ki-43s that had just left the ground.

However, it would be too early to think that the two ki-43s are safe, because just behind the Mickey Mouse formation, two more p-51s roared down. There is a Donald Duck walking triumphantly.

The two ki-43s that had just flown up to a height of more than ten meters were knocked down by these two Donald Ducks without any room for resistance.Two more experienced pilots died bravely.Although the airport anti-aircraft artillery fired desperately, nothing was shot down.

The few P-51s that succeeded in the sneak attack rushed until they were out of the range of the anti-aircraft artillery before turning around. At this time, the Ki-43 that George had just hit also fell.However, the pilot successfully parachuted.The remaining lone ki-43 did not chase after it to seek death, but turned and climbed in the fire circle of the anti-aircraft artillery.This plane has just received Kato's order: to climb to a high place and monitor whether there are any American planes preparing to attack.And the driver, the American fighter jet, did not rush over again, and they also began to circle and climb outside the fire circle of the small-caliber antiaircraft gun.

At this time, those large-caliber anti-aircraft guns that had always been unresponsive finally came to their senses, and they began to fire at the four P-51s.In fact, the firepower of these anti-aircraft guns is very sparse, plus whether there are high-tech gadgets such as radio fuzes.The threat to fighter jets is fairly limited.But the American fighter jets that had taken advantage of it did not intend to take risks. They turned their heads without hesitation and flew into the distance.

At this time, through the radio, Hashimoto sent back the latest news-the discovery of a large number of U.S. fighter jets.The number of aircraft is estimated to be more than twice that of our own side.

Kato knew that because of the sneak attack of these American planes just now, the whole airport was in chaos again, and it must be too late to launch a group of planes to support Hashimoto now.As a general who has experienced many battles, he knows very well that in air combat, on the premise that other factors are roughly equal, the side with the superior number will have a great advantage, and when the number ratio reaches two to one or more At that time, there will almost certainly be a one-sided crushing situation.But now he can't do anything except pray for Auntie Amaterasu's blessing for them. <.book263223.html

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